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Good morning.

My name is Risna Barus, I am from the Faculty of Social and Political

Sciences, Department of Communication Science with a concentration in
Broadcasting. Here I will discuss the science of communication.

Communication is an activity to convey information, be it messages, ideas, from one

party to another, which is carried out directly or indirectly.  This communication
activity can be done in two ways, namely:
1. Directly, namely verbally
verbally to make it easier for both parties to understand each other.
2. Indirectly, namely through certain media, such as body language, writing,
telephone, radio, and so on.

3. Internal Communication
Internal communication is communication within the scope of the organization
where interactions occur only between individuals within the organization.
Internal communication can be divided into two parts, namely:
· Vertical communication;  orders from superiors, warnings, directions, and others.
• Horizontal communication;  discussion or exchange of ideas between members of
the organization in the same positions
4. External Communication This is the type of communication that an organization
makes to the public, for example press conferences, exhibitions and publications, TV
and radio programs, social services

some of the goals of communication:

5. In order for the communicator to be understood communicant. The first purpose
of communication is to ensure that the information or message from the
communicator can be understood by other people (communicant). Therefore, the
communicator must convey the main message as clearly as possible to the
6. In order to get to know other people With the interaction and communication,
everyone can recognize and understand each other.  The ability to hear / read /
interpret other people's messages properly is important in communication activitie.

7. In order for the Opinion to be Accepted by Other Persuasive communication is

often done to convey someone's ideas or ideas to others.  The goal is for these ideas
and ideas to be accepted.

Thankyou for your attention. See you.

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