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My step sister

By Diana the Valkyrie

All in the family

Mom passed away from cancer, it was a terrible time for all of us, especially dad. We
missed her terribly, but life goes on, you know? So when, a couple of years later, dad
announced that he was going to marry again, my sister and I were very pleased for

What we hadn't expected (although I suppose we should have) was that our new mom
brought her own family. Specifically, her daughter, Emily.
New-mom was middle-aged, about 40 I guessed, and five foot six, and cute for
someone her age. Emily was very late teens, nineteen in fact, and six foot eight.

Yes. A full fifteen inches taller than me. And big; not just tall, but also wide and
deep. She had to duck going through doors, and you almost felt like she would need
to turn sideways to get her shoulders through our door. Except that if she turned
sideways, the fullness of her bosom would make it even more difficult to get through.
But she wasn't quite that large, and apart from ducking (which she'd gotten used to by
now) she could fit through a door fairly easily.
I have a bit of a thing about big, strong girls, and Emily was the epitome of the type.
And she wasn't shy about it, either. She stood straight and proud, and in her five inch
heels, she just towered over everyone. When she came into a room, she was preceded
by her nipples by a couple of feet, and she didn't mind showing off her muscles,

The first day she arrived, she took me by the hand (it felt like I had my hand stuck in
a vice) and led me outside to where my car was parked. "That's my spot," she said. I
disagreed. "I've always parked there," I explained. "Things are changing around
here," she told me, and she strode up to my car, lifted the side and rolled it onto its

I was aghast. That car weighs about 3000 pounds. Even allowing for the fact that by
lifting one side, she was only (only!) lifting 1500, and allowing for the fact this was a
dead lift, not an overhead - that was seriously impressive. And my dick agreed as it
pressed against my underpants.

"You understand?" she asked. "Yes," I mumbled. "I can't hear you," she said, coming
dangerously close to me. "I understand," I said. "No, I don't think you do," she said,
"I'll have to explain this more fully."
One of those big legs flashed out, she kicked me in the belly. Suddenly, I couldn't
breathe and all the pain in the world was radiating from my abdomen. I sank to my
knees, but she grabbed me by the collar, lifted me up, she went to one knee and she
dropped me on the upright knee. More pain.

I was helpless from her kick - I felt her tearing off my trousers and underpants, and
then her hand came down against my bare arse. I thought things couldn't get any
worse, but the spanking she delivered was both painful and humiliating. Through my
tears, I could see my sister Teddy watching from the house. Soon, everyone would
know about my indignity.

Eventually, she rolled me off her knee, and left me lying on the grass, sobbing with
agony and mortification. "Now you understand," she said.

As soon as she left, Teddy rushed out. "What a bully," she said. She had a tub of
cream, which she rubbed into my arse; the pain from that was almost as bad as that
from the spanking. "Keep still," said Teddy, "How can I tend to you if you keep
"What's that you're using?" I asked. "It's called Lion Balm, Emily gave it to me for
you. Its main ingredient is capsicum."

I screamed. No wonder it was hurting more. Teddy was rubbing red hot pepper into
my sore arse. "Phil, keep still. This is for your own good. Emily did say it would
sting a bit at first, but when the pain relief kicks in, you'll be glad of it."

I heard a voice from far above. "Is he giving you trouble, Teddy dear?" asked Emily.
"He won't keep still." "I'll hold him steady, you rub in the Lion Balm."

I found myself upside down, gripped by Emily's powerful thighs, while she twisted
my arms into a painful hammerlock. "That's better," said Teddy, as she continued to
rub the hot pepper into my tender flesh.

Eventually, Teddy had slathered the cream onto my skin, which was now burning hot
and inflamed. Emily released me from her leg prison, and Teddy helped me back to
the house. I lay on my bed, face down. I wasn't going to be able to sit, or even lay in
any position other than prone for a long time.

I wondered how I was going to get my car back onto four wheels, and how to explain
to my sister Teddy that capsicum was another word for pepper, and that far from
easing my pain, she's made it ten times worse. Then I had a chilling thought - what if
Teddy already knew this, and did it anyway?

I slept a little that night, but my dreams were filled with a big hard hand descending
on my soft flesh, again and again. In the morning I went down to breakfast. "How are
you feeling," asked Emily, with a big grin. "Terrible," I replied. I ate standing up,
even the thought of sitting down made me wince. Teddy offered to put more Lion
Balm on me, but I gracefully declined.

That was my introduction to Emily. With very little effort, she had wrecked my car,
destroyed my self-esteem and recruited my sister.

It took me weeks to recover from the punishment from Emily. But eventually, I was
able to sit down, and I was able to explain to Teddy that capsicum wasn't a soothing
factor, it was an irritant. She was apologetic,"But Emily said it would help."
And then, one night, Emily came into my bedroom. I was scared, was she going to
deliver more physical abuse? But she seemed to be more in a conversational mood.
"I'm not an ordinary girl," she started off, and I thought, that's for sure. "You know
that there isn't just male and female? Facebook recognises 56 different genders, and
I'm probably one of them."

She explained to me that it was all about hormones. Her body flooded itself with a
large amount of testosterone, the male hormone. But it countered that with large
amounts of oestrogen. "If I feel that the testosterone is gaining ground, then I increase
the amount of sex I have with men; if the oestrogen is getting dominant, sex with
women helps keep it down."

"And right now?" I asked, but I already knew the answer. "Right now, I have too
much testosterone. That's why I made that unprovoked attack on you. And I'm sorry."

I was torn in two. Her vicious dominance of a few weeks ago, had woken in me
something that I hadn't known was there. I lusted after her powerful body, while at
the same time I was afraid that she'd hurt me even worse. "That's OK, I can see that it
wasn't your fault, it was your hormones."

She smiled, and nodded. "And now I need your help," she said. "I need to boost my
oestrogen, reduce the testosterone. I need to have a lot of sex with men." "My help?"
I asked.
She took off her dress and pulled back my bed coverings, exposing my naked body.
And I knew that either I was going to have consensual sex with her, or she'd rape me.
But my dick had already decided - I wanted this, I wanted it a lot. I was willing to
risk those powerful thighs around my body, if I meant that my dick could enter her
pearly gates and bring me to heaven.

She obviously needed to hit her testosterone really hard, because after she came to
orgasm, she rested for a few minutes, and then went at me again. Round about the
third or fourth time, I think it was actually rape, because I was in no condition to
consent. When eventually she released me from her leg prison and stood up, she
turned as she went to the door and said "See you again tomorrow."

I couldn't really decide whether this was too much of a good thing or not. On the one
hand, my newly-discovered love of muscle girls was being catered to - in spades. On
the other hand, I had several new bruises, and I'd already experienced a vicious

The next evening, she visited again - clearly this was going to be a regular thing. It
was wonderful while it lasted - and it lasted for hours and hours. She seemed to have
infinite stamina, whereas I conked out after ten minutes. So the first ten minutes were
great, but the next few hours were increasingly painful, humiliating and

Emily didn't care - she needed to balance her hormones. And I think it was working.
As the days went by, she became less aggressive, and somehow ... more female. And
I think her breasts for a bit bigger. And that was definitely an improvement - I was
getting less battered and bruised.
But then the pendulum swung too far - the oestrogen was taking over, and she knew
it. and so she changed tactics. I was no longer being visited in the evening for my
daily fuck, but the noises I heard from Teddy's bedroom, told me that she was getting
her hormonal balance from my sister.

That was confirmed by the smug look in her eyes the next morning at breakfast. "I'm
going to join a gym," she announced. I tried to look as if I didn't care while Emily
smiled at her, fondly. New-mom and dad were oblivious to all this. I thought, the
pendulum will swing back.

And, sure enough, Emily's dalliance with Teddy had brought out her aggressive,
testosterone-driven character. I found that out the hard way when I woke up one
morning to find myself being raped. I struggled, but she was just too strong for me -
and then my passion for powerful women kicked in, and I let her do what she wanted,
not that I had any choice.

Now Emily was getting sex from both Teddy and myself - but that wasn't a stable

New-mom had a small business going, she sold items for discipline. Paddles, canes
and even a cat-o-nine-tails in a purple velvet bag.

Handcuffs, silk ropes and other restraints; ball gags and, of course, whips. She
imported all this from some distant low-cost country, but low-cost also meant low
quality, and in order to maintain her reputation as a purveyor of quality products,
every single import had to be tested.

That was how I found out dad's secret - he also had a hankering after dominant
women. Because she used him as a test subject. She caned him, she whipped him, she
gagged and bound him. She even let the cat out of the bag, a vicious device for
flogging the unfortunate victim. Dad had put up with all this stoically, but then she
went too far. She told him about Emily and me, and about Emily and Teddy.

Dad's instinct to protect his offspring kicked in, and he went on strike. No more
product testing until Emily stopped shtupping Teddy and me. I could have told him
that this was a futile gesture; new-mom got Emily involved, dad was harshly
disciplined at the hands of a woman who could roll a 3000 pound car.

"I'm sorry," he whispered to me one day, "but what could I do?" If he tried to resist
being caned, Emily would put him over one knee and new-mom would apply the rod
with a will. And when she got too enthusiastic and broke a cane on dad, she'd say that
this justified all the product testing. "We can't send out defective goods," she said,
"our reputation would crash."

So that's where we are now. I'm being frequently raped by a six foot eight
superwoman, Teddy has been turned into a sex slave and hormone balancer and dad
suffers silently as a product-test dummy.
I love my life - and so do Teddy and dad.

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