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Data Journalism: Pitch document

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Mind Matters: Understanding the Impact of Technology on Male Mental Health

Lead: Mental health is a crucial aspect of any individual’s overall well-being that is often

ignored or stigmatized, particularly when it comes to men. In today's digital age, where

technology and social media play a dominant role in our daily lives, the impact of technology on

our mental health has become a growing concern. This impact can be especially pronounced for

men, who are often less likely to seek help for mental health issues. Studies have shown that

excessive technology use can lead to feelings of isolation, anxiety, and depression, especially for

men who feel pressure to maintain a particular image or to stay connected constantly (Karim et

al., 2020).

This data journalism piece aims to shed light on the impact of technology on male mental

health and to provide a comprehensive examination of the relationship between technology and

male mental health. Through a mix of written articles, visualizations, and expert interviews, this

piece will draw on data from mental health experts, academic studies, and surveys of men to

provide a clear picture of the challenges and opportunities that technology is bringing to male

mental health. The goal is to raise awareness of the impact of technology on male mental health

and to provide practical advice and resources that men can use to protect their mental well-being

in an increasingly digital world. With the rapid pace of technological advancements, men must

stay informed about the impact of technology on mental health and take proactive steps to

maintain their well-being in a digital age.

Idea and Format: The data journalism piece will examine the impact of technology on

male mental health. This issue has become increasingly relevant in today's digital age, where

technology and social media dominate every individual’s daily lives. Despite the many benefits

of technology, it has become clear that excessive use can have negative consequences on mental

health, particularly for men.

The piece will comprehensively examine the relationship between technology and male

mental health, drawing on data from mental health experts, academic studies, and surveys of

men. It will comprise several critical elements, including written articles, visualizations, and

expert interviews. The written articles will provide an overview of the issue and context for the

data and expert interviews. The visualizations will present the data in an engaging and easily

digestible format, using graphs, charts, and infographics to convey the relationship between

technology use and male mental health. Expert interviews with mental health experts will

provide valuable insights and opinions on the impact of technology on male mental health.

Data to be used: Data from sources such as the World Health Organization, the Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention, and academic studies on technology and mental health will

be used to provide an evidence-based analysis of the impact of technology on male mental

health. Additionally, the piece will use data from social media companies, such as Facebook and

Twitter, to examine trends in social media use and its effects on male users.

Potential interviewees

 Mental health experts

 Men who have successfully navigated the challenges of technology and mental health

 Representatives from organizations that focus on mental health and technology

 Digital experts who can provide practical advice on how to balance technology use with

mental well-being

 Men who have struggled with technology-related mental health issues can share their


This piece aims to raise awareness of the impact of technology on male mental health and

provide practical advice and resources that men can use to protect their mental well-being in an

increasingly digital world.



Karim, F., Oyewande, A. A., Abdalla, L. F., Ehsanullah, R. C., & Khan, S. (2020). Social media

use and its connection to mental health: a systematic review. Cureus, 12(6).

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