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Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 28(4):304–308, 2014

Ó 2014 by the Association of Avian Veterinarians

Coracoid Fractures in Wild Birds: A Comparison of Surgical

Repair Versus Conservative Treatment
T. Franciscus Scheelings, BVSc, MVSc, MANZCVSc (Med Aust Wildl), Dipl ECZM

Abstract: Medical records of wild bird admissions to the Australian Wildlife Health Centre at
Healesville Sanctuary were analyzed for cases of unilateral coracoid fractures with known final
outcomes. Forty-seven birds, comprising 13 species, fit these criteria. Of those birds, 18 were
treated conservatively with analgesia and cage rest without coaptation bandaging, and 29 were
treated with surgical correction of the fracture. Of the conservatively managed birds, 89% (16 of
18) were released back into the wild. Conversely, 34% (10 of 29) of the surgically managed birds
were released. Treatment success for release differed significantly between treatment groups (P ,
.001). Intraoperative death from concurrent trauma was the major reason that surgically treated
birds were not released. Given the high risks associated with surgical treatment and the high
success rate of conservative management, cage rest without surgery appears prudent when
managing coracoid injuries in birds.
Key words: trauma, coracoid, surgery, cage rest, rehabilitation, release, avian

Introduction with coracoid injuries treated both conservatively

and with surgical intervention.
The thoracic girdle of birds comprises the
coracoid and the scapula bones as well as the
Materials and Methods
fused clavicles.1,2 The coracoid bones act as
supporting struts for the pectoral limbs by The medical records of 2523 birds of common
connecting them to the sternum.2 This buttressing species admitted to the Australian Wildlife Health
prevents collapse of the thoracic wall that would Centre (AWHC), Healesville Sanctuary, between
otherwise occur during contraction of the pectoral January 2007 and June 2013 were examined.
muscles during downward strokes of the wings.1 Inclusion criteria were birds with unilateral cora-
Additionally, the coracoids help to suspend the coid trauma and a known final outcome. Birds
sternum during gliding, which supports the vis- with evidence of other trauma were excluded from
cera.1 analysis. Birds were selected to treatment groups
Coracoid injuries commonly occur when birds based on clinician preference for surgical or
crash into solid objects, such as walls, windows, or nonsurgical management. No consideration was
cars.3,4 They are more likely to occur with frontal given to species, weight, extent of injury, or clinical
collisions when the wings are fanned.4 Affected signs in selection for treatment group.
birds are unable to gain lift, and diagnosis is Birds were assessed for concurrent injuries by
confirmed by palpation of the pectoral girdle and results of a combination of routine physical
radiography.5 examination and test flying, examination under
Much debate surrounds the management strat- general anesthesia, and whole body radiographs.
egies for coracoid injuries in birds, with some For birds treated conservatively for coracoid
authors advocating surgical correction5–8 and injuries, general anesthesia was induced by face-
others recommending conservative treatment.9,10 mask with 5% isoflurane at the time of initial
This article describes the clinical outcomes of birds examination, and the injury was confirmed by
radiography (Fig 1). An intravenous bolus of
From the Australian Wildlife Health Centre, Healesville compound sodium lactate (2% of body weight;
Sanctuary, Healesville, VIC 3777, Australia. Baxter Healthcare Pty Ltd, Toongabbie, NSW,


Figure 1. (A) Ventrodorsal view of a laughing kookaburra with a midshaft fracture of the coracoid (arrow). (B) Lateral
view of the bird described in (A).

Australia) was then administered, and analgesia with their respiratory rate returned to the resting
was provided with a combination of tramadol (5– rate within 30 seconds.11
30 mg/kg [dependent on species] IM; Tramal 100, Treatment outcomes were analyzed by the
CSL Biotherapies Pty Ltd, Parkville, VIC, Aus- Fisher’s exact test. The a level of statistical
tralia) and meloxicam (1 mg/kg IM). Analgesics significance was set at P  .05. Comparisons
with the same drug combination were continued between species were not possible because of low
for 3 days after presentation but given orally twice individual numbers.
daily. Birds were confined to a small cage for 3
weeks with no bandaging or physiotherapy and fed Results
species-specific diets. All birds in this treatment Forty-seven birds satisfied these inclusion crite-
group were managed without regard to variables of ria. Species included in this study were laughing
patient size, wing loading ratio, or degree of kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae; n ¼ 11), rain-
fracture displacement. For surgical correction of bow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus; n ¼ 6),
coracoid injuries, initial triage was identical to that musk lorikeet (Glossopsitta concinna; n ¼ 1),
of the conservative treatment group. Birds were crimson rosella (Platycercus elegans; n ¼ 9), eastern
then stabilized for 2 days after presentation at rosella (Platycercus eximius; n ¼ 1), galah (Eolo-
which time surgery was performed by the methods phus roseicapilla; n ¼ 3), yellow-tailed black
described by Holz.5 Postsurgical care was then cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus funereus; n ¼ 1),
identical to that of conservatively treated birds. Australian magpie (Cracticus tibicen; n ¼ 4), tawny
After 3 weeks of convalescence, each bird was frogmouth (Podargus strigoides, n ¼ 7), southern
anesthetized and radiographed to determine the boobook owl (Ninox novaeseelandiae; n ¼ 1),
extent of callus formation and to assess fracture Australian hobby (Falco longipennis; n ¼ 1),
stability (Fig 2). For surgically managed birds, the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus; n ¼ 1) and
intramedullary pin was removed at this stage, brown goshawk (Accipiter fasciatus; n ¼ 1).
provided adequate healing had occurred. Each bird Of the 47 birds, 38% (18) were treated conser-
in both treatment groups then entered a period of vatively, whereas the remaining 62% (29) were
flight training and rehabilitation before release to treated surgically (Table 1). Of the birds treated
the wild. Birds were considered fit for release if conservatively, 89% (16 of 18) were released. The 2
they could complete 10 laps of a 10-m wind tunnel birds (11%) that were not released died within 24

Figure 2. (A) Ventrodorsal and (B) lateral views of the same bird described in Figure 1, at 3 weeks after admission.
Despite the obvious malalignment (arrow), the fracture was stable. The bird was able to fly well, and it was released 6
weeks after admission.

hours after presentation, despite triage. On post- lesions were consistent with those of birds that had
mortem examination, both birds had extensive free been treated conservatively and with those other
blood in the coelomic cavity and contusions to birds admitted to the AWHC, but not included in
both lungs. this study, that died because of thoracic trauma.
Of the birds treated surgically, 34% (10 of 29) Therefore, these lesions were not considered a
were released, 14% (4 of 29) were not released direct result of surgical intervention.
because of an inability to fly appropriately, and For all species examined, 3 weeks was adequate
52% (15 of 29) died intraoperatively. Postmortem time for stable callous to form, and no birds
examinations of deceased birds revealed a range of required further cage rest. Birds treated conserva-
soft tissue traumatic injuries that were the probable tively were more likely to be released than were
cause of intraoperative death. These soft tissue surgically treated birds (P , .001). The average

Table 1. Outcomes of wild birds with coracoid injuries treated at the Australian Wildlife Health Centre (Healesville,
VIC, Australia) from 2006–2013.

Conservative treatment, No. Surgical treatment, No.

Species Released Not released Released Not released
Australian hobby 1 — — —
Australian magpie 2 — 1 1
Brown goshawk — — 1 —
Crimson rosella 3 2 — 4
Eastern rosella 1 — — —
Galah — — 1 2
Laughing kookaburra 2 — 5 4
Musk lorikeet 1 — — —
Peregrine falcon — — 1 —
Rainbow lorikeet 2 — — 4
Southern boobook owl — — — 1
Tawny frogmouth 3 — 1 3
Yellow-tailed black cockatoo 1 — — —
Total (%) 16 (89%) 2 (11%) 10 (34%) 19 (66%)

duration of rehabilitation was 26 days (64.6 days) Surgical correction of coracoid injuries can be
for all birds, and there was no difference in difficult because patients are often further com-
duration of rehabilitation between treatment promised by substantial soft tissue injuries,3 which
groups (P ¼ .75). Duration of rehabilitation may increase the anesthetic risk. These traumatic
between species could not be compared because injuries include large volumes of free blood in the
of low individual numbers. coelomic cavity, punctures or tears to the heart,
lung contusions, and free blood in the respiratory
Discussion system (AWHC postmortem records). Other po-
tential complications associated with surgical
The surgical technique for repair of coracoid correction are advancing intramedullary pins into
injuries in birds has been well described and is the coelomic cavity and penetrating important
generally recommended for birds .300 g in body soft-tissue structures, damage to the shoulder joint
weight.1,4,12 In smaller birds, coaptation with a resulting in periarticular fibrosis, shoulder joint
figure-of-eight bandage to immobilize the wing to ankylosis, and impaired shoulder function.17 Al-
the body wall may result in adequate healing.4,12 though similar complications have been reported
However, prolonged immobilization of wings in to occur in cases of coracoid injuries managed
this manner may result in patagial contraction and without surgery, these sequelae were not observed
a decrease in elbow function.13 In this investiga- in any of the cases in this investigation.
tion, external coaptation was not applied to any In this investigation, the natural history of
patient. Absence of external coaptation did not individual species was not taken into account for
increase fracture-healing time nor did it result in a rehabilitation. Ideally, species-specific training
loss of function or hinder return to the wild. This regimes that accurately mimic wild flight patterns
method of treatment, without coaptation, com- and encourage birds to develop natural behaviors,
bined with 3 days of multimodal analgesia, resulted such as prey apprehension, should be used.
in rapid return to natural behavior in wild birds in However, given the myriad of species that are
this study, as evidenced by normal body posture presented to the AWHC each year for rehabilita-
and good appetite. Although some clinicians tion, this was not practical. Therefore, a standard
recommend bandaging and regular physiotherapy approach to rehabilitation, which has proven
for coracoid injuries, in this author’s experience, effective for 2 different avian species, was used.11
that method does not necessarily improve return to Further research, such as postrelease monitoring of
function for this type of injury. The large muscle rehabilitated birds, is required to ascertain whether
mass surrounding the coracoid bones in avian such practices result in good survivorship for all
patients likely provides enough stability to negate species.
the need for external coaptation. The results of this Given the propensity of coracoid injuries in
study indicate that analgesia and cage rest without birds to be accompanied by other traumatic
bandaging appear to be adequate methods of injuries and the risks that those injuries pose to
managing coracoid injuries in a variety of avian prolonged general anesthesia, recommending that
species. Future research should focus on the coracoid injuries be managed conservatively would
benefits of coaptation bandaging versus nonban- seem prudent. Standard principles of emergency
daging in management of coracoid injuries in medicine should be used for all birds that have
birds. acute traumatic injuries and should include fluid
Body size has been suggested 5 to be an support, analgesia, antibiotic therapy when appro-
inaccurate predictor of the success of conservative priate, and warmth.18–20 If birds survive the first 48
treatment for coracoid injuries in birds, whereas hours after traumatic coracoid injury, the results of
aspect ratio and wing loading have been suggested5 this investigation indicate that the prognosis for
as better indicators. The results of this investiga- rehabilitation and release are excellent when birds
tion do not support the first part of this hypothesis are treated with cage rest and pain management
because 4 of the species treated conservatively alone, without coaptation bandaging or surgical
(yellow-tailed black cockatoo, Australian magpie, intervention.
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