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One event that is celebrated throughout Spain is the Semana Santa (Holy

Week). Semana Santa is remembered through various activities, masses,

processions, living Stations of the Cross, among other Christian rites, which
bring together thousands of religious faithful to commemorate the events by
which Jesus Christ is recognised as the savior of humanity and son of God.

Semana Santa is the set of religious celebrations that take place during the
last week of Lent, between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, i.e. Easter Day.
The festivities commemorate the last moments of Jesus' life: Palm Sunday is
the day on which Jesus' entry into Jerusalem is celebrated, Maundy Thursday
is the date of the Last Supper, Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion,
Holy Saturday is a day of mourning, and finally Easter Sunday is the day of
the resurrection. It is obviously quite obvious that this is a religious event.

Speaking of who organizes Semana Santa and who decides when it will be,
it’s a bit curious, the moon determines the dates of Semana Santa, which can
cause variations of up to 28 days from one year to the next.

Semana Santa being something that is celebrated all over Spain, it’s difficult to
ignore. For people who come from abroad to visit Spain and are lucky enough
to know about this event, it's a good plan to join in the different activities that
happen throughout this week as whether you are religious or not, it’s always
fun to see this kind of thing and at no time will you feel out of place, that's for

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