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Research Design
The study will employ a case study methodology to explore how
extracurricular activities impact the social and emotional development of
students. By using a case study design, the research will delve deeply into one or
a few specific cases, offering comprehensive insights and a thorough
comprehension of the research subject. The study’s research design will utilize a
mixed-methods strategy, integrating both quantitative and qualitative
methodologies in order to acquire a thorough comprehension of how
extracurricular activities impact the social and emotional development of

Research Participants

The research will include a diverse sample of students from Kisante

National High School and socioeconomic backgrounds will be used in the
research will be used.

Sampling Method

To ensure the representative and generalizability of the results, choosing

the right sample us essential when examining the effects of extracurricular
activities on students development.

Locale of the Study

An urban public high schools in Kisante National High School has been
chosen as the study's site to examine how extracurricular activities affect
students' growth. A broad and representative sample of students from different
backgrounds and socioeconomic levels can be found because an urban public
high schools was chosen as the study's.
Research Instrument

Questionnaire for Investigating the Effects of Extracurricular Activities on

Students' Development Investigating how extracurricular activities affect students'
development is the goal of this study. Before answering, please carefully read the
instructions. Your participation is completely optional, and we will keep the
answers you provide confidential.

Section 1: Demographic Information Please provide the following demographic


1.) Gender:
[ ] Male [ ] Female [ ] Other [ ] Prefer not to say

2.) Age: _______

3.) Grade level: [ ] 9th [ ] 10th [ ] 11th [ ] 12th [ ] Other (please specify) _______

4. Are you currently involved in any extracurricular activities?

[] Yes [] No

Section 2: Extracurricular Activities Please answer the following questions based

on your involvement in extracurricular activities:

1.) How many extracurricular activities are you currently involved in? _______

2. What sort of extracurricular activities do you participate in? (Check the

applicable boxes.)

Sports (including swimming, and basketball)

Performing arts (including theater, dance, and music)

Clubs or organizations like the student council, debating club, or chess club

Academic enlivening activities (such as a coding club, a robotics club, or a

scientific fair)
Volunteering or community service

Other (please specify): ______

Section 3: Perception of Extracurricular Activities

Please grade the following statements from strongest agreement to strongest

disagreement on a scale of 1 to 5.

1 2 3 4 5

My involvement in extracurricular activities has
helped me develop my skills.

Participating in extracurricular activities has

enhanced my time management skills.

My participation in extracurricular activities has

increased my leadership potential.

Extracurricular activities have had a positive

influence on my interpersonal relationships with

Being involved in extracurricular activities has

generally aided my personal growth.

Section 4: Academic Performance

Please respond to the following inquiries about your academic standing:

1. How would you assess your academic performance?

Under average
[] Standard

superior to average

2. Do you believe your participation in extracurricular activities has had an

impact on your academic success?
[] Yes [] No [] Not sure
3. Please explain how extracurricular activities have affected your academic
position if you answered "yes" to the previous question.

Section 5: Open-Ended Questions Please respond succinctly to the following


1. How do you think extracurricular activities have affected your personal

2. What advantages do after-school activities provide for your general health?
3. Does participating in extracurricular activities have any drawbacks or challenges?
We value your participation in this research project. Our understanding of how
extracurricular activities impact students' development will be improved by your

Data Analysis

You can use a variety of statistical approaches and qualitative analytic

methodologies to undertake data analysis to look into how extracurricular
activities affect kid's growth.

Data Gathering Procedure

In data Gathering, we will request permission from the principal of

Kisante National High School. If the principal approves, we will proceed with
conducting and distributing our survey to selected participants among the
students of Kisante National High School.

Ethical Considerations

When conducting any procedure, it is crucial to prioritize the well-being,

autonomy, and dignity of the individuals involved. Ethical considerations play a
vital role in ensuring that procedures are conducted ethically and responsibly.
The procedure for addressing ethical considerations generally involves several
key steps. Firstly, it is important to identify the potential ethical issues and
concerns that may arise during the procedure. These can encompass areas such
as participant safety, privacy and confidentiality, conflicts of interest, informed
consent, fairness, and the potential for biases. Next, a review of relevant ethical
guidelines, codes of conduct, and professional standards should be undertaken.
Familiarizing oneself with these guidelines helps to establish a framework for
ethical decision-making specific to the field or context in which the procedure is
taking place, whether it be medical research, social sciences, technology
development, or business practices.

An assessment of the risks and benefits associated with the procedure

is essential. This evaluation should consider both the immediate and long-term
effects on individuals, communities, and society as a whole. The goal is to
maximize the benefits while minimizing potential harm or negative consequences.
Obtaining informed consent from the participants is a crucial step. It ensures that
individuals have a clear understanding of the procedure's purpose, potential
risks, anticipated benefits, available alternatives, and their rights. Creating an
environment that encourages participants to ask questions and make informed
decisions about their involvement is essential. Protecting privacy and
confidentiality is paramount. Appropriate measures must be implemented to
safeguard sensitive information, and the procedures for data handling, storage,
and sharing should be clearly communicated. Explicit consent should be obtained
if any data collection or sharing extends beyond the scope of the procedure.

Efforts should be made to minimize physical, psychological, social, or

emotional harm to the participants. Conducting a thorough assessment of
potential risks allows for the development of strategies to mitigate them.
Additionally, providing necessary support or resources to address any adverse
effects that may arise is crucial. To ensure fairness and avoid bias, the procedure
should be conducted in a fair and unbiased manner. Discrimination based on
factors such as race, gender, religion, nationality, or socioeconomic status should
be strictly avoided. Inclusivity and equal opportunities for participation should be
promoted. In certain cases, involving an independent ethics review board or
committee may be appropriate. Their expertise can help evaluate the ethical
aspects of the procedure and provide valuable input and guidance throughout the
process, ensuring that ethical standards are upheld. Continuous monitoring and
evaluation of the procedure are necessary to identify any emerging ethical issues
or concerns. Regularly assessing the ethical implications and effectiveness of the
procedure allows for necessary adjustments or modifications to be made.

Accurate documentation of the ethical considerations and decisions

made throughout the procedure is essential. Maintaining transparency by sharing
relevant information with stakeholders, participants, and the wider community, as
appropriate, ensures accountability and promotes trust. It is important to note that
while this outline provides a general procedure for addressing ethical
considerations, specific procedures may vary depending on the nature of the
activity or field involved. Consulting with experts or professionals in the respective
domain can provide more tailored guidance on effectively addressing ethical

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