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Model Answer

Q1: Write the scientific term to the following statements:

1. The language used to make your registration webpage interactive(Java script)

2. Statement used for displaying a dialogue box with message tothe user.(Alert Statement)
3. A button which is used to delete your data which you have entered .(Reset Button)
4. It is used to send your data which you have entered to another page. (Submit button)
5. Used to select only one choice inside form tag. (Radio Button)
6. Allow you to choose from many alternatives at the same time. (check box)
7. A set of orders that will be executed when we calling it and its name refer to its job.(Function)
8. Statements executed if the condition result leads to true. (If condition)
9. It is the process of ensuring that user input was checked.(Data validation)
10. .Code used to create static web page. (HTML)
11. Java script statements end with. (;)
12. Someone use other person name to use any information about him. (Identity Theft)
13. Programs that backdoor computer system. Its name is driven from Malicious Software.
14. It is computer programs that collect personal information of the users without their Consent.
15. It is a small program That's can spread itself to infect the computer and programs.(Virus)

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