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© The Journal

Contemporary Management Research

2014, Vol.8, Issue No. 1, 52 - 71.

Personal Care Products: Sales Promotion

and Brand Loyalty
Dr. Jayashree Dubey
Indian Institute of Forest
Management, Bhopal


Sales Promotion is increasingly becoming popular promotion tool for consumer

products. Lowering in the gap between quality of product of various brands has posed
a big challenge before the marketers to pull customers through advertising. This has
increased the use of sales promotion tools to push the product down the distribution
chain. Customers are increasingly getting deal loyal rather than brand loyal. Customers
have become so habituated to receiving incentives with the purchased product that
associated incentive has become a major factor in purchase decision making.
The present study deals with the impact of sales promotion on brand choice and brand
loyalty for personal care product among Indian customers. Major outcomes of the study
are that, as compared to older people, youngsters get more influenced by incentive
offers to shift brands. Brand shifting was found to be more prevalent in mature markets
having more competition, low brand differentiation, and in low involvement products.
The impact of sales promotion was found to be gender neutral.

INTRODUCTION product for reasons that may be as diverse as

fulfilling a basic need (e.g. detergents for
Promotion has become inevitable part of mar- washing clothes) to feeding psychological
keting to survive in today’s competitive business needs like enhancing glamour and esteem
environment. Companies are using all possible (e.g. high-end automobiles). Sales promotion,
promotional tools like advertising, sales promo- on the other hand, gives incentives to consum-
tion, personal selling, publicity and public rela- ers and traders with a short-term objective to
tions to maintain and grow their share in market. increase sales during the promotional period
Among all such strategies, advertising and sales and long term objective to retain customers
promotion are the two aggressively used strate- who buy the product under the influence of
gies that cater to the same objective albeit by promotional schemes.
different mechanism.
Sales promotion, as defined by the Institute of
Advertising is a popular promotional tool Sales Promotion, comprises the range of
adopted by companies to increase sales and techniques used to attain sales and marketing
build a brand by disseminating product informa- objectives in a cost-effective manner by
tion to customers. Advertising intends to culti- adding value to a product or service either to
vate a desire among its target audience for the intermediaries or end-users, normally, but not
2014 Jayashree Dubey 53

exclusively, within a defined time period. These economy. Hedonic benefits, e.g. entertain-
techniques are mostly short term, designed to ment, are more experiential and relatively
stimulate quicker or greater purchase of prod- intangible. They provide consumers with intrin-
ucts by consumers or trade (Blattberg and sic stimulation, fun and pleasure.
Neslin, 2000).
Comparing sales promotion and advertising,
Sales promotion can be broadly divided into two sales promotion is a better tool in gaining
types: consumer sales promotions and trade market share in short term. Customers
sales promotion. In case of consumer sales respond more positively to sales promotion
promotion, the incentive is given directly to than advertising due to direct and tangible
customers to motivate them to purchase the benefits that promotions offer to customers.
product. It is a pull strategy as it motivates Further, advertising is also slowly losing its
customers to approach selling points to buy the effectiveness due to rapidly swelling number
promoted product. of media players and consequent fragmenta-
tion of target audience. From companies point
On the contrary, trade sales promotion is a push of view too, result of sales promotion can be
strategy where incentive is given to intermediar- measured more accurately as compared to
ies, who operate between producer and end advertising since the sponsor company wants
user (e.g. wholesalers, distributors, agents and accountability for the money they are spending
retailers), to encourage them for putting extra for promotion. Thus sales promotion based
efforts in selling (pushing) the promoted product. strategies are increasingly attracting more
The ongoing “mad scramble” for shelf space share of company’s promotional budget. This
reinforces critical importance of trade sales is supported by AC Nielsen’s estimate that
promotion based strategies to achieve desired marketing expenditures split 60:40 in favor of
results (Uva 2000). promotions over media (Source: AC Nielsen
Home-scan, 2003 – France, Germany, Italy,
Success of sales promotion strategy is greatly Spain, UK). In many European countries
influenced by the nature of incentives. The promotional expenditure are larger than adver-
incentives offered under sales promotion can be tising expenditure (D'Astous and Jacob, 2002).
broadly divided into two types: Utilitarian and
Hedonic. Utilitarian benefits, e.g. price-off and While promotion might stimulate sales and
quantity discount, are primarily functional and increase sales revenues in short-term, gener-
relatively tangible. They enable consumers to ating long-term customer loyalty that sustains
maximize their shopping utility, efficiency and sales even after promotions go off is more
54 The Journal Contemporary Management Research March

important and desired outcome. However, there campaign. This has created an interest in this
are several challenges to foster long-term cus- topic and has motivated to study various
tomer relation. Faster copying of innovative aspects as outlined in later sections.
products by other companies has reduced the
profit duration an innovator enjoys. Product LITERATURE REVIEW
proliferation with shrinking effective differentia-
tion in terms of quality, product features, and Various studies have been conducted to
price, has made customers indifferent towards develop an understanding about various
at least top three or four brands in almost all issues related to sales promotion. Ailwadi
product categories (Drypen, 2006). Rothschild (2001) have mentioned that as compared to
(1987) in a study on behavioral view of effect of advertising, promotion has direct impact on
promotion on brand loyalty has mentioned that market share and induces customers to switch
brand loyalty is declining in many product to a brand by improving short-term attitude
classes that employ high level of sales promo- toward it. He also mentioned that heavily
tion but have few perceivable brand differences. advertised categories are less price elastic
Presence of self-service stores that provide while heavily promoted categories are less
customers an opportunity to evaluate all avail- deal and coupon elastic. As per Hallberg, a
able brands and associated sales promotion brand’s current buyers are the heaviest users
incentives has further increased consumers of price promotion who would have had a high
response to sales promotion offers. So the basic probability of buying the brand even without
question that more and more companies are the price incentive. He also specified that price
asking is: how promotional tactics can be made promotion focus on changing a single pur-
to generate long term customer loyalty. chase occasion rather than influencing a
brand buying habit. Price oriented promotion
To find answer, one needs to answer some have the ability to achieve short term results
basic questions that influence the interplay such as increasing market share, encouraging
between the promotions and target customers. brand switching and inducing product trial. On
For example, is the promotional strategy specific the other hand, non-price oriented promotions
or generic with respect to the product being like free samples, and frequent user programs
promoted? Does it identifies and addresses right etc. are adapted primarily to meet long term
customers? Does it take into account the socio- objectives as enhancing brand image or
economic diversity of customers? Unheeded, increasing brand loyalty (Lee, 2002). Monetary
such factors have potential to throw serious promotions are perceived as offering more
challenges for the success of any promotional saving and more opportunities to upgrade to
2014 Jayashree Dubey 55

a higher quality product but provide less enter- ing buying behaviour of 88% and 79% of
tainment and fewer opportunities for exploration consumers’ respectively. Wherein, competi-
(Chandon and Wansink, 2000). tions and exclusive offers which require
payment and proof of purchase influence less
If consumers associate promotions with inferior than a quarter of consumers (MAPS, 1998).
brand quality, then to the extent that quality is Women and young people are more influ-
important, a price promotion might not achieve enced by any type of sales promotion. Unlike
the extent of sales increase the economic other consumer promotions such as coupons,
incentive otherwise might have produced. Pro- free samples can produce measurable long-
motions are more likely to result in negative term effects on sales that can be observed as
evaluations when they are uncommon in the much as 12 months after the promotion (Bawa
industry (Raghubir and Corfman, 1999). Wide and Shoemaker, 2004). Consumer reactions
spread use of discounting strategies has led to the promotional offer were more positive
consumers to question the validity of a discount when the premium was direct than when it was
whether the price is just an artificially inflated delayed; promotions which involves direct
price, while the discounted price is the real price. premiums were better appreciated (D'Astous
Price promotion attracts not only consumers and Jacob, 2002).
who plan to buy the product category at that
time, but also those who would otherwise buy Majority of the coupon users for groceries
later and perhaps choose a competing brand in products are the female. Use of coupons are
the absence of a promotion (Suri et al., 2002). more among older women compared to
Oliver (1980) has mentioned that sales promo- younger women. Efforts of individual compa-
tion act in two ways. First, they may alter the nies are less likely to be noticed as increasing
consumer’s assessment of the performance number of companies are using coupons
level probabilities. Second, if the promotion
(Harmon and Hill, 2003).
consists of an additional promise or offer, expec-
tations regarding the offer itself are generated,
and these new expectations are subject to Kalra and Shi (2002) discussed that the
disconfirmation. For example, if the promotion sweepstakes reward structure should be
itself is not received or is of the poorer- than- based on three factors: the objectives of the
expected quality, attitudes toward the product firm, the risk aversion of the customers, and
may be negatively affected. the level of sub-additivity of probability weight-
ing. If the objective is to target current users,
The most influential form of sales promotion are
then the number of prizes awarded should be
free extra product and price discounts, influenc-
lower. If the current users are risk neutral, then
56 The Journal Contemporary Management Research March

the consumer value maximizing award is a consumers generally view most brands as
single grand prize. If the current users are risk being adequate and are happy to be incentiv-
averse, then the award should consist of multiple ized to switch between them. Shaw, has
“large” prizes. When the firm’s objective is to explained that higher market share brands are
draw sales away from competitor, the award proportionally less responsive because high-
money should be distributed over more prizes. share brands have less headroom for expan-
In an article “Current Issues in Sales Promotion”,
With competition getting intense, most market- Brand loyalist is felt to be declining in many
ers are looking at price- related promotions to product classes where there is a high level of
boost sales but this has lead to a situation where sales promotions dealing while there are few
the average consumer looks at buying only perceivable brand differences (Rothschild,
those products that come with an offer of some 1987). Uva (2000) has mentioned that sales
sort and, in the process, ignore the concept of promotion targeting consumers weakens con-
brand loyalty. Consumers predict future promo- sumer brand loyalty. Consumers simply buy
tions and optimally plan their purchases to whichever brand is on sale during a particular
coincide with promotion schedules. Consumers week and switch to a competing brand when
delay their purchases until promotion, making it goes on sale. The only situation where sales
sales before promotion relatively low (Sun, promotion is profitable is when the company
2005). One fourth of the gain in a week’s product truly has a superior product paired with low
category sales resulting from a promotion is at product awareness. In this case, sales promo-
the expense of the succeeding week’s sales. tion will increase product trial, and customers
However, this dip is rarely observed as sales are will be less likely to switch to a competing
shifted from multiple future and past periods brand when sales are over. Promotion’s effect
(Heerde et al. 2000). on consumption stems from its fundamental
ability to increase household inventory levels.
Price promotions for FMCG brands do not lead Integrating promotions with advertising and
to increased sales once the promotion is with- display features yields more than sum of the
drawn. They are mainly used by past customers individual effects, Ailawadi and Neslin (1998).
of the brand, who therefore cannot be converted
(Hammond and Ehrenberg, 2001). Dunn and OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
Banks (2004) discussed that in highly competi-
tive FMCG markets not to promote would simply The use of sales promotion by companies has
result in market share loss. In mature markets, significantly increased to give a compelling
2014 Jayashree Dubey 57

reason to customers to pick their brand. While 2. To find out whether sales promotion
it is generally expected that demand of products schemes are gender biased.
tagged with such incentives increases, the 3. To determine influence of sales promotion
effectiveness of the sales promotion schemes strategies on customer in different age
varies from product to product, type of incentive groups.
and stage of the product life cycle. At the same 4. To assess regional differences on the
time, the ability of the sales promotion to make impact of sales promotion tools.
customers switch brand has put a question mark 5. To identify the role of sales promotion
on the long term effect of sales promotion, as strategies in motivating customers to switch
customers are gradually becoming deal loyal brands.
rather than brand loyal. This indicates that sales
promotion is less effective for long term, but at In congruence with the above objectives,
the same time it has become necessary to invest following hypotheses were tested:
in sales promotion to deal with increasing com-
petition, customer’s expectations and to achieve H1: Customers of developed region are more
short term profit. The situation that necessitates responsive to sales promotion schemes.
marketers to frequently offer sales promotion, H2: Sales promotion schemes have little
and the behavior of customer, which does not impact on customer retention.
assure long-term benefit of sales promotion, H3: Younger generation is more responsive
motivated to study various factors that influence to sales promotion schemes.
impact of sales promotion strategies on custom- H4: Women are more responsive to sales
ers’ brand selection. promotion schemes.
H5: People respond more to monitory
As the extent of benefits to companies from schemes than to non-monitory schemes.
sales promotion strategies will differ with prod-
ucts, and thus may not be same for all types of RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
goods, the research was restricted to personal
care products as they are less susceptible to Sales promotion schemes and demographic
economic and inflationary cycles. Keeping the market area
above objective and research area in mind, the
aim of the present work was: In this study, an attempt was made to assess
1. To assess the impact of a selected set of effectiveness of following selected sales pro-
sales promotion tools on selected personal care motion schemes, which are frequently used
58 The Journal Contemporary Management Research March

by various consumer goods companies in Indian oped as compared to the Saurashtra region.
market: Following cities were covered for the study:
1. Price off ● Gujarat region: Ahmedabad, Vadodara,
2. Quantity discount and Surat
3. Gifts ● Saurashtra region: Bhavnagar, Jamnagar,
4. Cross promotion
5. Prizes
6. Free samples
7. Scratch Cards Multistage cluster sampling method was used
To measure the difference in the impact of the to draw samples. While drawing the sample,
above sales promotion schemes, we selected proper care was taken to have fair represen-
those personal care products which have tation of the population by covering house-
become virtually essential, and are purchased/ holds of all major localities in the selected
consumed by customers from almost all house- cities. In all, 310 households were surveyed
holds irrespective of demographic profile. Thus, from amongst six cities. The data was col-
the study covered following products: lected using non-disguised, structured ques-
A. Hair oil tionnaire to learn purchase behaviour for each
B. Shampoos member of selected household in order to
C. Tooth paste evaluate a broader population of different age
D. Toilet soaps groups and genders.Simple and appropriate
E. Talcum powders statistical tools were used for testing the
The study also attempted to understand the hypotheses and drawing conclusions viz.
difference in the response to sales promotion frequency distribution, cross tabulation, Z-Test
offers by consumers of different demographic for hypotheses testing of proportion and Chi-
market area. The state of Gujarat in India was square test of independence. Test was applied
selected for the study as this, being the leading at 5% significance level.
prosperous state, is one of the most preferred
market place for various consumer goods com- ANALYSIS
panies. For this study, Gujarat was broadly Purchase Decision Maker
divided into two regions namely Gujarat and
Saurashtra, due to differences in cultural, cli- For personal care products, mother in a family
matic, financial, and economic conditions. was found to be the main decision maker
Gujarat region is more prosperous and devel- followed by children and father in both Gujarat
2014 Jayashree Dubey 59

and Saurashtra region (table 1). As can be seen (4.69 percent). The data for individual product
from the table, the overall percentage of cases category indicate that major decision makers
in which mother, father, and children take deci- are people in the age group 35-50 years in
sion from Gujarat region was found to be 53.59 both the regions, except in case of shampoo
percent, 18.85 percent and 27.57 percent where there is no significant difference in the
respectively, which was 47 percent, 13.38 proportion of decision makers between age
percent and 39.55 percent respectively in Sau- group 20-35 and 35-50 years. It should be
rashtra region. The data indicate that in Gujarat noted that in case of personal care products
region the extent of influence of mother in brand that are used for external beauty like shampoo
choice is significantly higher as compared to and talcum powder, influence of children (< 20
father and children, whereas in Saurashtra years) is high on brand decision making.
region both mother and children have signifi-
cantly higher say in making brand decision for The outcome of the study that customer of age
personal care products. group 35-50 years are major decision maker
also gets support from a study by TV Land that
In Gujarat region exception was found in case concludes, consumers of the age group 40-50
of soap where father have more say after mother are at the peak of their earning potential and
in making purchase decision, and tooth paste make the majority of household spending
where the father and children had equal influ- decisions for themselves and their older and
ence in selecting brand. In Saurashtra region, younger dependents (TV Land, 2008). The
exception was found in case of shampoo where result indicates that marketers of the personal
children had higher influence in deciding which care products should primarily target women
brand to buy. customers in the age group of 35-50, followed
by children.
In terms of age it was found that in majority of
cases (45.70 percent) respondents of age group Sales Promotion and its Influence to
(year) 35-50 from Gujarat region followed by age Attract Customers
group 20-35 (25.25 percent), < 20 (18.62 per-
cent) and > 50 (10.44 percent) make purchase The results of the study clearly indicate that
decision (Table 2). In Saurashtra region it was the sales promotion schemes influence cus-
found that the majority stake in deciding the tomers to shift brands. Moreover, customers
brand was of those in the age group 35-50 switch over to other products or brands for
(45.39 percent), followed by age group < 20 various reasons e.g. non- availability of pre-
(30.71 percent), 20-35 (19.21 percent) and > 50 ferred brand, or seeking variety etc. So, in
60 The Journal Contemporary Management Research March

order to know the brand switching behaviour and have purchased products due to sales promo-
influencing factors, the respondents were asked tion (“No Offer” indicates that either customer
to name products for which they did not prefer had not come across any promotional offer or
to change the brand, and products for which was indecisive about buying a promoted
brand did not matter to them and therefore they product in future).
changed the brands frequently. The responses
are tabulated in table 3. The data reveal that the Z test for difference between proportions was
prominent products for which 30 percent or more applied and the value of z was found to be
respondents did not prefer to change brand are 2.185 (p value- 0.0144). Respondents who
shampoo, tooth paste, and hair oil in that order, indicated “No offer” were not considered for
while in case of toilet soap and talcum powder calculation of z value. Thus the hypothesis 1,
they frequently changed brands. “Customers of developed region are more
responsive to sales promotion schemes” of
The variety seeking is more prominent in case the study stands correct. It can be concluded
of low involvement products (e.g. soap). How- that customers from Gujarat region, which is
ever, it was observed that the loyalty was high more developed, are more prone to get influ-
in cases where respondents were using brands enced by sales promotion offers compared to
with strong Unique Selling Proposition (USP) those in Saurashtra region which is lesser
like Dove soap. It could be concluded that developed. The results also indicate that
people avoid experiments with high involvement significant proportion of customer shift from
products that directly affect health and beauty. their preferred brand, to brands offering incen-
The results are in agreement with the findings tives. The result is in line with the study
of a previous study that reported high preva- “Promotions: Adding value or driving sales” by
lence of brand loyalty in high involvement prod- Dunn and Banks (2004), which concluded that
ucts like hair oil (Chaudhuri, 1998). in highly competitive FMCG markets, ‘not to
promote’ results in market share loss and in
Respondents were also asked if they have ever mature markets consumers are happy to be
purchased any brand other than their favorite incentivized to switch between them. Roth-
brand under the influence of sales promotion schild (1987) has also mentioned that a key
offer. The responses were solicited in the form unique benefit for convenient goods may be
of ‘Yes’, ‘No’ and ‘No Offer’ separately for each price, and therefore loyalist to price or deal is
product category. As shown in table 4, 47.38 more prevalent. These results imply that brand
percent of the respondents from Gujarat region managers of high involvement products
and 41.24 percent from Saurashtra found to should spend more on advertising to educate
2014 Jayashree Dubey 61

consumer about benefits conferred by products promotion is withdrawn. Sales promotion may
rather than offering freebies. However, in case attract consumers in the short run, may influ-
of low involvement products, especially in ence them to stock and attract new consumers
mature markets, use of sales promotion is to try the brands but may not create brand
important to safeguard market share. At the loyalty (Kumar and Sharma, 2005). In a study
same time, to keep customer isolated from the on “Market response to a major policy change
attraction of promotional offers of rival brands, in the marketing mis-learning from Procter &
brand should be developed around strong USP. Gamble’s value pricing strategy”, Ailawadi et
al. (2001) have concluded that promotion
Influence of sales promotion on retaining increases penetration and has little impact on
customers consumer retention. These results further
Promotional programs drive sales of product or support hypothesis 2 that sales promotion
service and result in short term gains to compa- schemes have little impact on customer reten-
nies. Studies have shown that with the lifting of tion. This raises question of how the positive
promotional offer, customers often return to their impact created by the promotion offer can be
normal buying behavior. An attempt was made sustained to retain new customers. The
to check the presence of this behavior in the answer lies in fortifying brands by incorporat-
customers of Gujarat and Saurashtra region. ing right USPs that are difficult to copy by
The proportion of respondents who shifted back
(or inclined to shift back) was more (57.2 per- Influence of Sales Promotion on Different
cent) in case of Saurashtra region as compared Age Group
to Gujarat (51.88 percent). This was significantly
more than the proportion of respondents who Gujarat Region: Table 6 shows the impact of
were averse to switch back, indicating that the sales promotion in brand shifting. The propor-
probability of permanently attracting customers tion of respondents’ who shifted or shown
of rival brand is very low, and thus supporting interest in shifting was maximum in case of
hypothesis 2, “Sales promotion schemes have respondents of age group below 20 years
little impact on customer retention”. The result (52.67 percent) followed by age group 20-35
is similar to the finding of Hammond and Ehren- (47.73 percent), 35-50 (44.48 percent) and
berg (2001) in their study entitled “The case was least in case of age group above 50 years
against price-related promotion” where they (33.04 percent). The proportion of respon-
concluded that the price promotions for FMCG dents who did not purchase or did not show
brands do not lead to increased sales once the interest in purchasing a brand under the
62 The Journal Contemporary Management Research March

influence of incentive offers was maximum in the customers of young age are more prone to be
age group > 50 years (62.61 percent) followed influenced by sales promotion. Hypothesis 3
by age group 35-50 years (46.06 percent), 20-35 “Younger generation are more responsive to
(40.91 percent) and < 20 years (38.17 percent). sales promotion” got significant support from
(‘Yes’ indicates readiness to shift, ‘No’ indicates the data collected for the study and also from
disinterest in shifting, ‘Can’t say’ indicates previous study on consumer research (MAPS,
indecisiveness) 1998) that states, consumers most likely to
be influenced by any type of sales promotion
Saurashtra Region: Proportion of respondents are young people. A research study by Data-
who shifted or shown interest in shifting was monitor for consumer goods across Europe
maximum in case of age group 20-35 (50.41 and America also indicates that brand loyalty
percent), followed by age group 35-50 (43.3 increase with age. It indicates that companies
percent), below 20 years (29.21 percent) and targeting younger segment should be more
least in case of age group above 50 years (26.09 active in offering sales promotion. Companies
percent). The proportion of respondents who did targeting older customers can run loyalty
not purchase or shown no interest in purchasing programmes to further strengthen the loyalty
a brand under the influence of incentive offers of existing customers.
was maximum from the age group > 50 years
(73.91 percent) followed by age group < 20 Influence of Sales Promotion on Gender
years (63.87 percent), 35-50 years (50.17 per- The proportion of female and male customers
cent), and 20-35 (42.15 percent). that got influenced by sales promotion to
purchase brand under deal are 46.22 percent
Chi­Square  (χ2)  test  was  applied  to  test  if  the & 43.94 percent respectively, whereas those
responses to sales promotion offers of the that did not get influenced are 45.95 percent
respondents from different age group are differ- and 42.42 percent (ref. table 7).
ent. For Gujarat region value of χ2 is 19.22 and
for Saurashtra region it is 30.38. At 6 degree of Chi­Square (χ2) test was applied to test if the
freedom and 5 percent significance level, the responses to sales promotion offers of the
value of chi-square at critical level is 12.59 thus male and female respondents are different.
both the statistics falls in the rejection area. It For Gujarat region value of χ2 is 3.87 and for
was concluded that the impact of sales promo- Saurashtra region it is 10.16. At two degree of
tion on brand choice is different for customers freedom and 5 percent significance level, the
of different age group irrespective of the product. value of chi-square at critical level is 5.99.
Based on the frequencies it was found that the There was no significant difference in the
2014 Jayashree Dubey 63

influence of sales promotion on male and female while male customers preferred quantity dis-
customers of Gujarat region however in Sau- count, price off and cross promotion in that
rashtra region the impact is different on male order (ref. figure 3).
and female customers. In case of Saurashtra
region, male are more responsive to sales Saurashtra Region: Table 8 shows the prefer-
promotion offers as compared to female. The ence of respondents from Saurashtra region
result of the study rejects hypothesis 4 that for different sales promotion schemes. 50.73
women are more responsive to sales promotion percent of the respondents preferred price off
schemes. The result is different from a previous as desired incentive offer, while quantity dis-
study, which reported that women are most likely count was preferred by 26.43 percent of the
to be influenced by any type of sales promotion respondents. The total percentage response
(MAPS, 1998). The difference in result might be for the preference of gifts, cross promotion,
due to evolved socio-economic environment lucky coupon, free samples and scratch cards
with time and difference in the market demogra- was 18.76 percent. Applying Pareto analysis,
phy. it can be concluded that in case of personal
care products, most preferred sales promotion
Preferred Sales Promotion Schemes schemes are price off and quantity discount.
Preferred sales promotion schemes for female
Gujarat Region: For personal care products, customers are price off, quantity discount and
price off was found to be the most preferred free sample, while for male customers it was
incentive (36.71 percent), while quantity dis- price off and quantity discount (ref. figure 3).
count was preferred by 29.33 percent of the
respondents. 9.61 percent preferred free sam- The results are similar to MAPS (1998) that
ples, 9.43 percent preferred gifts, cross- promo- the most influential form of sales promotion
tion was preferred by 8.40 percent of the are free extra product and price discounts,.
respondents while remaining preferred lucky Chandon and Wansink (2000) also indicated
coupon and scratch cards (table 8). that monetary promotion has high value
expression benefit. Thus, hypothesis 5
Applying Pareto analysis, it can be concluded “People respond more to monitory promotions
that in case of personal care products, most than non-monitory promotions” is accepted.
preferred sales promotion schemes are price
off, quantity discount and free sample. In 80 Chi- square test was applied to test the
percent of the cases female customers preferred regional differences in the preference for the
price off, quantity discount and free sample, sales promotion schemes. It was observed
64 The Journal Contemporary Management Research March

that level of preference for various sales promo- uate products in terms of other peripheral
tion schemes are significantly different χ2 31.88. benefits like sales promotion offers. Sales
Though price off is a good bet when the sales promotions now act as differentiator and help
promotion strategy is to be decided in short time, a brand stand out in a category where differ-
marketers need to give high importance to entiation on the basis of product attributes is
customer profile while deciding the incentive to low by altering price value relationship. This
ensure maximum return on the dollars spent on has increased the importance of sales promo-
sales promotion. tion offers in the marketing programme of any
company. Even though it results into short
CONCLUSION term profits, the competitive condition in the
market place has increased its importance for
Major inferences derived out of the analysis of the marketers to maintain, as well as increase
the data collected for the study are that house- market share of their products. This is espe-
wives have major influence in deciding the brand cially relevant in case of fast moving personal
of personal care products. However for pro. care products where customer do not hesitate
There are diverse views about the use of sales in trying other brands. Looking at its critical
promotion offers amongst marketers. The importance, it will be prudent to take a serious
opinion is negative, mainly because in majority approach for planning and implementing right
of the cases its positive impact can be observed sales promotion programme by marketers that
only for the period it is offered. While earlier, addresses right customer group with respect
quality of products used to be the main factor in to their age, gender and demographic region
purchase decision making, diminishing differ- to make the promotion effective and deliver
ences in the quality of products (in at least top results. Sales promotion needs to be given an
four to five brands in almost all the products) has important space in marketing plan and should
increased the number of brands in the consider- be used strategically at different stages of
ation list of customers. Further, no (or low) product life cycle and competitive market
difference in the perceived quality of brands in conditions.
consideration list has made customers to eval-
2014 Jayashree Dubey 65

Table 1 Purchase Decision Makers in Selected Products

Products Gujarat Region Saurashtra Region
Mother Father Children Mother Father Children

Shampoo 68 (47.55) 21 (14.69) 54 (37.76) 52 (39.39) 10 (7.58) 70 (53.03)

Hair Oil 90 (63.38) 19 (13.38) 33 (23.24) 63 (45.99) 17 (12.41) 57 (41.61)

Tooth Paste 71 (48.30) 38 (25.85) 38 (25.85) 63 (45.00) 28 (20.00) 49 (35.00)

Toilet Soap 87 (59.59) 33 (22.60) 26 (17.81) 69 (56.56) 19 (15.57) 34 (27.87)

Talcum Powder 65 (48.87) 23 (17.29) 45 (33.83) 66 (49.25) 15 (11.19) 53 (39.55)

Total 381 (53.59) 134 (18.85) 196 (27.57) 313 (47.07) 89 (13.38) 263 (39.55)

Table 2. Proportion of Decision Makers from Various Age Groups in Selected Products
Products Gujarat Region Saurashtra Region
<20 20-35 35-50 >50 <20 20-35 35-50 >50
35 48 49 11 56 26 47 3
(24.48) (33.57) (34.27) (7.69) (42.42) (19.70) (35.61) (2.27)
21 32 69 19 46 25 60 6
Hair Oil
(14.89) (22.70) (48.94) (13.48) (33.58) (18.25) (43.80) (4.38)
26 33 68 19 38 22 71 8
Tooth Paste
(17.81) (22.60) (46.58) (13.01) (27.34) (15.83) (51.08) (5.76)
17 32 84 13 28 21 62 9
Toilet Soap
(11.64) (21.92) (57.53) (8.90) (23.33) (17.50) (51.67) (7.50)
33 34 54 12 35 33 60 5
Talcum Powder
(24.81) (25.56) (40.60) (9.02) (26.32) (24.81) (45.11) (3.76)
132 179 324 74 203 127 300 31
(18.62) (25.25) (45.70) (10.44) (30.71) (19.21) (45.39) (4.69)
Figure in parentheses is percentage value.

Table 3 Respondents Preference to Change Brand

Products Gujarat region Average Saurashtra region Average

Don’t prefer Prefer Don’t prefer Prefer
Shampoo 50.61 22.62 33.78 18.92
Hair Oil 32.97 23.25 34.49 14.13
Tooth Paste 50.41 16.09 33.17 14.33
Toilet Soap 18.9 31 21.04 20.5
Talcum Powder 8.65 17.51 9.74 20.72
Values are in percentage
66 The Journal Contemporary Management Research March

Table 4. Response to Sales Promotion Strategies in Selected Product Categories

Response Gujarat Region Saurashtra Region

No. of Proportion of No. of Proportion of

Respondents Respondents Respondents Respondents
Yes 334 47.38 273 41.24
No 297 42.13 346 52.27
No offer 74 10.5 43 6.5
Total 705 100 662 100

Table 5 Influence of Sales Promotion for Inducing Reverse* Brand Switching

Responses Gujarat Region Saurashtra Region

No. of Proportion of No. of Proportion of
Respondents respondents Respondents Respondents
Yes 179 51.88 143 57.2
No 71 20.58 37 14.8
Can’t say 95 27.54 70 28
Total 345 100 250 100
* Indicates that customers revert to their original brand once sales promotion is over

Table 6. Impact of Age on the Response to Sales Promotion Strategies on Personal Care
Age Response Gujarat Region Saurashtra Region
Yes 69 (52.67) 59 (29.21)
<20 No 50 (38.17) 128 (63.37)
Can't say 12 (9.16) 15 (7.43)
Yes 84 (47.73) 61 (50.41)
20-35 No 72 (40.91) 51 (42.15)
Can't say 20 (11.36) 9 (7.44)
Yes 141 (44.48) 126 (43.30)
35-50 No 146 (46.06) 146 (50.17)
Can't say 30 (9.46) 19 (6.53)
Yes 38 (33.04) 18 (26.09)
>50 No 72 (62.61) 51 (73.91)
Can't say 5 (4.35) 0 (0 )
Figure in parentheses is percentage of the respective column total
2014 Jayashree Dubey 67


Gender Response Gujarat Saurashtra
No. of Proportion of No. of Proportion of
Respondents Respondents Respondents Respondents
Yes 171 46.22 125 41.39
Female No 170 45.95 156 51.66
Can't say 29 7.84 21 6.95
Yes 58 43.94 48 56.47
Male No 56 42.42 37 43.53
Can't say 18 13.64 0 0
502 100 387 100


S.P. strategy Gujarat Saurashtra
No. of Proportion of No. of Proportion of
Respondents Respondents Respondents Respondents
Price off 214 36.71 311 50.73
171 29.33 162 26.43
Gifts 55 9.43 39 6.36
49 8.4 23 3.75
Lucky coupon 26 4.46 25 4.08
Free samples 56 9.61 41 6.69
Scratch cards 12 2.06 12 1.96
100 100
68 The Journal Contemporary Management Research March

Figure 1 Respondents’ Preference to Change Brand


Hair Oil
30 Tooth Paste
Toilet Soap
Talcum Powder

Don’t prefer Prefer Don’t prefer Prefer

Gujarat region Average Saurashtra region Average

Figure 2 Preferences for Selected Sales Promotion Schemes


















2014 Jayashree Dubey 69

Figure 3 Gender Wise Preferences for Sales Promotion Schemes on

Selected Product Categories

45.00 Genderwise preference for sales promotion schemes

39.80 for Personal Care Products (Gujarat)
35.00 32.89
% of respondents

30.00 27.55



15.00 13.16 12.93

10.00 8.16
6.80 6.58

3.40 2.63 3.95


Price off Quantity Gifts Cross Lucky Free Scratch

discount promotion coupon samples cards

Sales promotion schemes

70.00 Genderwise preference for sales promotion schemes

60.98 for Personal Care Products (Saurashtra)
% of respondents




10.00 6.196.10
4.47 4.88
2.41 2.44 2.44 2.41 1.22

Price off Quantity Gifts Cross Lucky Free Scratch

discount promotion coupon samples cards

Sales promotion schemes

70 The Journal Contemporary Management Research March

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