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After, before, until.

Prepositions of time
Read what this woman says about her routine. Circle the correct
options to complete each explanation.

"I usually work until five o'clock. I get home at six. On weekdays,
I go to bed early. I usually watch TV until bedtime. On Fridays,
I always go out after work. I see friends in the evenings. Sometimes,
I don't get home before 3 a.m.! I sleep late on Saturday mornings."
1 We use until / before / after Io say when we stop doing something.
2 We use until / before / after to say at a later time.
3 We use until / before / after to say at an earlier time.
Complete with one word
1 My English class starts______ two-thirty.
2 Let's go out _____Thursday.
3 I always brush my teeth_____ I take a shower.
4 I study ______ about 10 p.m., and then I go to bed.
See you the _____morning!
My dad usually plays soccer _____work.
Janet: You look unhappy, Mark.

Mark: Well, I'm just a little bored with my routine. Every week

is the same.

Janet: Hmm. Well, I try to do something interesting every week.

Mark: Like what?

Janet: Well, on Tuesdays I go to acting classes. And on Fridays,

I do karate.

Mark: Oh, that sounds fun!

Janet: Come to karate with me this week.

Mark: OK, thanks!

Answer the questions

1 Why is Mark unhappy?

2 What interesting things does Janet do?

1 Do you do anything unusual each week?

2 On Tuesdays, I take a dance class.

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