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- "splegg" said by famous yt

Everybody seems to know this weird Minecraft mini gamemode where you throw eggs at
the ground, yet most have no idea at all what Splegg actually is about.

If you dont know this yet, Splegg is a Minecraft Arcade game which rose to fame
pretty much immediately when it got released back in July 2013 on Hivemc.
The main goal is to be the last one alive out of up to 20 people by any means
necessary and to shoot down all of your opponents with a shovel which is firing
Hence the name Splegg.
Youtubers from all around the world like DanTDM, SkydoesMinecraft, Smosh,
Syndicate, AliA, KSI, Thinknoodles, Syndicate, Siphano, PietSmiet, KillerCreeper55,
and many many more uploaded Splegg Videos and got millions of views back in 2013-
Everybody seemed to enjoy, watch, play and destroy a few keyboards over Splegg back
in 2013 and 2014.
In total over 5,4M people have played to this day. Yet there are barely enough
players these days to fill more than 2 lobbies.
But lets start at the beginning.
July 2013.
Roughly 5 months after Hive opened to the public, they released Splegg alongside
with One in the Chamber on July 14th. There were 20 lobbies you could join which
usually were full at all times.
They increased the number of lobbies to 40 just 4 days after the release and yet
all the lobbies were still full 24/7.
Although the first 2 Splegg maps actually just consisted of one flat layer, 4 jump-
pads and werent really optimal for gameplay. People loved the game and immediately
wanted more maps. Within 2-7 days after the official release a lot of classic
layered clay maps got added with nearly all of them still being in the game today.
(TreeFiddy, NotMushroomHere, PetalPower, TreeIsland, Saturn, RingRing, MakingItUp,
However thanks to the release of the Arcade and especially Splegg the popularity of
Hive skyrocketed.
Thousands of new players started playing the egg game every single day in July and
August. On average between 15 to 20k games a day were played. Today max. 400 games
a day are played.
With on average ~8 players less in every game. But u get my point Splegg was the
new go-to gamemode in Summer 2013 in the 5th most popular PC game in a booming
The difference was that Minecraft and Splegg were played for fun only. You would
log on play with your friends an hour or two and then play a different gamemode or
log off.
Only very few people back then - despite the huge interest in Splegg - actually
wanted to stand out and be officially one of the best. One of them being
SeanAHGaming who was the first to tryhard Splegg back in the day and record it.
Dont get me wrong the game has been very competetive from the start, a lot of
tutorials, guides, montages, etc. were uploaded to show people how to win Splegg
Nontheless there was nothing in the beginning which could give players the drive or
even a chance to compete.
Therefore strategies were not a thing until 2 months later when WitherAssassin
started playing 3rd person and invented what we call "tnt-running" today.
Around the same time top players like Lady_Natalie and Agnaktor1234 also started
playing games in 3rd only - mainly tnt-running - but rather as a challenge than an
actual tactic.
But back to these few early tryhards who thought they were good at holding right
click and aim under people while pressing a bit of w and spacebar.
Thanks to those players around 1 week after the release an "official" leaderboard
was uploaded, which only a few people knew about immediately. All of them started
trying to be the best what back then meant to have the most points.
Dozends of players reached Rank1 until 1 person who apparently just had enough time
and the will to play more than every1 else finally emerged victorious on July 22nd
over everyone else and actually managed to hold the top position for quite some
Together with lemons43 Nuuch also created the first Splegg Clan "Vegas Finest" just
1week after the release.
Their clan got soon disbanded as they teamed up with MinecraftKoala to form the
Clan called "Vex" (later renamed to Infinite).
VEX organised and played the first clanwar on the same day Nuuch officially became
1st and won 3-2 vs Eggcellent. (85k 22/07/2013)
Sadly she quit and rejoined quite a lot until late 2014 when she quit a last time
and already was long forgotten by most.
In the upcoming weeks, more and more Clans formed. Yet despite a lot of guides,
players and attempts the lack of rules, structure led to most of these clans
closing after a very short time.
Most of the clans actually never played any clanwars as the main way to communicate
back then between clans was the forum which clearly led to a few complications.
The first clan who actually took things a bit more professional was "Armada" being
run by Letsplaystuff001 or also known as Sinsie.
Sinsie not only organised his clan better than every1 else, he was also the first
one to establish certain clanwar rules, tactics and later on continued with the
official Clanwar stats thread after the 1st one got closed.
Together with his clanmembers which mostly were good friends of him he dominated
the competetive Splegg scene up until September 2013.
September and October 2013 were times of change in Splegg. People mostly gave up on
trying to organize CWs and started focusing on their own skill again.
New tactics like playing in different fovs, 3rd person, tnt-running and camping
emerged. Hive improved their anti-cheat vs hackers, fixed bugs and started
accepting Community maps.
Tournament threads were created by people like OneChillTree/tree32147, Ragnio,
Mazemaker11, MCRique and Lady_Natalie sadly only 1 of those tournaments actually
worked out despite the huge number of participants.
This tournament was hosted on the 5th and 6th of October 2013 and was the first
Splegg tournament ever which Lady_Natalie won.
At this point in the time she also was 2nd on the leaderboards - until she left -
just behind Ironman2468, who on the 11th of September overtook Beast523 and
Shingblad who were fighting for first after Nuuch quit the first time.
Communication and structure were still a problem although over time a solid
Splegger-Elite community had formed.
This community stuck together and started hanging out together in SP1 and SP2. Most
of the players didnt shoot anymore at all and just played the game for the
community aspect.
Over 20% tierates were no rare occurance back then and soon a certain clan called
Magical Spleggers was created.
This clan is to this day the biggest Splegg clan that has ever existed and yet they
only played 1 clanwar long after their original fame had faded. (>100 members)
The owner Ragnio created a Splegg Server on which for 3 months the clan spent most
of their time on chatting, building and playing Splegg.
It was a very friendly atmosphere, most well known people in the name had nicknames
and everybody helped each other out - giving tips, calling on Skype, etc.
Although it was great to be in the clan and you kept meeting new people with the
same interest in Splegg, for new players it was hell. They would get 10v1d
sometimes and people started complaining about teamers on the forums.
Moderators werent sure what to do regarding teaming and different verdicts were
given for the same situation. While teaming itself never officially got declared
illegal until March 2015.
In the upcoming months until 2014 many more clans formed including HAC by
ThugSlayins and MCRique (HyperActiveClan), TEA by SeanAHGaming (The Elite
Hive now starting to be a well-known server increased their server capacity to
20000 and added more servers in all the other gamemodes as well.
They listened to their community and implemented tons of new ideas proposed by the
community in November and December (new sign layout, more maps in basically every
game, giveaways, new tolerated mc version (1.6.4) discounts, more Moderators,
official Hive website etc.)
And on top of that they tried implementing 1 more game to the Arcade which was
supposed to Paintball but in the end didnt work out so they replaced it with
But what did all this mean for Splegg?
On the one hand it meant as I already mentioned: More maps - 6 to be exact although
even more were planned to be released.
ColourBomb, _UFO, Gold (later/now Golf), Pokemon, Biomes and Starmie.
On the other hand it meant: Owners actually organised tons of 30-50 player games
and even a few notorious 100player Splegg games, which were so well received by the
Splegg community that people still talk about them today.
In the end more and more people started playing and especially the competetive
Splegg community started growing.
At the end of 2013 hundreds of thousands had already tried out the game (~1-2M
estimated] but a clear seperation between 99% of the players and 1% of the actual
Splegg community had been established.
In 2014 a new temporary map called "Tropical Snowlands / Tropice", Palette, Balance
and TimeTravel as well as the original "Cell" got implemented, the update to 1.7
happened in early 2014 which fixed the spectator egg block bug, more minor bigfixes
happened, lots of useless threads about issues about camping, hacking, maps got
created and a handful of people tried to organize 1v1 and 2v2 tournaments who
obviously failed.
On top of that Hive implemented the 1-Million-Destroyer club to Splegg which made
your eggs spawn hearts when they destroy a block, random suicidal sheeps,
font+elimination message updates, possibility to buy a diamond shovel and a
Eventhough a few more clans like T.E.S.S(The Elite Splegg Society) and
Sharpshooters formed and a few clanwars were even played (T.E.A won 3-1 over
EggSquad, Magical Spleggers 3-0 over EggSquad). Splegg was changing and not only in
a positive direction.
On one side due to lag and too many good people in SP1 and SP2, Splegg 10 which was
the server Nic and Oblivion played on became popular as Magical Spleggers declared
it to their clan server. (A few good people also started playing on SP40 during
that time and even on SP30)
On the other side people especially started complaining a lot about maps, hackers,
lag (especially in SP1) and more. Thus some of those not so involved in the clan
scene realized that Splegg is slowly getting boring for them and decided that its
time to move on. (s0il, Lady_Natalie, MinerForAny, Shingblad, jakner12, , chefkev1,
Morgan_Ladimore, foal796, Cartoony10(some thought later on it was an alt account or
a hacker due to their high skill -> impossbile to say whats the case now) and many
A new era and a new Elite was forming. Pretty much every1 understood now that
points didnt result in skill and got interested in finding out who actually the
best was which led to a whole new but also more toxic cocky Splegg environment.
People started comparing their skills, giving each other a lot of more actually
tactical tips (fast movement, accurate aim/prediction, tnt-running, etc.). The
majority came to the conclusion that the crown probably belonged to minevova,
Biplanonde, ironman2483, nic_1998, Lady_Natalie or _INGRAM_.
2 of those actually became even popular in the following months. And those were
_Ingram_ who kinda became a meme and had a fanclub for just being the way he was
aka high skill, teamed with no1, basically never chatting and being just very scary
in general.
The other one was Biplanonde. yes. He understood the community and lets be real
here loved it. Thus he started uploading fights between the best players at the
time titled "Battle of titans". These videos didnt just explode immediately but
also were the second Splegg videos of a "pro" Splegger who actually went viral
within the Splegg community.
In April, May you could slowly but surely see a change in the community. Old
players were slowly forgotten and a new Splegg Elite had formed with Biplanonde
basically being the head of this new community.
Meaning new players like A_flying_waffle, LeMarbles_lV, Sepulchers, hobosugapuffs,
TimeTraveler, futbolmonkey, yellowrat090, IceLightLP, ThugSlayins,... becoming
well-known mostly for their skill but also meaning that old players like cmw135,
EnderMate, WakkaFlocka239, etc. left.
Another problem were hackers as Hive even back then couldnt really do anything
against them unless they got reported which was basically impossible in the first
cases of Autoclickers and macros.
There actually wasnt even a rule yet that 100% forbid the use of macros and
Moderators obviously didnt even know what they were.
Which soon lead to the first people using autoclickers and macros themselves
(suspected at the time: _Zoddius_ (later known as Bladekeeper) & TheQuakeTrooper)
and causing drama within the Splegg community.
Yet no1 really could tell who is actually legit and who is using 3rd party
programs, so nothing could be done about it and no1 could be blamed unless they
admitted it.
Hive themselves didnt really have time either as they were busy with fixing a
Splegg point glitch, dealing with fly hackers (which still were by far the majority
of hackers back then) and adding new maps like Chocolate(fun fact - Hive ignored
community maps but Splegg community insisted on adding this "perfect" map), Aura,
Inferno and Wrath, the new Splegg lobby as well as implementing new games like
At this point all the old clans were slowly disbanding and closing. Which meant as
not every1 wanted to be part of T.E.A. or HAC, that a lot of new clans were formed
like "The Husks" by Merbels, NGC (Next Generation Squad) by DippyBaby and "The
Sewer Shooters" by Hobosugapuffz and Yellowrat090.
The new clans as well as the new implemented /friend system definitely helped the
Splegg community to stay alive but it barely satisfied the competetive wishes of
the people. People wanted to know who the best is.
This is where Biplanonde steps in again and finally on July 7th - nearly 1 year
after Splegg got published - organizes and hosts the first SWC (SWC 2014).
5 days before the actual thread he posted a sign-up-thread inlcuding the classic
SWC Fifa World Cup structure (4 players each group - 8 groups), distribution of
seeds and a skype group chat to organize matches.
This new but yet simple structure made it possible that in just 18days! the
tournament had finished. But even after the 18days had passed people were happy and
already hyped for the next tournament.
It can be said that the structure was yet far from perfect, fair and was obviously
lacking basic rules. But after finally playing and/or witnessing an official Splegg
tournament, people didnt even care.
The Splegg Community seemingly finally found a way to determine who actually the
best player was. Which actually brings us to our next topic. The best player after
SWC2014. HoggyHD?
Hoggy only shortly before the SWC got known in general. People knew he was good but
honestly most also knew it was anyones tournament which Hoggy in the end profited
from. Having way more trouble in the Group Stage then in the back then so called
Play-Off Stage.
Did everyone accept him as the best player back then though? No. Definitely not.
Mostly justified with the lack of participation of the current top players like
Biplanonde, nic_1998, minevova and prodigies like dandoviney911 (Mikk), rubaluma,
IceLightLP. Yet most still thought he deserved to win as he actually beat a lot of
the favorites fair and square. Another reason why people were rather happy with him
winning was his opponent in the final.
Yes the one and only Sepulchers (back then Ag501) who was known back in 2013
already for being really arrogant, toxic, being banned and for having lets call
them "interesting" ideas.
It didnt help that he at this time founded a clan against 3rd person players
arguing 3rd person would make the game unfair for 1st person players and that the
game was meant to be played 1st person. Although during this time more and more
players, especially the top players all played 3rd person.
Especially shortly before SWC started he already talked about himself winning which
didnt just get critizised but also memed pretty quickly. He became even more of a
meme when he basically won his Play-Off matches only by failing aka not counting
Most of the community therefore was rather relieved when he lost 1-2 (1-3 not
counting "fails") to Hoggy in the end. His story didnt end there quite yet though
as in October 2014 he again became a famous meme when he published a thread called
"Impossible 1v1s".
Where he was talking about allegedly winning a 2vs1 on 1 block, 1egging from the
bottom to the top layer in a 1v1 as well as winning a 11v1 vs pro players which to
this day stays a top-notch meme even though it often gets modified to a 1v20 or
1v19 win (on 1 block/with 1 egg).
During this time Hive also added power-ups, new stricter standards regarding player
disrespect(easy/get rekt/l2p/10hearted - muteable now), added a new temporary map
called Tribal, added post-game stats, added ranks(up to 1M points - Hot'n'spicy),
removed X Spleggers remain message, added a shortened timer and removed typos and
point bugs.
Suprisingly 1-2months after the updates and the first Splegg World Cup, the
playercount decreased again. It went that far that people were actually talking
about the end of Splegg due to people like Tr0Mlolol, Minecreator205,
Reapercraft2541, brandonn_, supermicro, Merbels, BaccaGangsta123, MrD0nut,
Dragonlava, Agnaktor1234, Smiffus, Sepulchers etc. leaving.
A lot of people like e.g. Sepulchers and Fleischer900 wrote even multiple Goodbye-
threads, yet they and a few other people just created them for attention and to
adapt to the current "leaving vibe". People basically left just because it was a
trend in the end or at least pretended to.
During this time ironically a lot of really old 2013 players like AndreasK3000,
Blackpotato8, Alanschezar, Shingblad, s0il etc. came back for a short amount of
time. This didnt stop the "mass leave" though as the current generation mostly
didnt even remember the old generation and a new forming generation that started
playing around the end of 2014/start 2015 just got partly ignored and partly
overlooked as at this point there already were tons of players (over 1000) with
over 100k points.
Furthermore SP1,SP2,SP10,SP20, etc. started to change. Meaning people started
talking less, different and way more toxic. Especially good players started to get
flamed for simply being better than others and the first alts appeared. People
started comparing Splegg to SG at that point of time as you would see "eZ"
literally every 2nd game in the chat.
Most of these toxic people were still quite known but not using forums. Which led
to a rather friendly but less active forum community. Yet just the presence of the
arrogant players influenced the new players and whole game itself. The old Splegg
chatting culture and its permanent "SP1 Sad Pandas" were history soon.
Another thing that happened in September to October 2014 was the 1.8 update which
was extremely unpopular in the beginning due to lag, bugged textures and due to the
fact that you wouldnt be on the top of tab anymore. All of this actually wasnt a
problem at all though as 50% of all players just decided to keep using 1.7 which
Hive accepted and supported.
In mid-late Novemember, apart from the still on-going mass leave, especially old
players complained about where the game was going. Not just community-wise but in
general basically being unhappy with every of the new changes. Aka maps, powerups
(especially tnt and eamo), the 1.8 update, new occuring jumppad and again point
bugs, etc.
All of these problems now for the first time got kind of ignored by the Hive for
about 6 months at least(wow spoiler). Needless to say this didnt really please old
players at all, rather just made the mass-leave worse.
December in my opinion marks pretty much the complete end of the old Splegg culture
which had already been fading since mid 2014. Except 1 person no1 notable quit
anymore. This guy was non other than rabidleeches who actually was considered one
of the best, friendliest and most popular players at the time.
The community actually started being more positive and lively again thanks to a lot
of 50/80/100 player games, upcoming christmas+holidays and new popular clans like
HyperActiveClan 3.0 and Wipe Out by Blackpotato8.
Yet the highlight at the end of 2014 was Demon2921 overtaking Ironman2483 in first
week of december marking the end and the beginning of 2 eras.
And this is not just the end of the second or third Splegg Era (Depending on the
definition). But also the end of the first part of "The History of Splegg".
In this chart you can see all the main events and eras again (leave waves, major
updates, SWC2014, eras, top players,...). The next part is gonna start with the 1st
of January and the new 2015 Era.

1. My story (2013, 2015, 2016, 2017(STA), 2018, 2019, 2020). -> Digression: Felex /
2. Thank and talk about certain people.
3. FAQ: 1.) Rules, Mod & Hive. 2.) Is Splegg a balanced competitive game and how
much is luck? 3.) Do unofficial rules matter? Why punishments? -> based on the
severity of the negative impact on the tournament experience for others. Playing
nice in tournament / staying off dbl layer etc.? 4.) Do macros really help a lot?
Aim or Parkour? Prediction or accurate aim? Third or First? Best tip to get better:
Play (especially vs better players).
4. What will happen to Splegg? What will I do / do I quit?

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