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The Definition Of Heat

The theory of heat as fluid stated by lavoiser has been opposed by opposition that is from
benyamin thompson or count rumford (1753-1814) from America, who found the heat in metal
mining. Fluid thepry cannot explain this phenomenon as well. In addition, robert meyer (1814-1878)
stated that the heat is not fluid but a form energy. He proved it by chaking water in the buttle, in fact it
became hot or temperature increased (irawan, 2008).

Heat is a transfer of energy from higher temperature body to the lower temperatur
body when the two bodies in contact. Heat is one of the form of energy then unit heat was the
same as the unit of energi , that is joule (J) or calories. 1 calorie is 4,2 joule, or 1 joule is 0,24
calorie. Heat unit in SI is expressed in joule. Although, the use of calorie as a unit of heat is
still often used to state energy content of the food, for example energy content in a bread,
milk, a rice, and a cake.

A body can be accept heat and release heat. A body releases heat causes the body
temperatur will decrease. To know the proses of temperatur change, we can observe in the
following experiment:

The temperature change of body

1. Objective: observing the temperature change in a body because it accepts or releases heat
2. Devices and materials: jar containing, glaas containing, hot water, normal water, two termometer.
3. Working procedures:
 Put the termometer in the jar containing a hot water
 Put the termometer in the glass containing a normal water
 Dip the glass containing normal water into the jar containing hot water and let it for five
 Note the temperature shown by each of termometer
 Note the observation
 Make the conclution from the experiment! (Irwan, 2008)

of the exsperiment is the temperatue of water in the glass increases, and the water
temperature in the jar decreases. That is because, the hot water in the jar releases heat into the
normal water in the glass, and the normal water accepts heat from the hot water. So, the
amount heat needed to increase temperatur there are three factors of matter, those are the mass
of matter, the kind of matter, and the temperature increase of matter.

(Irawan, Eta Indra. 2008 IPS-FISIKA BILINGUAL SMP/MTS kelas VII. Bandung: Yrama Widya.).

The roots are one part of the plant. Roots are under the soil. The color of roots are
white or yellow, and are generally pale. The tapered root form at the end. The direction of
root growth is tends to down, and the direction of root ifluenced are gravity and water. The
root away from light, in order to grow faster. The fungtions of root are help breating, include
absorb water and mineral salt. Fibrous root and aerial root can be grouped as a higher level
plants root systems.

A root will grow continuously into the ground, an will grow out of the ground into a
stem. Roots may be able to support the growth of the stem, so that the stems can grow and
have branches on the stem. If the roots continue to grow down, then the roots will be
strengthen and sustain in the establishment of the stem, as well root fungtions. The root
fungtions include absorb water and mineral salt, store food reserves, help breathing, and most
importantly sustain the body of plants (stems).

Velocity Of Sound

Velocity of sound is the distance traveled by sound waves every single time unit. In
other words sound velocity is the quotient of distance of sound source and listener with time
interval required by sound to spread. So, the further distance travelled by the sound, the
longer time required to travel the distance, or in other words the distance travelled is a directly
proportional to the amount of time it takes.

Mathematically, can formulated :

V = s/t.

With description: v = sound velocity

S = the distance travelled

t = travelling time

the unit of is a meter for the sekon.


Metamorphosis is the process of canges in the form of the certain phase to adult phase
(imago). The metamorphosis generally occur with different phases, there is through pupa
phase, and there are not through pupa phase. The pupa phase here the same as the chrysalis
phase, but pupa phase, most widdly used in the of scientific compared with chrysalis phase.
The metamorphosis that througth phase of pupa in here can do imperfect metamophosis and
perfect metamorphosis.

Metamorphosis can be divided into two kinds: imperfect metamorphosis and perfect
metamorphosis. Imperfect metamorphosis, unlike perfect metamorphosis. Imperfect
metamorphosis is metamorphosis that occurs only through tree stages or phase (make
insignificant changes) it eggs, hatches into nympha phase, then grown into adult (imago).
While, perfect metamorphosis is metamorphosis that occurs through four stages or phase
(make signifikan changes), it eggs, then larva, pupa, and then adult (imago). For example of
animal that experience perfect metamorfhosis are butterfly, bee, house fly, ant, and many

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