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Commentary on John 3:7-15

We hear in the gospel today about Jesus dialogue with the Pharisee Nicodemus. Nicodemus, while
accepting in principle what Jesus has said about being born again in the Spirit, now wants to know how
it can be. Jesus accuses Nicodemus and his fellow-leaders of a lack of spiritual insight and a refusal to
accept his testimony as coming directly from God: If you do not believe when I tell you about earthly
things, how are you to believe when I tell you about those of heaven? Jesus does not speak simply on his
own initiative. He speaks of what he shares with the Father. It is the Father’s words and teaching that
he passes on to us – he is the Word of God. His is not just a speaking Word; it brings all things from
nothing, calls the dead to life, hands on the Spirit, the source of unending life, and makes us all children
of God, and also unite us into the Kingdom of God. To experience all this we need to have faith in Jesus
as truly the Word of God and to live our lives in love.

But the Word is not always easy to understand and it requires, above all, an openness to be received. It
is this openness that Jesus is challenging Nicodemus to have. Some times we respond to the Word in so
many ways. Some believe fully, others go away disappointed in spite of the many signs. So where do we
position ourselves when we need more effort to believe? Do we confidently surrender our whole life?
Or, are we like Nicodemus who doubted Jesus?

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