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1)Main idea : Revolutionary Impact of Circus Trains on the Circus Industry

Summarize: The circus train was first used by W.C. Coup and P.T. Barnum in 1871
to expand the reach of their newly combined shows. Before trains, circuses had to
lug around all their animals, performers, and equipment with a team of more than
600 horses. These voyages were rough and took a long time, so circuses could not
grow as large as their imaginations.After using circus trains, Barnum and Coup
only brought their show to large cities, which were more profitable and allowed
them to create an even bigger and better circus. Ringling Bros. and Barnum and
Bailey Circus relied on the train to transport their show until they went defunct in

2)Main idea: innovation of France's TGV

Summarize: The TGV is France's national high-speed rail service, which set a
record for the fastest wheeled train in 2007, reaching 357.2 miles per hour. In
2011, TGV trains operated at the highest speed in passenger train service, reaching
200 miles per hour. TGV trains run on electric power, not petrol.

3)Main idea: Emergence of railroads transformed the value of cows

Summarize: The early half of the 1800s saw a decrease in the value of cows in the
Southwest due to the construction of railroads. This led to a new profession of
herding cattle to the train station, which became lucrative and dangerous. Cowboys
were threatened by cattle rustlers, stampedes and extreme weather, but kept
pushing the steers to the train station. By the turn of the century, barbed wire had
killed the open range, but it was the train that birthed them.

4)Main idea: Electric trolley cars

Summarize: General Motors created a special unit to replace electric trolleys with
cars, trucks, and buses in 1922. They lobbied for laws and regulations that made
operating trams more difficult and less profitable. In 1936, they created several
front companies to purchase and dismantle the trolley car system. The decline of
the tram system in North America was likely caused by a group of powerful men
from rival sectors of the auto industry.

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