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NPM : 2174201090


1. What is the name of our country?
 The name of our country is Indonesia.
2. What kind of country is it?
 Presidential
3. What is our national flag?
 Bendera merah putih
4. What is our national Anthem?
 Indonesia raya
5. What is our coat of arms?
 Garuda Pancasila

B. Fill the blanks with the correct words provided in the box!.
a. absolute b. appoint c. election d. coalition
e. committee f. conservative g. debate h. democracy
i. ideology j. left-wing k. revolution l. solidarity

6. Indonesia in one of the h. democracy country in Asia.

7. To achieve the goal, some small parties form a i. ideology
8. After a long g. debate Paul was chosen captain in the football team
9. In politics, we prefer evolution to k. revolution
10. We must b. appoint the members of the committee
11. An a. absolute leader need not ask anyone for permission to do anything
12. Old people are usually more f. conservative than young people
13. The result of the c. election. Shows that Mr. Hasan was supported by all of the
14. The e. committee has to make the decision as soon as possible
15. In our country there is not d. coalition party

C. Change to active and passive voice!

16. [ACT. VOICE] Mr. Yuki Throws The Paper Clip.

[PASS. VOICE] = The Paper Clip is throwed by Mr. Yuki.
17. [ACT. VOICE] On White Paper, Agus was writing the Love Letter.
[PASS. VOICE] = On White Paper, The love letter was being written by Agus
18. [PASS. VOICE] Japanese language had been translated by Mr. Satoshi.
[ACT. VOICE] = Japanese language had been translated by Mr. Satoshi.
19. [ACT. VOICE] I printed this report for my boss.
[PASS. VOICE] = This report has been printed for my boss
20. [ACT. VOICE] I will wash the dishes.
[PASS. VOICE] = the dishes will wshed by me

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