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Competitive audit Goal: Compare the Cab booking experience of each competitor's app


Competitor type Location(s) Product offering Price

(direct or indirect) ($ - $$$$)

Uber Direct Bangalore Car and Auto Booking $$

Ola Direct Bangalore Car and Auto Booking $$$

myAuto Inirect Bangalore Auto Booking $

petitor's app
General information

Website Business size

Target audience
(URL) (small, medium, large)

medium Everyone

large Everyone

small Local
First impressions
Unique value proposition Desktop website experience
+ Simple to navigate
Car or Auto Cab for everyone - Minimal features and visuals

+ Visually appealing
Car or Auto Cab for everyone + Makes customers feel welcome
- Navigation is complicated

+ Simple to navigate
Auto Cab for local - Minimal features and visuals
First impressions
App or mobile website experience Features
Okay Outstanding
+ Easy to use + Detailed cab tracker with live updates
+ Lots of intuitive features + Cab driver details
- App doesn't offer any audio accessibility + One-click payment
- App is only available in English
Good Outstanding
+ Visually appealing + Detailed cab tracker with live updates
+ Makes customers feel welcome + Cab driver details
+ Accessibility-friendly + Available in five languages
- Payment process is difficult to complete
Good Okay
- Visually appealing + Auto cab tracker
+ Accessibility-friendly + One click payment
+ Payment process is easy + searching for Destination location is easy
- App doesn't offer any audio accessibility
UX (rated: needs work, okay, good, or outstand
Accessibility User flow
Needs work Outstanding
- Searching for Destination location not easy + Straightforward user flow
- No features for audio impairments + Order and payment processes are simple, clear,
and efficient

Needs work Needs work

- Searching for Destination location not easy - Payment process is repetitive and frustrating
- Payment process is long - Difficult to find key info (menu, location, hours)

Needs work Good

- Only available in English + Payment process is easy
- Auto driver details not avilable - Difficult to find auto driver details
eds work, okay, good, or outstanding)
Visual design
Navigation Brand identity
Good Needs work
+ Buttons are clearly marked - App is simple
+ Easy to switch locations - Only uses two colors
- App sections are not defined by color

Okay Outstanding
+ Easy to switch languages + Clear brand identity, including colors, font, style,
- Some elements seem clickable but are not motion, imagery, and photography

Okay Needs work

+ Easy to switch locations - Minimal brand identity
- Some elements seem clickable but are not - colors, font, style, motion, imagery, and
Tone Descriptiveness
Friendly and informative Outstanding
+ Short and to the point
+ Focused on info relevant to target audience

Unfriendly and informal Needs work

+ Focused on info relevant to target audience
- Wordy
- Unnecessary details

Friendly and formal Okay

+ Short and to the point
+ Focused on info relevant to target audience
- Wordy

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