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1. Cari dan tuliskan reference dari kata-kata yang dicetak tebal berikut ini.
a. On a Sunday afternoon Sunny’s parents were not at home. He was feeling bored.
b. But the youngsters said they would rather make speech and drink to their good fellowship,
they had no wish to marry.
c. One day the company went bankrupt, and left their crane in Mrs. Kartika’s back yard.
d. It was clear to everyone in town that this was a six o’clock.
e. Armold found the reading to be very pretty easy, so he whizzed right through it.

2. Cari dan tuliskan Subjek dari kalimat-kalimat berikut ini.

a. Every morning, the parrot would wake up the old lady.
b. All the birds who had sung to her sweetly were flown away.
c. The most common family name in the world is Chang.
d. Two girls say what they think are the most important qualities in a good relationship.
e. But the law was the law, and the prisoners could not be allowed to escape from a prison
colony with impunity.

3. Cari dan tuliskan Predikat dari kalimat-kalimat berikut ini.

a. James mowed lawn and delivered papers over the summer.
b. Chris and his older sister helped their mother around the house.
c. He or she could tell you.
d. We went to the store and bought candy.
e. Jameka and Darmeka are twins.
f. The students take notes and asked questions.
g. I woke up, brushed my hair and my teeth, and went to school.
h. Mr. Morton and his students study hard and learn a lot.

4. Cari dan tuliskan Objek dari kalimat-kalimat berikut ini.

a. Little Laney was still sobbing and being emotional.
b. The Princess and Big Bertha walked into the youth center and saw that no one was there.
c. The flight attendants prepared to feed the hungry passengers.
d. The pretty Princess said goodbye to all of her friends in Amazingville and went home.
e. It said,”We need your help because no one is coming to our party.

5. Lengkapi dengan kata-kata yang ada dalam kurung dengan urutan yang benar.
a. We will write ……………………. (letter-a-John)
b. Keep …… (place-her-the-for)
c. I can lend …… (book-her-the)
d. They have bought …… (daughter-new-a-flat-their)
e. You should give …….. ( of-your-a-teacher-bunch-flowers.
f. Show ….. (to-his-him-room)
g. My mum made ….. (for-cake-me-a-huge)


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