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Old money is in East Egg.

- a clan named Blackbuck, from East Egg, are acting snobby and making it look like they
are higher than everyone. East Eggers have lived with wealth their whole life so they
look down upon those less prosperous than them.
- a woman named Mrs. Chrystie attends Gatsby’s party with a man other than her
husband. East Eggers know they can get away with anything so they do whatever they
want because they know they can pay it off.
New money is in West Egg.
- the people of West Egg are all into movies, being theatrical people. West Eggers enjoy
experiences and entertainment more than materialistic things because they didn’t always
live with wealth, they’ve had to work for it their entire lives.

-Gatsby had little to say even though Nick and he are barely acquainted
-“Gatsby began leaving his elegant sentences unfinished and slapping himself indecisively on
the knee…”
-“He hurried the phrase ‘educated at Oxford,’ or swallowed it or choked on it as though it had
bothered him before. And with this doubt his whole statement fell to pieces and I wondered if
there wasn’t something a little sinister about him after all.”

3. Gatsby shows Nick a medal that he was awarded from the war and Nick sees a photo of
young Gatsby with some other boys at Oxford so Nick believes that Gatsby might be telling the
truth because there is some proof.

4. Mr. Wolfshiem is a friend of Gatsby who is related to, or involved in, illegal or dangerous
activities. He is involved in some shady business.

5. Gatsby disappears when Tom Buchanan arrives at lunch because he likes Tom’s wife so he's
trying to stay away from him.

6. I do think Daisy was genuinely interested in Gatsby.

7. The night before her wedding, Daisy was drunk in her room crying and wanted to call the
wedding off because of some letter she got.

8. I think Gatsby sent the letter to her, confessing his love to her.

9. Nick realizes that Gatsby was reaching out towards Daisy and that he wanted to get closer to
her which is why he bought the house across from her house.

10. Nick and Jordan open up more to each other. There might be a potential relationship
between the two of them.

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