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Tutorial task 2

RMIT University
Tutor: Mervyn Jackson
Word Count: 518
Activity 1: Attribution bias

Question 1: In 100 words, explain and provide examples of the difference between
‘internal/dispositional’ and ‘external/situation’ attributions (Malle, 2006) (97

Internal/dispositional attributions refer to a person's belief that an event or outcome is caused

by their own personal characteristics, qualities, or abilities. When a student receives a high score
on an exam, they may attribute their success to intelligence or hard work. External/situational
attributions, on the other hand, refer to a person's belief that an event or outcome is the product
of factors outside their control, such as the situation or environment. For example, if a student
receives a bad grade on a test, they may blame it on a difficult exam or a distracted classroom

Question 2: Select one of the following areas and then in that area, find an instance and
score in terms of internal versus external attributions. (For marks in this section,
you are required to attach the material to your assignment) (108 words)

Topic area 1 2

A detailed news story on a Attributions by Attributions by losing

sport contest winning team team
[Internal or external] [Internal or external]

Personal advice columns Reader’s letters Professional advice

[Internal or external] [Internal or external]

A news story on a sports contest:

Attributions by winning team:

The Arsenal team might attribute their win to their own skills, strategy, and hard work, which are
internal or dispositional factors. For example, they may credit their effective teamwork, accurate
passing, and strong defense for their victory.

Attributions by losing team:

The Manchester United team might attribute their loss to external or situational factors, such as
the strength of their opponents, injuries to key players, or unfavorable weather conditions. For
example, they may blame the lack of cohesion among their team members, injuries to key
players, or the defensive tactics of their opponents for their defeat.

Question 3: In no more than 100 words: (98 words)

a. Explain attribution bias (reference)
b. Indicate whether the results support the attribution bias as recorded in Western
Attribution bias is the propensity for individuals to make inaccurate or unrealistic attributions
for the conduct of others. People are said to frequently employ cognitive shortcuts and depend on
their own biases to explain the conduct of others rather than taking situational considerations into
account. According to Choi and Nisbett (1998), when analyzing the acts of others, persons from
Western cultures tend to make more dispositional attributions than situational attributions. This
implies that attribution bias exists in Western cultures and that people from these cultures prefer
to ignore situational circumstances when making judgements about the behavior of others.

Activity 2

This activity helps students to explore and understand whether they have an individualistic
[“me”] way of thinking or a collectivistic [“we”] world perspective.

Step 1: Please complete the following 10 sentences [work quickly]
I am feeling tired after a long day at work.
I am excited to see my friends this weekend.
I am trying to learn a new language.
I am grateful for the support of my family.
I am always looking for ways to improve myself.
I am enjoying the warm weather today.
I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by my responsibilities.
I am hoping to travel more in the future.
I am proud of my accomplishments so far.
I am looking forward to starting my new job next month.

1. I am a determined and hardworking individual who always strives for excellence.

2. I am an outgoing and sociable person who enjoys meeting new people and making
3. I am a creative and imaginative thinker who loves exploring new ideas and concepts.
4. I am a loyal and trustworthy friend who values honesty and integrity above all else.
5. I am a passionate and driven individual who is always seeking new challenges and
opportunities for growth.
6. I am a curious and inquisitive learner who is constantly seeking to expand my
knowledge and understanding of the world.
7. I am a patient and empathetic listener who values the thoughts and opinions of
8. I am a resilient and adaptable person who can handle change and uncertainty with
9. I am a self-motivated and independent worker who takes ownership of my
responsibilities and tasks.
10. I am a reflective and introspective person who enjoys exploring my own thoughts
and emotions.

IND or Rank
Describe yourself by completing the following sentences COL [top 3]
1. I am a determined and hardworking individual who always IND
strives for excellence.
2. I am an outgoing and sociable person who enjoys meeting new IND
people and making connections.
3. I am a creative and imaginative thinker who loves exploring IND 1
new ideas and concepts.
4. I am a loyal and trustworthy friend who values honesty and COL
integrity above all else.
5. I am a passionate and driven individual who is always seeking IND
new challenges and opportunities for growth.
6. I am a curious and inquisitive learner who is constantly COL 3
seeking to expand my knowledge and understanding of the
7. I am a patient and empathetic listener who values the thoughts COL
and opinions of others.
8. I am a resilient and adaptable person who can handle change COL
and uncertainty with ease.
9. I am a self-motivated and independent worker who takes IND
ownership of my responsibilities and tasks.
10. I am a reflective and introspective person who enjoys IND 2
exploring my own thoughts and emotions.

Step 2: Now that you have completed all 10 sentences, decide and rank [1-3] the three
sentences that best describe who you are

Question 4: Define and explain the cultural concepts of Individualism and Collectivism (93

Individualism and collectivism are cultural concepts that reflect the degree to which
people prioritize personal autonomy and independence versus social connectedness and
interdependence. Individualistic cultures, such as those in Western societies, emphasize
individual achievement, self-expression, and personal goals, while collectivistic cultures, such
as those in many Eastern societies, prioritize group harmony, social conformity, and
interdependence. These cultural differences have important implications for social behavior,
such as how people perceive and respond to social norms, how they communicate and
negotiate in social contexts, and how they prioritize their personal goals and relationships
with others.

Step 3: How many of your 10 sentences focus on your identity that relates to
1. Your personal characteristics such as your age, appearance, personality
etc.? (Example: I am female, I am 18 years old, I am quiet, I am tall, I am
nervous/anxious person, etc.) – Mark these sentences in the above table with
IND – for Individualism
- 6 questions
2. Your identity as it relates to your interpersonal characteristics, such as your roles or
relationships with others and/or society? (Example: I am part of a sporting team, I
am an Australian, I am of Greek heritage, I am a student at RMIT University, I am
the first born of a large family, etc.) - Mark these sentences in the above table
with COL – for Collectivism
- 4 questions

Question 5: Looking at your top 3 sentences [the ones you felt were the best descriptors of
you], how many are about your personal characteristics? How many are about
your interpersonal characteristics? (12 words)
- 2 questions are about personal characteristics, and 1 is about interpersonal.

Question 6: Describe how and why you view yourself as being more individualistic OR
collectivistic? (42 words)
I view myself as more of an individualistic person because I prioritize individual
goals and personal achievement. I also was influenced more by an environment
that prioritizes autonomy and personal achievement, or if they have a strong sense
of independence and self-reliance.

Question 7: Describe how your parenting [upbringing] and cultural experiences has
influenced the way that you identify and view yourself. (24 words)
My parents allowed me to discover various aspect of life quite freely, and that’’s
explain why I fall more to the individualistic perspective side.
Question 8: Discuss the following scenario and relate it to culture values
[Individualism/Collectivism] (68 words)

Scenario: When you vote in elections – do you

a. Vote for what is good for you personally?
b. Vote for what is good for the country/community?
I choose b. Vote for what is good for the community. I think this behaviour falls
under the collectivistic worldview. This is because collectivism emphasizes the
importance of prioritizing the needs and goals of the group or community over the
individual's interests. In collectivist cultures, people are more likely to make
decisions and take actions that benefit the group, even if it means sacrificing their
own personal interests.
Reference list

Malle, B. F. (2006). The actor-observer asymmetry in attribution: A (surprising) meta-analysis.

Psychological Bulletin, 132(6), 895–919.

Choi, I., & Nisbett, R. E. (1998). Situational salience and cultural differences in the
correspondence bias and actor-observer bias. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,
24(9), 949–960.

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