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Generation Unheard: Harsh Realities of Teenagers Facing the Future

“People who commit suicide are crazy” “You’re just being overdramatic if you had been a great
leader to your groupmates this wouldn’t happen wouldn’t it? What’s the point of me sending you to
countless leadership trainings? Isn’t that what you’re trained for? to have good leadership...” – words
coming in my head are passing through another, tears welling up in my face as I tried to conceal it. It
hurts. It pains me hearing those words coming from my own mother knowing I could never look at her
the same way. Looking down refusing to make contact with her gaze, that moment marked the first and
final time I allowed myself to be vulnerable. It wasn't worth it. It only led me to realize things I should
have never known, intensifying my anxiety and self-awareness. Things that only fuels the urge to kill

Imagine being in the brink of life and death, contemplating if it's really worth it to stay in this
accursed world, then someone telling you it's idiotic to go.

Truth be told adults, You’re the one preparing us for the future, you’re the one that is setting the bar for
us to reach. – “Children are the future of the country” I’ve heard it countless of times yet you do not
trust us, not because we are ‘teenagers’ and going through your so called, ‘hormonal phases’ doesn’t
mean we don’t know better; especially for ourselves.

Yeah, Well I guess I picked the wrong time to be a human being

- L. Avis

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