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Lengua extranjera 1

Assignment 4 Text file

Ricardo Yañez Medina
Matricula: 22022097
Teacher: Norma Robles Morales

Write 5 sentences with Apostrophe + S

1.-This is Maria’s cell pone
2.-These are Juan’s glasses
3.-This is Sara’s friend
4.-These are Alexa’s pencils
5.-This is Gabriel’s book

Write 10 sentences with the verb " To have"

1.-These broters have many goats
2.-That book has many pages
3.-these cassettes have fungus
4.-that designer has Canva installed
5.-those women have good taste.
6.-those cats have White spots
7.-that friend has a new printer
8.-these lamps have batteries
9.-he has cutting plotter
10.-This partner has 50% of the company
Write 10 Sentences with "there is/are + preposition On/at/in (debe
haber enunciados afirmativos, negativos e interrogativos)
1.-there were a lot of people at the meeting (afirmativa)
2.-there are no viruses on the computer (negativa)
3.-How many designs do you make in a month? (interrogativa)
4.-Do you have some books in your drawer? (interrogativa)
5.-On the radio there are 9 announcers they are my colleagues
6.-there are no lions in my community (negativa)
7.-when are you going to have new puppies at home? (interrogativa)
8..- A cat is in the yard (afirmativa)
9.- Do you want to have a new friend in your school? (interrogativa)
10.- I have no one in my room, I’m alone (negativa)

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