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Name: Ali Issa

Section: English 101 / section 18

Summary Quiz

Mitchell (2000), as cited in the article "Gender Bias and the Glass Ceiling" written by Kail, R.V.

and Cavanaugh, J.C. (2010), states that, unlike men, we can rarely find a woman in an upper-

class job despite the significant number of women working outside the home. Kail, R. V., and

Cavanaugh explain that the reason behind this inequity is the gender discrimination that is

becoming more common in workplaces. In addition, Kail, R. V., and Cavanaugh describe what is

called a "glass ceiling," which is a barrier preventing women from getting promotions to the high

tiers in their job and keeping them in the lower tiers. However, there are many ways to eliminate

this glass ceiling. Moreover, Kail, R. V., and Cavanaugh point out that discrimination against

women was not only in terms of hiring and promotions but also in terms of the salary paid to

them, although there were numerous options to deal with this issue.

(156 words)

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