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Week 12 PBA Listening Activity 2

1. Why is Lara calling her mom?

a. To ask her mom to come over and take care of her
b. To cancel her mom's birthday party this weekend because she’s sick
c. To ask for a doctor's appointment
d. To update her mom about her illness

2. What day did Lara start feeling sick?

a. Monday
b. Tuesday
c. Wednesday
d. Thursday

3. Why isn't Lara sure about going to see a doctor?

a. She doesn't have health insurance.
b. She thinks her symptoms are not serious enough for a doctor visit
c. She doesn't trust doctors.
d. She can't afford the medical fees.

4. What symptoms is Lara experiencing?

a. Cough and fever
b. Headache and stomachache
c. Sore throat and fatigue
d. Dizziness and nausea

5. What kind of medicine has Lara been taking?

a. Prescription medication
b. Homeopathic remedies
c. Over-the-counter drugs
d. Herbal supplements

6. What advice does Lara's mom give her regarding her fever?
a. Take more over-the-counter medicine.
b. Rest and take the medicine.
c. Call an ambulance immediately.
d. Ignore it and hope it goes away on its own.

7. What does Lara agree to do regarding her illness?

a. Visit the doctor tomorrow.
b. Take a day off work.
c. Try alternative medicine.
d. Continue taking over-the-counter medication.
8. When does Lara promise to call her mom?
a. Later that evening
b. The following day
c. In the afternoon
d. In a week's time

9. What does Lara's mom suggest she do if her fever persists?

a. Go to the emergency room
b. Take a warm bath
c. Call a doctor
d. Drink herbal tea

10. What will Lara most likely do next based on the conversation?
a. Search for some self-treatment tips on the internet
b. Go to the nearest drugstore to buy more medicine
c. Wait for a miracle to happen and cure her illness
d. Call a doctor if her fever doesn't go away

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