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Vol. 97 (2011) 607 – 617

DOI 10.3813/AAA.918441

Theoretical Determination of the

Random-Incidence Scattering Coefficients of
Infinite Rigid Surfaces with a Periodic
Rectangular Roughness Profile

Jean-Jacques Embrechts, Alexis Billon

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Intelsig group, University of Liège, Sart-Tilman
B28, 4000 Liège 1, Belgium.

An exact solution is developed for the sound field reflected by an infinite rigid rough surface with a periodic
rectangular profile. The random-incidence scattering coefficient of this surface is derived from the numerical
calculation of this solution for several directions of the incident plane wave. Scattering coefficients’ values are
given in this paper for a great number of configurations by varying the geometrical parameters of the periodic
profile, leading to a very detailed description of the scattering properties of this kind of profile. In particular, it
is shown that, when the ratio H/L of the depth to the spatial period of the profile is small, the key parameter is
H/λ, the ratio of the depth of the profile to the wavelength. The random-incidence scattering coefficient tends
to increase with this ratio, as long as H/λ is less than 0.3. This evolution is similar to Gaussian and sine-
shaped profiles analysed in previous studies. For H/λ > 0.3, the coefficient’s value oscillates while converging
to an asymptotic value which depends on the width of the wells. Resonance effects have also been highlighted
for periodic rectangular profiles, in particular by comparing the computed scattering coefficients with the few
measured values published in the scientific literature. The scattering coefficients’ values published in this paper
can be introduced in room acoustics’ models to characterize periodic rectangular surfaces, provided that their
dimensions are much greater than the wavelength. Additional measurements and BEM computations are required
to deeply analyse the influence of the finite size and the acoustical absorption of real surfaces having this profile.
PACS no. 43.55.Br, 43.55.Mc

1. Introduction presently available. Some of them can be found for specific

surfaces in the book written by Cox and D’Antonio about
In room acoustics, the scattering coefficient describes the acoustic absorbers and diffusers [2]. Also, some laborato-
ability of a surface to redirect the incident sound energy ries (most of them in universities) have set up equipments
outside the specular direction. It is defined as the ratio of in order to measure the random-incidence scattering coef-
the diffusely reflected energy to the total reflected energy, ficient of some surfaces according to the ISO standard [1].
“diffuse” being equivalent to “non-specular” in this defini- These measurements have been performed in real-scale
tion [1, 2]. reverberation chambers [7, 8, 9, 10] or in scale-models
This coefficient must not be confused with the diffusion [7, 11]. The amount of results obtained and published by
coefficient [2, 3] of a surface, which instead describes the these laboratories is however rather limited.
uniformity of the spatial distribution of the reflected en- The users of room acoustics programs are thus often
ergy. This paper deals with the scattering coefficient (sym- confronted with the problem of estimating the scattering
bol: s). coefficients of the surfaces included in their room model.
The influence of diffuse reflections in room acoustics Some indications are sometimes given by the author of
has been demonstrated and discussed by several authors, their software, or by other users [12]. But, most of the time,
for example by [2, 4, 5, 6]. Therefore, most room acous- they must be satisfied with a very crude estimation based
tics programs today take into account the scattering prop- on the relative dimensions of the roughness profiles with
erties of surfaces through random-incidence scattering co- respect to the wavelength.
efficients. However, only few values of this coefficient are
Besides measurements, scattering coefficients can also
be obtained by numerical developments. Several meth-
Received 27 January 2011, ods have been proposed and applied, to periodic or non-
accepted 28 April 2011. periodic roughness profiles, finite or infinite surfaces [2, 8,

© S. Hirzel Verlag · EAA 607

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Vol. 97 (2011)

13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. In particular, sine-shaped surfaces

have been recently investigated [13, 14]. They are char-
acterized by their
√ peak-to-peak amplitude p (or their rms
height σ = p/ 8) and their spatial period L. It has been
shown that their random-incidence scattering coefficient
significantly increases with the ratio σ/λ (λ is the wave-
length) until an asymptotic value srand 0.85 is reached
for a value of this ratio being approximately equal to 0.15.
In this respect, sine-shaped roughness profiles seem to be- Figure 1. Definition of the parameters of the periodic rectangular
profile: the spatial period L, the width 2A and the depth H of the
have quite similarly as random Gaussian profiles [18], but
wells. The incident plane wave impinging along vector k gener-
this holds as long as the ratio σ/L is less than about 0.1, ates several reflected plane waves, among which is the “mode n”.
otherwise different evolutions of the scattering coefficient
have been observed.
This kind of information can be really interesting for profile does not depend on the y-coordinate. It is also a
the users of room acoustics programs. Indeed, periodic or rigid (perfectly reflecting) surface.
quasi-periodic surfaces’ profiles are not unusual in room In this first step of the mathematical developments, the
acoustics (they can even be very attractive from an archi- incident sound field is a plane wave propagating in the di-
tectural point of view, as pointed out in [19]) and they are rection of the wave vector k, included in the vertical plane
characterized by only few geometrical parameters whose (x, z). The angle φ0 is the angle of incidence between k
influence could be very intuitive. As their scattering coef- and the plane (z = 0). The norm of the wave vector k is
ficient is often derived for surfaces with an infinite size, the wavenumber k = 2π/λ, where λ is the wavelength of
it characterizes the scattering due to the roughness profile the incident wave.
only. However, this can be viewed as an inconvenience, in The sound field reflected by an infinite periodic surface
particular when theoretical results are compared with mea- can be expressed by a sum of plane waves [13, 21]. If the
surements performed on finite samples, as will be shown incident plane is perpendicular to the corrugations as in
later in this paper. Figure 1, then the incident and reflected pressure fields do
In this study, another periodic roughness profile is sys- not depend on the y-coordinate,
tematically investigated: the rectangular or square wave
pinc (x, z) = e jk(x cos φ0 −z sin φ0 ) ,
profile (see Figure 1). This simple profile will be referred
in the following as the periodic rectangular profile (though prefl (x, z) = Rn e jk(x cos φn +z sin φn ) (1)
other names can be found in the literature such as “peri- n
odic binary sample” [20] or “periodically uneven surface + evanescent waves, z > 0.
of rectangular profile” [19]) The scattering coefficients of
infinite surfaces having this periodic profile are obtained This equation shows that the reflected pressure is com-
by the method of wave decomposition and mode match- posed of radiating plane waves (first term) and evanescent
ing. The waveguide approach is then applied to find the waves. The reflection coefficient Rn is the unknown com-
amplitudes of the radiating plane waves reflected by these plex amplitude of the reflected plane wave number n and
surfaces. From these amplitudes, the scattering coefficient the angle φn defines its direction (see Figure 1). This angle
is computed first for oblique incidence (in section 2), and is given by [13, 21]
then for random incidence (in section 3). Numerical val-
ues of the random-incidence scattering coefficient are pre- cos φn = αn = cos φ0 + n . (2)
sented in section 3 for a great number of combinations of
the roughness profile’s geometrical parameters, allowing The evanescent waves in (1) have a similar expression as
for a quite complete description of the scattering properties the radiating waves, except that cos φn is replaced

by αn
of this kind of surfaces. Furthermore, the results obtained (|αn | > 1) and sin φn is replaced by β n = j αn2 − 1 [13,
for this periodic rectangular profile are compared with the 21].
scattering coefficients of other profiles in section 4. Fi- The amplitude R0 corresponding to the radiating wave
nally, the relation with measured scattering coefficients is n = 0 is the specular reflection coefficient. Therefore, as
investigated in section 5. the surface is assumed to be perfectly reflecting, the direc-
tional scattering coefficient is, by definition (one minus the
specularly reflected power),
2. Theoretical determination of the sound
field scattered by an infinite surface with s(φ0 , k) = 1 − R0 . (3)
a periodic rectangular profile
To find the unknown complex amplitudes Rn , Holford [21]
Figure 1 gives a geometrical description of this surface and proposed a method based on the general Helmholtz inte-
the definition of its parameters: the spatial wavelength L, gral formulation. This procedure was already applied to
the depth H and the width 2A of the wells. The roughness find the scattering coefficients of an infinite sine-shaped

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surface [13]. However, Holford’s method requires that the Furthermore, if ptot = pinc +prefl in (1), the gradient must
periodic profile could be expressed by a continuous func- satisfy the following conditions in z = 0:
tion z = f (x), a condition which cannot be met by the
periodic rectangular profile. ∂ptot L
= 0 for − + mL ≤ x < −A + mL
We rather use a method recently described by Ducour- ∂z 2
neau et al. [22], which considers the periodic rectangular and A + mL < x ≤ + mL, (7)
profile as an ensemble of waveguides. This waveguide ap- ∂ptot ∂pm
proach had already been described in several papers, for = for − A + mL < x < A + mL.
∂z ∂z
example in [19, 23]. A system of equations is derived for
the reflection coefficients Rn associated with each reflected By imposing these boundary conditions, the reflection co-
wave in (1), including the evanescent waves. efficients Rn are expressed
as functions of the coefficients
In the following, the mathematical developments lead- A
u,m . If we define βn = 1 − αn2 (if |αn | ≤ 1) or βn =
ing to this system of equations are described. The reader j αn2 − 1 (otherwise),
who is not interested by these developments can directly
move to equation (9) without loss of comprehension.
βn Rn = sin φ0 (2 − εn ) + Au,m e−jkα0 mL Xu
The wave equation is first solved to find the complex kL
pressure pm (x, z) into the rectangular wells (m is an inte-   ∗
ger indicating the number of each well). Rigid boundary · e jXu H −e−jXu H
Uu,n . (8)
conditions are imposed on the surfaces composing each
well, In this expression, (Uu,n )∗ is the complex conjugate of Uu,n .
Finally, by replacing Au,m in (8) by its value in (6), an infi-
∂pm nite system of equations for the coefficients Rn is obtained,
in z = −H : = 0 for − A + mL < x < A + mL,
in x = ±A + mL : = 0 for − H < z < 0. (4) βn Rn = sin φ0 (2 − εn ) + Yn,0 + Rr Yn,r

The solution for the complex pressure is the following (u − ∞ < n < +∞, (9)
is an integer): 2A
Yn,r = εu Xu tanh jXu H Uu,n Uu,r .

+∞   u=0
pm (x, z) = Au,m e jXu (z+H) + e−jXu (z+H)
u=0 A solution can be found for the coefficients Rn if this
  system (9) is truncated to a finite number of equations
cos kxu (x − A − mL) . (5)
(−N ≤ n ≤ N): N is the first parameter of the solution.

It must be “great enough” to properly evaluate the most
In this equation, kxu = uπ/(2A)

and Xu = k 2 − kxu if significant reflection coefficients, and particularly R0 . One
|kxu | ≤ k, otherwise Xu = j kxu − k 2 . way of verifying this is to compute the total fraction of en-
The constants Au,m in (5) are then expressed as func- ergy reflected in the far field. Since the surface is infinite
tions of the reflection coefficients Rn , by imposing that the and perfectly reflecting, we must have [13]
complex pressure pm (x) in z = 0 is equal to the sum of 2
Rn sin φn sin φ0 = 1. (10)
the incident and the reflected pressures in (1), at least for
−A + mL < x < A + mL. This gives αn2 ≤1

  The expression of Yn,r in (9) includes an infinite sum. For

Au,m e jXu (z+H) + e−jXu (z+H) u → +∞, it can be shown that the absolute value of the
  terms decreases as 1/u3 . Therefore, this series has been

jkα0 mL
= εu e Uu,0 + Rn Uu,n , truncated to a finite number of terms, in such a way that
n=−∞ the magnitude of the relative truncation error is less than
jkαn 1   EPS: EPS is the second parameter of the solution.
jkAαn u −jkAαn
Uu,n = e − (−1) e Also, to speed up the calculations, it is worth noting that
2A kxu2
− k 2 αn2
if kαn = ±kxu , Yn,r = −(Yn,r )∗ , since Xu tanh(jXu H) is a pure imaginary
1 ±juπ/2 complex number.
Uu,n = e if kαn = ±kxu . (6)
2 Gaussian elimination and back substitution [24] have
been used to solve the system (9) with (2N +1) equations.
In this expression, εu = 1 if u = 0, otherwise εu = 2. Note Before analysing the results, we will now study the influ-
that the value of Uu,n does not depend on the number of ence of both parameters N and EPS on the solution. Sev-
the period m. Therefore, the only factor depending on this eral calculations of the directional scattering coefficient
number in the value of Au,m is e jkα0 mL . (3) have been made, for 0.1 ≤ L/λ ≤ 10, 0.1 ≤ H/L ≤ 1

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and 10◦ ≤ φ0 ≤ 90◦ . They first showed that the dif-

ferences between the scattering coefficients obtained with
EP S = 10−3 and EP S = 10−5 were less than 0.005,
for all cases. Concerning the influence of the parameter
N, five values have been tested for all geometrical con-
figurations (N = 3, 5, 10, 20, 50). The first two values
(N = 3 and 5) are definitively too small. The results sig-
nificantly converge from N = 10, but N = 20 is necessary
to reach differences in the scattering coefficients which are
less than 0.01 in most cases.
Figure 2 is an illustration of this study. It shows the
directional scattering coefficients computed for H/L =
0.49 and φ0 = 30◦ . Clearly, if the solution is still accept- Figure 2. The directional scattering coefficients of an infinite
able with N = 10 if L/λ ≤ 6, it is not at higher frequen- rigid surface with a periodic rectangular profile (H/L = 0.49)
cies. This is also illustrated in Figure 3, by the differences for an angle of incidence φ0 = 30◦ and several values of the
with the case N = 50. parameter N.
In the following, all calculations are performed with
EP S = 10−3 and N = 50.

3. Theoretical determination of the

random-incidence scattering coefficient
The determination of the random-incidence scattering co-
efficient requires the calculation of the directional coeffi-
cient for several directions of incidence, situated in and
also outside the plane perpendicular to the corrugations of
the surface. In reference [13], it is first shown that the scat-
tering coefficient for a direction of incidence making an
angle θ0 = 0 with the vertical plane (x, z) can be derived
from the corresponding scattering coefficient in θ0 = 0 by
simply shifting the frequency (“k” becomes “k cos θ0 ”),
the angle φ0 being the angle between the projection of the Figure 3. The directional scattering coefficients of an infinite
wave vector k in the plane (x, z) and the plane z = 0. rigid surface with periodic rectangular profile (H/L = 0.49):
This finally gives the random-incidence scattering coeffi- this Figure shows the differences between the coefficients calcu-
cient for a frequency f (see Figure 3 and equation (11) of lated with N = 5, 10 or 20 and the coefficients of the same profile
[13] for more details), obtained with N = 50. The angle of incidence is φ0 = 30◦ .

4 π/2
srand (f ) = sin φ0 dφ0 (11)
π 0 In the following, this double integral is solved for sev-
 f  2
f s(φ0 , θ0 = 0, k = 2πf /c) eral periodic rectangular profiles and the results are dis-
df , cussed. Comparisons with other types of surfaces and
0 f f2 − f 2
measurements in a reverberation room are reported later,
or, if we introduce L/λ = Lf /c, in sections 4 and 5.
 The numerical evaluation of (12) has thus been per-
4 π/2 formed for a great number of values of both parameters
srand (L/λ) = sin φ0 dφ0 (12)
π 0 L/λ and H/L. During this first set of evaluations, the ge-
L 2 s(φ0 , θ0 = 0, k = 2πL /L) ometrical parameter 2A (i.e. the width of the wells, see
dL . Figure 1) has been fixed to L/2. The objective of these
0 L/λ (L/λ)2 − L 2
computations is to build up a collection of scattering co-
This double integral (based on the Paris formula) has been efficients values intended to the users of room acoustics
approximated by a method of numerical integration called programs. To this end, a “useful domain” has been esti-
the trapezoidal rule [24]. It is based on a piecewise linear mated for the geometrical parameters L/λ and H/L as
interpolation of the integrated function in the discretiza- follows. In practice, most diffusing surfaces have a spatial
tion intervals. A study of the convergence has shown that period L comprised between 0.04 m and 1.5 m: if results
the discretization steps of 2.5 degrees in φ0 and 0.1 in L/λ are expected up to 8 kHz, the first parameter L/λ can be
are necessary and sufficient to insure that the truncation less than 35. Moreover, usual diffusing surfaces are char-
error on the random-incidence scattering coefficient is less acterised by a ratio H/L that is less than 5 [25]. Finally,
than 0.01. considering that an asymptotic convergence will be ob-

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Figure 4. The random-incidence scattering coefficient of infinite Figure 5. The random-incidence scattering coefficient of infinite
surfaces with periodic rectangular profiles, as a function of the surfaces with periodic rectangular profiles, as a function of the
ratio of the height H to the wavelength (case H/L ≤ 0.1). ratio of the height H to the wavelength (case H/L ≥ 0.1).

served for most surfaces at high values of L/λ (see for

example Figure 11), we define our “useful domain” by

≤ 30, ≤ 5. (13)
λ L
In the following, the variation of the random-incidence
scattering coefficient is plotted as a function of H/λ, be-
cause it will be shown that this ratio is the most significant
geometrical parameter of the profile, leading to the most
characteristic evolutions.
Figure 4 shows the results for slightly rough surfaces
(H/L ≤ 0.1). We first observe that several curves are not
completed: this could be quite confusing, but it is justi-
fied by the useful domain described by (13), i.e. H/λ <
30H/L. Also, the random-incidence scattering coefficient
srand = 0 for low values of L/λ, since there’s only one Figure 6. The random-incidence scattering coefficient (s) of an
radiating reflected wave, generated in the specular direc- infinite surface with periodic rectangular profile, as a function
tion, for L/λ < 0.5. Therefore, the curves in Figure 4 re- of L/λ (= (L/c)f ) and the ratio of the depth H to the spatial
period L.
ally “start” at a value of H/λ = 0, depending on the ratio
The random-incidence scattering coefficient then in- asymptotic convergence to srand 0.65, for very small val-
creases monotonically to reach a first maximum value ues of the wavelength. This convergence is slower, as the
comprised between 0.8 and 0.9. After this first maximum, ratio H/L increases above 1.
the function srand (H/λ) tends to oscillate with a remark- Finally, Figure 6 gives a complete overview of the re-
able synchronicity. The periodicity of these oscillations is sults. For a given spatial period L of the profile, the verti-
approximately equal to Δ(H/λ) = 0.5. This value can be cal axis of this representation can be viewed as a frequency
related to the modal and resonant character of the plane axis.
waves propagating into the rectangular wells in the z- The resonances found in the scattering coefficient’s
direction, as it will be explained later. curves, especially for slightly rough surfaces (Figure 4),
The amplitude of the oscillations is progressively atten- can be explained as follows. Let’s first consider the per-
uated and an asymptotic value is reached. For the slightly pendicular incidence (φ0 = 90◦ ). If the frequency is such
rough surfaces, the curves traced in Figure 4 show little that H/λ = 0.5 (or if this ratio is a multiple of 0.5), the in-
dependence on the spatial period L. cident wave excites an axial mode (u = 0 in equation 5) in
Figure 5 shows the results obtained for moderately and the rigid cavities of the wells. This mode enforces the gra-
very rough surfaces. The first maximum of the scatter- dient of the pressure to vanish in z = 0 at the entrance of
ing coefficient progressively decreases. For H/λ > 2 and the wells (see Figure 1), which is exactly the same bound-
H/L ≤ 1, the amplitude of the oscillations becomes quite ary condition as the one imposed in (7) between the wells.
small (less than 0.1 in srand ). For H/L > 1, they lose Therefore, all the plane z = 0 behaves like a perfectly
their apparent periodic character. Figure 5 also shows the rigid interface and the reflection is perfectly specular (the

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Vol. 97 (2011)

Figure 7. The reflection coefficients R0 and R1 and the direc-

tional scattering coefficient s of infinite surfaces with periodic
rectangular profiles (L = 1.5λ, A = L/4, φ0 = 90◦ ).
Figure 9. Same as Figure 6, with the width of the wells 2A =

ficients’ curve has been disturbed in some way and the ex-
trema are not all exactly at multiple values of H/λ = 0.25.
Finally, to compute the random-incidence scattering co-
efficient at a frequency f , equation (11) shows that it is
necessary to integrate the directional scattering coefficient
for all frequencies f < f : this implies that, while the
quasi-periodicity in Δ(H/λ) = 0.5 is preserved, the max-
ima of the scattering coefficients’ curve are slightly moved
to higher values of H/λ. This is clearly shown in Figure 4,
where the maxima are in 0.3, 0.85, 1.35, . . . instead of
multiple values of H/λ = 0.25.
We end this section with a short study on the influence
Figure 8. The reflection coefficients R0 , R−1 and R−2 and the di- of the width of the wells. This parameter (2A) was fixed at
rectional scattering coefficient s of infinite surfaces with periodic the value of a half period (L/2) in all the previous compu-
rectangular profiles (L = 1.5λ, A = L/4, φ0 = 30◦ ).
tations, particularly in Figure 6. Figure 9 shows the results
obtained with 2A = L/4. The function of L/λ and H/L
is similar to the case 2A = L/2 in Figure 6. However,
directional scattering coefficient is zero): this is shown in
the random-incidence scattering coefficient values tend to
Figure 7 on an example. In other words, if H/λ is a mul-
be smaller. In particular, the asymptotic value reached in
tiple of 0.5, the specular plane wave and the mode u = 0
the small wavelength limit is here srand 0.40 instead of
in the cavities are sufficient to satisfy the equations and
srand 0.65.
the boundary conditions. On the other hand, if H/λ is an
Figure 10 shows the results obtained with 2A = 3L/4.
odd multiple of 0.25, the acoustic impedance seen at the
Again, a similar general evolution can be observed, to-
entrance of a cavity is not infinite (it can even be zero un-
gether with small but significant differences. In particu-
der some conditions). The plane z = 0 can therefore be
lar, the asymptotic value here is srand 0.72 (somewhat
viewed as composed of a mosaic of different impedances,
greater than the case 2A = L/2), but it is only reached for
which is known to create scattering. In the example of Fig-
surfaces having a relative depth H/L greater than about 0.4
ure 7, it is shown that the specular reflection coefficient R0
(see also Figure 11).
is minimum for H/λ = 0.25 and 0.75, while the scattering
coefficient is maximum by (3).
Now, for non-perpendicular incidences (φ0 = 90◦ ), the 4. Comparison with Kirchhoff approxima-
axial modes in the wells, along the z-coordinate, are no tion results and other rough surfaces
longer sufficient to satisfy the boundary conditions with
the specular plane wave, since the latter implies that the The Kirchhoff approximation (KA) is a method allowing
pressure depends on the x-coordinate at the entrance of the computation of the polar scattering diagram of any
the wells’ cavities. Figure 8 illustrates this for an exam- rough surface, provided that [26, 18]
ple: even if H/λ is a multiple of 0.5, the specular wave is • its roughness profile can be expressed by a function z =
not the only radiating wave and the scattering coefficient is ξ(x) (for 1D surfaces),
not zero. As a result, the periodicity of the scattering coef- • its local slope is “not too high”,

Embrechts, Billon: Scattering coefficients of profiles ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA
Vol. 97 (2011)

Figure 11. The random-incidence scattering coefficient of infinite

surfaces with periodic rectangular profiles, as a function of the
ratio of the spatial period L to the wavelength. The width of the
Figure 10. Same as Figure 6, with the width of the wells 2A =
wells 2A = 3L/4.

• and the direction of incidence is “not too grazing”.

In particular, Thorsos [26] precised these conditions of va-
lidity for the random Gaussian rough surfaces.
By comparing the polar scattering diagram with the one
computed for a flat surface having the same size as the
rough surface, one can obtain the (directional) scattering
coefficient [18], or more precisely what is called the “free-
field correlation scattering coefficient” [3, 15]. Finally, in-
tegrating for all directions of incidence gives the random-
incidence scattering coefficient.
Figure 12. Example of a Gaussian roughness profile generated
The KA method, completed by the directional correla-
in [18] with the following parameters: rms height σ = λ and
tion method, has been applied to random Gaussian sur-
correlation length T = 5λ. This is a 1D-surface, the height above
faces respecting the KA conditions of validity in [18]. A the average plane is z(x) and it is presented here relatively to the
Gaussian roughness profile is defined by two parameters: wavelength λ.
the rms height or amplitude (σ) and the correlation length
(T ).
Figure 12 shows an example of such a profile. The KA
method is valid for these surfaces if the correlation length
is greater than the wavelength and the ratio σ/T does not
exceed 0.25. The angles of incidence and scattering mea-
sured from the normal to the mean plane of the corruga-
tions should also not exceed 60 degrees.
The results obtained in [18] are recalled in Figure 13.
It is shown that the random-incidence scattering coeffi-
cients tend to increase with the rms height of the roughness
profile. They don’t depend significantly on the correlation
length of the Gaussian profile, as long as this geometrical
parameter is greater than the wavelength.
This dependence on the rms height or depth of the pro-
file is quite similar to the general behaviour observed in
the previous section for the periodic rectangular profiles. Figure 13. Comparison of the random-incidence scattering coef-
The results obtained for these profiles are also represented ficients obtained by the KA method for Gaussian surfaces [18]
in Figure 13 (the rms height for the periodic rectangular and the corresponding coefficients computed in this study for pe-
riodic rectangular profiles (A = L/4). All these Gaussian sur-
profile is H/2).
faces respect the conditions of validity of the Kirchhoff approxi-
It is indeed shown that the scattering coefficient of both mation.
sets of surfaces increases monotonically, up to the rms
height’s value of approximately 0.15λ, as long as H/L ≤
0.1. For greater values of the rms height, the Gaussian sur- while the periodic rectangular profiles follow a more com-
faces’ coefficients tend to converge to an asymptotic value, plex evolution (beginning of the oscillations).

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Vol. 97 (2011)

measured quantity (the impulse response and the reverber-

ant decay in the first case, the reflected complex pressure in
the second case), in order to extract the coherent specular
contribution. This allows to derive the specular reflection
coefficient and, therefore, the scattering coefficient.
Before comparing theoretical and measured values of
the scattering coefficient, one must first determine to
which method our definition of the scattering coefficient
corresponds. In fact, the theoretical definition (3) used
in this paper corresponds to the free-field correlation
method. Indeed, the complex specular reflection coeffi-
cient rs is defined in this method as the one which mini-
mizes the differences between the free-field distribution of
the reflected pressure (1) and the distribution rs p0 (x, y, z),
Figure 14. Comparison of the random-incidence scattering coef- where p0 (x, y, z) is the pressure reflected in the same con-
ficients obtained for sine-shaped surfaces in [14] and the corre- ditions by a perfectly reflecting flat surface located in
sponding coefficients computed in this study for periodic rect- z = 0 and having the same (infinite) dimensions as our
angular profiles (A = L/4). The parameter for the sine-shaped rough surface [15, 18]. If the incident wave vector is in the
surfaces is the ratio p/L, where p is the peak-to-peak amplitude vertical plane (x, z), then
of the corrugations (corresponding to H for the periodic rectan-
gular profile). p0 (x, y, z) = e jk(x cos φ0 +z sin φ0 ) . (14)

Obviously, the coefficient minimizing the differences with

Also, for low values of the rms height (less than 0.15λ), the polar distribution (1) is rs = R0 . Therefore, if it is con-
the periodic rectangular surfaces tend to offer slightly sidered that our rough surface is also perfectly reflecting,
greater scattering coefficients than the Gaussian ones. introducing this expression of rs in equation (1) of [18]
Figure 14 is a comparison of the results obtained for two gives the correlation scattering coefficient scor = 1−|rs |2 =
types of infinite rigid surfaces : with periodic sine-shaped 1 − |R0 |2 , which is identical to our definition (3). Note that
and rectangular profiles. The sine-shaped surfaces results this correspondence can also be proved for other directions
have been obtained by the Holford-Urusovskii’s method of incidence situated outside the plane (x, z), by analogy.
[13, 14]. Again, the rms height of the periodic rectangular The definition of the scattering coefficient (3) does not
profile is H/2 and, if p represents the √ peak-to-peak am- correspond to the phase-locked averaging measurement
plitude of the sine- shaped profile, p/ 8 is its rms height. method. This can be shown by applying the same theoret-
Similar behaviours are again observed, as long as the rms ical developments as the ones proposed by Sakuma et al.
height relative to the wavelength is less than 0.15, and the in [15]. More details about these developments are given
ratio H/L ≤ 0.1. For greater values of this ratio, the sine- in the Appendix.
shaped surfaces’ scattering coefficients significantly dif- It is also shown in [15] that the results obtained by the
fer from the periodic rectangular surfaces’ coefficients ob- reverberation room method are prone to better correspond
tained with the same rms height. with the free-field correlation method than with the phase-
locked averaging method.
5. Relation with measured random- After this short introduction on the measurement meth-
incidence scattering coefficients ods, it is concluded that the definition of the scattering
coefficient used in this paper corresponds to the free-field
Three methods are presently known to give a measure of correlation approach, which itself is close to the statistical
the random-incidence scattering coefficient [3]: averaging used in the reverberation room method.
• the “reverberation chamber method”, standardized in an All these measurement methods are rather new, com-
ISO document [1], pared to the measurement of the absorption coefficient.
• the phase-locked averaging of free-field responses as Therefore, only few results are presently available in the
the surface is moved [27], scientific literature, in particular if we search for periodic
• and the free-field correlation method, involving the rectangular profiles. In Cox’ book [2], several polar re-
measurement of the complete free-field polar distribu- sponses are given and its Appendix C lists the random-
tion of the reflected pressure. incidence scattering coefficients of several single plane
The last method can lead to a very long and tedious proce- diffusers, but not for periodic rectangular profiles.
dure if 2D (two angles) polar distributions must be mea- In his thesis, Hargreaves [29] has measured the random-
sured, and it is therefore practically restricted to computed incidence scattering coefficient of a circular plate (1.55m
polar distributions, obtained for example by BEM [15, 28] diameter) covered with a periodic arrangement of rectan-
or the KA method [18]. gular varnished battens. Measurements results have been
In the first two methods, the diffuse reflected component obtained in a real-scale reverberation chamber between
is eliminated (or at least attenuated) by averaging some 100 Hz and 2000 Hz. However, as the spatial period of

Embrechts, Billon: Scattering coefficients of profiles ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA
Vol. 97 (2011)

this sample is L = 0.1 m, the theory for infinite periodic

surfaces reveals that scattering begins at about 1700 Hz
(L/λ > 0.5, see section 3). The results published by Harg-
reaves are therefore mostly influenced by the finite size of
the sample. Moreover, the author recognizes that his mea-
sured values are “unjustifiably high, especially at high fre-
Choi and Jeong [11] also measured the random-inci-
dence scattering coefficient of varnished periodic battens.
They use a 1:5 scale model of a reverberation room and
published results between 100 Hz and 2500 Hz FS (full-
scale). The dimensions of the periodic roughness profile
are in this case L = 0.30 m FS, H = 0.15 m FS and
A = L/4. The results of Choi and Jeong show a more
or less pronounced maximum in the scattering coefficient
curve in the third-octave band of 500 Hz, quite close to Figure 15. Comparison of the random-incidence scattering coef-
ficients measured by De Geetere [8] for a periodic arrangement
the quarter-wavelength resonance frequency of the wells
of rectangular battens and the infinite surface with the corre-
(H/λ 0.25). However, an infinite surface with H/L = sponding rectangular profile (H/L = 0.1415).
0.5 cannot exhibit a similar curve since scattering only be-
gins at 567 Hz. The comparison with the results of Choi
and Jeong is therefore not satisfying. tion room measurements, depending on the ratio of the
Further results have been found in the thesis of De dimensions of the surface sample to the wavelength. In
Geetere [8]. In this case, there were 7 rectangular battens, figure 15, it could explain the small differences observed
regularly spaced (L = 42.4 cm) on a circular turntable below 500 Hz. But the edge effect is not the only influ-
made of multilayered wood (3 m diameter). The height of ence related to the finite size of the surface. In the case of
the rectangular profile is H = 6 cm. Measurements are periodic surfaces, the finite number of periods is another
carried out in a real-scale reverberation room. Figure 15 factor that could explain differences, though this effect is
shows the results of the measurements compared with the rather difficult to estimate without BEM calculations for a
theoretical scattering coefficients obtained for the infinite finite sample. The theoretical and real surfaces also differ
surface having the same profile (H/L = 0.1415). The cor- by their absorption: even if it is kept to low values in De
respondence between both curves is fairly good. It must Geetere’s experiments, it could be responsible for the at-
also be noted that De Geetere proposed a correction to his tenuation of the resonance peak around 1600 Hz which has
measured values to take into account the scattering coef- been computed for the perfectly rigid surface. However, a
ficient of the base plate. This correction is not included in better agreement is observed for the second peak around
the results of Figure 15, but it would result in an increment 5 kHz.
of about 0.1 of the scattering coefficient, for the frequen- These resonance effects seem to play a key role in the
cies greater than 800 Hz. If applied, this correction would comparison of theoretical and measured scattering coeffi-
probably enhance the correspondence between measured cients. In this respect, the 1D periodic rectangular profile is
and theoretical results. Also note that the measurement more critical than its sine-shaped equivalent, since a better
results of De Geetere are integrated in third-octave fre- correspondence was established for one of these profiles
quency bands, but the integration of our theoretical results in [13].
in third-octave bands does not change their presentation In any case, more systematic investigations are needed
significantly. to identify the reasons of these differences between mea-
What can be concluded about this comparison? Well, it surements and theory. BEM computations could help to
is known that the scattering of finite surfaces not only de- precise the role of finite size and absorption effects. But
pends on their roughness profile, but also on their finite also, more measurement results are certainly needed to al-
size (including the so-called edge effect). By comparing low for additional comparisons.
with a flat surface having the same size and dimensions
as the rough surface, the reverberation room measurement
6. Conclusion
method is intended to isolate the influence of the rough- An exact solution has been developed for the sound field
ness profile. Also, the theoretical determination of the scat- reflected by an infinite rigid rough surface with a periodic
tering coefficient of an infinite surface only depends on its rectangular profile. The numerical calculation of this so-
profile. One therefore expects that both results should cor- lution for several directions of the incident plane wave al-
respond. Previous studies performed on sine-shaped sur- lows to derive the random-incidence scattering coefficient
faces indeed showed a very good correlation between mea- of this surface.
sured and theoretical results [13, 15]. This was done for a great number of configurations by
The edge effect of the diffuser itself is particularly sig- varying the geometrical parameters of the periodic profile:
nificant at (relatively) low frequencies in the reverbera- the spatial period L, the depth H and (to a less extent) the

ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA Embrechts, Billon: Scattering coefficients of profiles
Vol. 97 (2011)

width 2A of the wells, leading to a very detailed descrip- In this equation, the angle ϕ represents the rotation of the
tion of the scattering properties of this kind of profile (see surface and it is comprised between 0 and 2π. The specular
Figures 4 to 10). term n = 0 is always propagating in the same direction
For H/L < 0.2, the key parameter is the ratio of the (independent on the angle ϕ), i.e. kxn = k cos φ0 , kyn = 0
depth of the profile H to the wavelength. As this ratio in- and kzn = k sin φ0 , but R0 (ϕ) depends on ϕ. Averaging
creases, the random-incidence scattering coefficient also this specular term gives the directional specular reflection
increases, reaching a first maximum value at H/λ 0.3. coefficient
It then oscillates while converging to an asymptotic value 
(Figure 4) which depends on the width of the wells. For 1 2π
rs (φ0 ) = R0 (ϕ) dϕ. (A2)
H/λ < 0.3, the random-incidence scattering coefficient 2π 0
follows an evolution similar to the Gaussian and the sine- If it is assumed that the terms n = 0 are significantly at-
shaped profiles. It seems therefore that, if the corrugations tenuated by phase-locked averaging (which is not a priori
of the surface are sufficiently small in amplitude compared obvious), the reflected power associated with this coher-
to the wavelength and to the correlation length or the spa- ent component is |rs (φ0 )|2 , and consequently the phase-
tial period, the kind of profile has little influence on the locked averaging directional scattering coefficient is
value of the scattering coefficient. This must of course be
confirmed by studying other profiles. 1 2π
For 0.2 < H/L < 5, the oscillations are less significant save (φ0 ) = 1 −
2π R0 (ϕ) dϕ
. (A3)
and they progressively lose their apparent periodic charac-
ter (Figure 5). Clearly, this definition (A3) leads to different values of the
With this detailed information, the users of room acous- random-incidence scattering coefficient, if (A3) is used in-
tics programs are able to include in their model quite ac- stead of (3) in the Paris’ formula (integration over φ0 ).
curate scattering coefficients to characterize periodic rect- This was already emphasized by Sakuma et al. in [15] and
angular profiles. However, the scattering of the roughness the reader is referred to this paper for more details.
profile is not the only contribution to the global scattering
properties of real surfaces, since it is known that their fi- References
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