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The Fox and The Crow

One warm summer day, a sly fox creeped

through the forest searching for something to eat.
He sniffed the air carefully. “I smell my favorite
snack of all! Cheese!” he said gleefully. As he
followed the smell, he looked up into a tall gnarly
tree and spied an old black crow holding a piece of
yellow cheese in her beak
“Hello Crow!” called Fox, sitting down on
his haunches. “I’ve been walking through the
forest and have seen many birds, but none have
been so beautiful as you.” Crow cocked her head
toward fox with interest. “Your feathers are so jet
black it reminds of the deepest night. Your feet are
so tiny and delicate. Your beak so sharp and shining. I’ve truly never seen such a fine
specimen before in my whole life.” Crow fluffed her feathers proudly and hopped towards
fox so she wouldn’t miss a word of his praise.
“I wonder if it could be possible for a bird as beautiful as you to sing beautifully
as well? If that was so, you may be called ‘Queen’ of the Birds’. All would know you as
the most talented and beautiful of all birds.”
As fox let these last words fall from his sly mouth, Crow puffed up her chest and
began to sing. Unfortunately, as soon as she opened her beak, the bit of cheese plummeted
to the ground and was snatched up by the clever fox. “Caw! Caw! Caw!” sang crow
When Crow saw Fox eat up the cheese, she became angry. “That’s MY cheese!”
She cawed. “You were so busy listening to pretend compliments, you forgot to use your
brains!” scoffed the fox.
Moral: Bewa re of False Flatterers.

Comprehension Questions for The Fox and The Crow

1. Who are the main characters?

2. What is the setting?

3. Describe the Plot.

4. How did fox get crow to drop the cheese?

5. What is the lesson that this fable teaches?

6. How do you think you can apply this lesson in your own life?

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