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Intention Jar Making Class

Description: In this class you will work with herbs and crystals to create your own
Intention Jar. You will also learn what an intention jar is and what it can be used
for. All materials will be provided and are included in the cost of the class.

Cost: $35

Included Materials:
• Glass jar
• Herbs
• Crystal pieces
• Candle
• Pen & paper
• Charms (if desired)

Course Outline:

What does setting an intention mean?

Setting an intention is the act of clearly stating what you intend to accomplish.
The process of setting intentions simply means gaining more clarity on where you
want to be. What do you want to gain more of in life? There are no limits when
setting intentions.

How do I set an intention?

Intention jars should be made with a specific goal in mind. For example, when
making a self-love jar, my intention for this jar would be:
“I am filled with self-love. I am confident. I am beautiful. I radiate love for myself and

What do I add to my intention jar?

Each herb and crystal added to the jar will help manifest the desired intention.
Choose herbs are crystals that correlate with your intention. If you are unsure
what herbs to choose, go with your intuition. Your guides will help you.
Choose a candle that correlates to your desired intention to seal up the jar. Listed
below are the candle color meanings.
After sealing the jar with candle wax, you can carry it with you or place it in a
space you can see it often. You can also meditate with the jar to feel more
connected with the intention you set.

Tips for Your Intention Jar

• Charge your jar under the energy of the Full Moon. Treat it like your crystals and
charge your jar under the light of the Full Moon as often you feel called to do so.
The full moon energy works to purify and cleanse, also releasing any negative
energy your jar may have picked up.
• Meditate with your jar. Try meditating with your jar to feel more connected with
your set intention. The more you focus on the jar’s intention, the greater the
possibility your intention will manifest quickly. Where focus goes, energy flows.
• Feel the energy radiate. Just take time to appreciate the beautiful creation you’ve
made. You put your own time and energy into creating something magical. No
matter what the outcome, feel proud of what you’ve created.
Candle Color Meanings

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