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transcript of: Grey’s Anatomy

In season 11 episode 1 on Grey's Anatomy, titled "I Must Have Lost It on the Wind,"
Meredith struggles to adjust to life without Derek after his tragic death. She throws herself
into work to avoid dealing with her feelings, but is constantly reminded of Derek's absence.
Meanwhile, the hospital is bustling when Dr. Maggie Pierce, a cardiothoracic surgeon who
turns out to be Meredith's half-sister, arrives. The two clash at first, but eventually come
together over their shared history and grief. Arizona and Callie's relationship is also going
through a rough patch as they try to balance work and family. Arizona feels neglected and
decides to take time off from her marriage, leaving Callie devastated. Meanwhile, Bailey
takes on a new role as chief of surgery and struggles to earn the respect of her colleagues,
especially Dr. Richard Webber. The episode ends with Meredith finally telling Alex about her
grief and admitting that she doesn't know how to deal with Derek's death.

english german
to adjust anpassen/einstellen
to avoid zu vermeiden
absence Abwesenheit
bustling geschäftiges treiben
cardiothoracic Herz und Thoraxchirugie
grief Kummer/Trauer
rough patch schwierige Phase/Abschnitt
to neglect zu vernachlässigen
admitting zulassen

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