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User behavior

Behavior of the user using the cloud will vary on their knowledge on how to

work around the cloud and the ease of use the user feel when using it. A company that

has limited infrastructure for example may adopt the use of google drive as a mean to

transfer files between departments efficiently as it saves them the cost of another non-

cloud-based alternative. While a student whose local storage system is full may only

use the cloud as an extension of that storage and the option to access them on different

devices. Depending on how the user will use the cloud they tend may miss some

features and may develop misconceptions on the technology about being unreliable

and inferior to other practices and result in problems adopting the technology despite

the cost-savings potential and convenience may cloud computing services offer to

companies or end-users. Thus, we need a way to make a simpler and more

understandable user interface that not only educate the user on different features on

how to use them efficiently but also educate them on how other users in the same

cloud service can influence or change the files that is stored in the cloud to help users

how to deal with file conflicts and other problems that a shared cloud service may

bring (Tang et al, 2013).

According to Kurdi (2014) suggest that in order for a welcome cloud

environment for whatever use the user wants, A cloud service provider should equip

their product with user interface that is:

- Seemingly interactive - because the more interactive a service is the user can

immediately respond to the program and it saves them time from loading

- Natural when the user is interaction with it - to give users an option to be

flexible with the service and use it to their liking.

- Dynamic in visualizations - as navigating the cloud can be difficult at times

and dynamic visual can help a user find the file, they are looking for without

checking every folder.

User also focus on these aspects as it will determine their experience of the

cloud and not only on the security of the data in the cloud. Therefore, standardization

of these suggestions should be normalized in order to let users a consistent user

interface throughout different platforms rather than different types that service

providers include different features that only confuse the user and detest some

features that may improve a practice they are currently using.

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