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SOC 1502 Unit 4 Written Assignment

Give an example of gender, racial or ethnic stereotyping that you see in everyday life.
Explain how does stereotyping contribute to institutionalized discrimination and
what would need to happen for this to be eliminated.

Submit a paper that is well constructed using APA format. The paper should be a
minimum of one typewritten page (approximately 300 to 400 words) with an
introduction and conclusion. This paper shall demonstrate use of standard written
English with respect to: organization, grammar, spelling, composition, sentence
structure, punctuation, and construction.

Your paper will be assessed on the following criteria:

 Did the paper address the issue of gender, racial or ethnic stereotyping in
everyday life?
 Did the paper explain how stereotyping contributes to institutionalized
 Did the paper describe what would need to happen for discrimination to be
 Submit a paper that is well constructed using APA format. The paper should
be a minimum of one typewritten page (approximately 300 to 400 words) with
an introduction and conclusion. This paper shall demonstrate use of standard
written English with respect to: organization, grammar, spelling, composition,
sentence structure, punctuation, and construction.


In this essay, I will present some cases regarding gender stereotypes from my point of view, First of
all, I believe we all use stereotypes, and more often than we think we do not even realize.
Problematic situations are witnessed when a when a supervisor at work who maybe older turn to
call young women weak. In my line of work as a firefighter in my life I have experienced all types of
discrimination, especially to woman colleques. Gender stereotyping is probably the most frequent
cause of discrimination in my country and line of work because it affects a vast area of our lives, such
as health, freedom of expression, family relations, political involvement, and so on.

The outdated factors create the conditions of an unequal society because women are seen not to
have much value when it comes to making an important decision, yet they are more than half of the
population in my country. Stereotyping contributes a lot to institutionalized discrimination, e.i., for
instance, job positions, promotions, income, and their double roles of being a worker and a
caretaker are associated with gender discrimination, so the unequality of wages and benefits can
cause a person to stay in a lower financial bracket (Brannen, 2020) .
The reasons behind those stereotypes lay mainly in their biological differences because women are
believed to be more caring and concerned than men, who generally are more confident and bolder.
Independently of their differences, discrimination against women is unjustified and unfair

In conclusion, I hold the belief that it is very pivotal to put up educational/awareness programs to
try an educate our society from early ages about gender and eradicate the conviction of superiority
of one side over the other.

If men and women can manage to work together respecting each other's strengths and weaknesses,
there would be no gender based violence, there would be no street children and maybe no


Brannen, D. A. (2020, August 5). MultiBrief: Practical ways to reduce gender inequality in the
workplace. MultiBriefs - Your source for industry specific News Briefs.

Helsinki. (2014). Combating Gender Stereotypes In And Through Education. Retrieved from:

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