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Submitted by: Jhunnel Jhon M.


Course and Year: BSA-lll Animal Science

Submitted to: Rizzielyn B. Telmo

Reaction Paper


2022 Informal Nutrition Symposium: Understanding and meeting nutrient

requirements of poultry.

This webinar on the Informal Nutrition Symposium: Understanding and

meeting nutrient requirements of poultry state that effectively and efficiently
meeting the nutrient requirements remains a primary concern of poultry nutritionist.
Understandings the actual nutrient requirements of birds, the ability to utilize the
nutrient within the diet, and the delivering of those nutrients in a form that can
effectively be utilized to support optimum economic returns that will allow the
industry to more effectively meet those challenges. This symposium will give the
real world industry context to nutritionists and researchers, and set the stage for new
sources of poultry nutrient requirement data and effective use of that data.

The following are the Panelists,

Ryan N. Digler, a professor of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois and the
title of his presentation is Leveraging a dynamic feed composition database in diet

Reysuke Maramatsu, DSM nutritional product, Brazil and the title of his
presentation is Rapid real time analytical methods for commodity ingredients and
real-time implementation into commercial diets.

Charles Stark from Kansas State University and the title of his presentation is Feed
mill challenges- what was formulated is not what the bird eats.

The concept of nutrition around the world, and across a range of industries,
the use of data is changing management approaches, improving decision-making
and driving operational efficiencies. But how can the poultry industry, in particular,
source and leverage the value of feed data is a game changer by helping to optimize
poultry nutrition quickly and efficiently.

As such, in today’s competitive poultry industry, being able to precisely

optimize the composition of feed ensures the optimal financial margins and the best
chances of meeting broiler performance targets. What’s more, to achieve these
targets, the composition of the feed must be corrected regularly, according to
variations in the nutrient composition, the cost of the raw materials, changing meat
market conditions and the physiological demands made on the animals. Humanity
faces the grand challenge of reconfiguring food systems to deliver healthy diets that
are accessible to all people while safeguarding planetary health.

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