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Name : Callista Istahibbu Bil Haq

Week 14
1. Top Glove currently ships its product to 195 countries including the UnitedStates, Great
Britain, and the European Union countries. In fact, early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the
European Union and Britain pushed for the factory towork 24/7 to increase production.
Reflect on the ethics of the situation. Is it rightto continue to buy them? Is there an
For me, it is right to encourage production companies to increase their production during
emergencies such as Covid pandemic,, I mean Top Glove has a great quality product that
will help in saving the lives of many people from covid infection. But Top Glove also
must be able to ensure that every individual or workers receives the basic equipment and
tools that can prevent the infection and also help in stopping the spread of the pandemic.

After reflecting the ethics of the situation, I would be against buying from Top Glove or
supporting them because i cannot tolerate Top Gloves exploiting their workers and didn’t
give appropriate measures to protect their workers during the lockdown.

And I think If a country for example US stops importing products from TOP GLOVES, it
will not have a major impact for the US because there are other glove companies to

And for the alternative, the government also look for other suppliers and develop the
production houses in their own country on a temporary basis.

2. Despite previous concerns that Top Glove may have been violating basic human rights,
Britain’s National Health System (NHS) has continued to purchase gloves made by Top
Glove. Is doing so, is the NHS complicit in facilitating modern slavery? Explain. Discuss
the responsibility of shareholders in Top Glove. Do they have a moral responsibility to
demand change? Consider the optics of a wealthy developed country capitalizing on the
efforts of workers from 4th world countries. What example does this set for the world?
Answer :
As we know that NHS and many country has puchased gloves made by the biggest glove
company (Top Glove) and its not that easy to stop importing gloves from them especially
because Top Gloves has good quality product and cheaper that other and also its not that
easy for NHS and other coutries to find another glove supplier quickly.

Yea,, NHS complicit in facilitaiting modern slavery, this will violate england law and to
fix that that problem NHS in England will be prohibited from using goods and services
related to slavery or human trafficking. The law aims to prevent health services from
buying medical equipment from companies related to forced labor and slavery.

3. Malaysia’s Top Glove is the world’s biggest producer of protective gloves. Yet, workers
are being paid less than $1.50 per hour. Why is Malaysia the world’s main producer of
gloves? If glove prices were increased to allow for higher wages, would they sell or
would another country using a productionmodel similar to that of Top Glovestep in to
undercut higher-priced Malaysian-made gloves? How would higher glove prices impact
global health care costs overall?
Answer :
If there will be an increase in the cost of the gloves, there are two potential situations,
first the other countries using the same business model can also increase the cost or they
can continue to sell at the same cost to gain more market share. Looking at the current
situation when there is a great demand for gloves all over the world, any increase in the
cost of the gloves will also be trailed by the other countries to benefit their workers. This
sort of increase in the cost of the gloves will bring about a higher expense of health care
and the poor may find it tough to buy the gloves.

4. Discuss the role of suppliers in ensuring that the companies from which their products are
sourced provide safe working conditions for their employees. Is it fair to demand that
companies like Polyco Healthline, a supplier to Britain’s National Health Service (NHS),
audit its suppliers like Top Glove?
Answer :
Yea,, its fair to demand that companies like Polyco Healthline, a supplier to Britain’s
National Health Service (NHS), audit its suppliers like Top Glove because suppliers have
a hugely important role at every stage of the product lifecycle. From sourcing raw
materials to helping ramp up production, and to finding better options for raw materials
as the market starts becoming saturated, companies need to work closely with their
suppliers to get the best out of their products.

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