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The movie starts with a happy family in 1995.

They’re Alexie, Melina, & their

daughters, Natasha and Yelena

One day Alexie gets back home and says that they only have 1 hour to leave the

He tells his daughters that they’re going to experience the adventure that they’d
talked about

They take some necessary items and leave. Alexie gets his family over the

And fights the Avengers’ guards. Melina is injured in this firing. She asks Natasha
to fly the helicopter

They fight those guards and get their way out. When they’ve landed safely.

We see that they weren’t a real family. They were working on a special mission.

Natasha and Yelena didn’t know. Alexie hands his boss Dreykov, the thing he stole

With the hope that Dreykov would make him famous like Avengers after this mission.

Dreykov has sent Melina for treatment. He has sent Natasha and Yelena with the

Dreykov has started their training. So he could create his army by turning them
into fighters

He names them Black Widow. Scenes go onto 2016. Natasha has grown up, she’d joined

Sokovia Accords’ soldiers were after her. They want to kill her because Natasha
betrayed them

But Natasha has moved somewhere else to start her new life. Yelena who’s yet under
Dreykov’s control

Is working on his mission. She injures a girl while getting the box. That girl
throws a chemical at Yelena

Yelena is out of Dreykov’s control at that, and she’s back to her senses.

That girl asks Yelena to save the rest of the black widows from Dreykov.

Yelena takes the tracker out and runs with the box. A black widow has informed

Dreykov sends his taskmaster to complete this mission.

Natasha’s trustworthy man brings her all the things she’d need. It has the box that
Yelena had

That man said that he got that box from Natasha’s last apartment. Natasha puts all
that stuff in her car

When she goes to get the petrol, there’s a sudden blast and her car is hanging on
the edge of the bridge
She thinks that Sovorbia Accords have done that. But it’s Dreykov’s taskmaster

Natasha and taskmaster get into a fight. Then Natasha realizes that taskmaster is
there for that box

Natasha takes that box and keeps fighting the task master. Taskmaster throws
Natasha and sees the box

The box is empty. Natasha goes to a safer place. The tubes had already gotten out
of the box

She finds photographs of hers and Yelena’s there. She gets to know that it came
from Yelena

Natasha reaches Yelena’s house. They start fighting. Yelena’s upset with Natasha
for leaving her alone

Yelena tells Natasha, this gas can control men. Dreykov use it over black widows
for the wrong purposes

That’s why Yelena sent it to Natasha. She thought she could stop it from getting
into the wrong hands

Natasha tells her that she doesn’t work with the avengers. Natasha’s last mission
was to kill Dreykov

She’d blasted his house for that. Yelena asks her if she’d seen his body. Natasha
goes silent

Because according to Yelena, Dreylov is alive. Their apartment is blasted. It was

done by black widows

Natasha and Yelena are running from them. They distract them and move ahead.

They go from one building to another, and Natasha falls with another black widow.

Natasha goes to that widow to get her normal, but Dreykov controls her, and forces
her to take her own life

Seeing that, Natasha is sure that Dreykov isn’t dead. When they’re both leaving
with the bike

Taskmaster comes after them with the truck. They fall from the bike while dodging

They take a man’s car at gunpoint and run. Yelena has dealt with the black widows
that are after them

Taskmaster throws a dangerous arrow under their car. It blasts, car flips, and
falls onto the train station

But Heroines are safe, they get up and start running from the taskmaster.

They’re successful in running away. Natasha tells that when she’d set the bomb in
Dreykov’s house

It had Dreykov’s daughter as well. She was killed in front of Natasha.

But she doesn’t know anything about Dreykov. If he was there or not.

When Yelena and Natasha are planning we see that Dreykov tortured and trained the

But he had removed their uteruses as well. So they could serve him like robots.

They both had left their home. They didn’t know where to go and what to do next.

That’s why they decide to fight Dreykov. So they could help other girls like them

But no one knows where his red room is, where he trains girls. Natasha thinks that
Alexie might know

Because once he was a good friend and a partner of his. Natasha demands a

They’ve left for the jail to save Alexie. Dreykov had locked him up in jail.

He’s the same and hates Captain America just as much.

Natasha sends a microphone in Captain America’s toy. She’s started giving him
directions of getting out

But asks him to refrain from any trouble. But Alexie doesn’t listen. He creates a
scene and runs away

Police and criminals are all after him. Natasha comes down to help Alexie get to
the helicopter

She helps Alexie in fighting there. Yelena destroys the police tower from the

Then suddenly the ice is breaking from the mountain. Everyone’s worried and
concerned for his life

Natasha and Yelena take advantage of the situation and take Alexie from there.

Alexie tells them that he doesn’t know anything about Dreykov’s red room.

He’d just used Alexie for his mission and then locked him up in jail.

Natasha and Yelena were already very angry over him. that he’d left them alone to
bear such torture

They haven’t gotten anything after so much effort in getting him out.

Alexie says that Melina might know about it. because she’s not only a scientist but
also a black widow

And the oldest worker of his. They’re both pretty shocked at that.

Because they thought that Melina had died after her injury. They reach for Melina

She was experimenting with pigs. The whole family was having lunch.

When Melina shows them how the gas works. She was experimenting with that gas over
the pigs

It is pretty dangerous. It was the same gas that Alexie had stolen. Melina had
prepared it for Dreykov

Yelena gets disheartened after seeing Melina so proud of herself,

and says that Dreykov is using it over so many girls like them. Alexie goes after
Yelena to cheer her up

Natasha is convincing Melina to help her get to the red room.

Melina tells Natasha that her mom hadn’t left them on the road. Dreykov’s group had
selected her

And they were bought with money. When Natasha’s mom kept looking for them, Dreykov
killed her

Natasha gets angry and she wants to kill Dreykov in any case.

She reveals that she has already sent a message to him and his team can reach her
any minute

They attack Alexie and he faints. Yelena when goes to find Natasha, sees that she’s

Yelena is made a hostage as well. They head towards the red room. it is in the sky,
not on ground

That’s the reason why no one had ever found the red room.

Dreykov asks Melina to cut Yelena’s brain and experiment with it. Dreykov wants to
punish Yelena

Because she’d betrayed him. Yelena is in the operation room. Natasha when gets back
to senses

She finds herself in a jail where Alexie tells her from the jail next to her,

that even though he’s not her real dad, he always loved them like a real one.

Whereas they get to know that its Natasha disguised as Melina in the operating room

Melina is in jail in place of Natasha. She frees Alexie and herself. Because she’d
designed it all herself

Melina contacts Yelena with earphones that she’d put in her ears before they’d

She tells her how to free themselves. Yelena frees herself and then goes to get the

So she could free the rest of the black widows. It was all Yelena Natasha’s plan.

So no one gets a hunch and they find Dreykov too. Melina was also annoyed with

Natasha gets to know that Dreyov’s daughter was badly injured in the blast
but he didn’t want to lose her. That’s why he made his daughter a part of his army

She is the most dangerous one. It is none other than taskmaster. Natasha is pretty
sad to know this

Natasha couldn’t fix it all by going into the past. Dreykov sends taskmaster after
Melina and Alexie

Natasha thinks that she can easily kill Dreykov now. But she couldn’t do that

Because he has created a shield around himself that doesn’t let anyone harm him

Melina asks Alexie to fight the taskmaster while she goes to destroy the red room.

Yelena has taken the gas, Dreykov gets to know that Melina is in the control room
and he locks her there

Melina asks Yelena to go to the widows and leaves through the vent.

Dreykov has scattered the widows all around the world. They can destroy everything
on his command

And he can do anything with their help. Natasha had forced Dreykov to do this
through Melina

So she could remove his shield. And that happens. Dreykov’s shield gets removed,
and Natasha attacks him

But Melina has destroyed the engine and the red room is getting destroyed because
of that.

Yelena sees that there are no black widows in the room. all the black widows are
there to save Dreykov

Dreykov lets them fight Natasha and leaves. Natasha fights all of them alone

But she’s been caught by them, Yelena reaches there, throws the gas at them, and
normalizes them

Now everyone’s running away for his life. Natasha takes the record of black widows

And leaves before the building is destroyed. She’s moving spectacularly.

Melina and Alexie have left with the helicopter. But then they return to save their

Alexie gets the guard out of the way but they’ve lost their control over the

Natasha has reached the taskmaster. Melina had kept it in jail.

Natasha frees her because she didn’t want to leave her alone this time.

Before taskmaster could attack her, there was a blast and Natasha is hanging at the
end of the building

Where she sees that Dreykov is preparing to run. Natasha gets off the edge

But she sees that Yelena is about to destroy Dreykov’s helicopter. Yelena’s
successful in it

Natasha goes with the parachute to protect her sister.

She has saved Yelena but she sees that the taskmaster is after them. Natasha starts
fighting the taskmaster

After that, they both reach the ground where Natasha hardly gets the mask off of
her face

And breaks her gas tube to get her normal. The red room is all destroyed.

Yelena meets Natasha safe and sound. After that, they see their parents alright too

Where Natasha has forgotten all her grievances. Natasha sees Sokovia accords’
people coming there

And she makes her family run away from there with the rest of the black widows

And gives Yelena the record of the rest of the black widows in the world.

She has stopped there to stop people from believing that Avengers are wrong

Lastly, she takes a new helicopter and leaves to help the avengers and the movie
ends too

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