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Can you outrun destiny?

Title: Awakening

Genre: Fantasy, adventure

Duration: 180 mins

Rating: 18-60 years

Look and feel: A dark sepia feel

Theme: destiny, corruption and hypocrisy

Key elements of the story world: It is set in the 12th century.

The people are skilled in the knowledge and the production of
bronze and iron arts. Many of the men are blacksmiths.

Colour scheme: black, grey and brown

With six deceptive chiefs and the strong
arm of a colonizing empire hot on his trail,
strong-willed rebel Apara must figure out a
way to liberate his people from age-long
Note of Intent
Awakening allows us to interrogate the role of destiny in
our African culture. This film affords the medium to focus
on the symbiotic relationship that exists on man’s destiny
and his actions.

Ultimately, the question we are set to ask with this story is,
can we really change our destiny or, when we think we're
fueled by the ability and capacity to change, are we just
accelerating the fulfillment of our fixed destiny?
In a fictional Yoruba land thousands of years before Sango, Egbesu
and Amadioha, Apara, an attractive, strong-willed, brave, cynical
and impulsive 22-year-old misfit is thrust into the struggle for
independence for his people from the constant bullying and
enslavement by the Asari Empire. Following the murder of Apara's
brother by troops from the empire seeking taxes from the people of
Imo, Apara threatens to carry out his revenge on the people
Apara's threats get to the ears of the Oloye Mefa who in turn
arrange his abduction and enslavement in the Empire. While in
captivity and awaiting trial, Apara impulsively attacks the Emperor
which earns him confinement and torture.

However, while he is being tortured, he unlocks his power of
strength, fights off the guards and escapes to the forest
where his uncle, Olugbodi, resides.

Olugbodi recognises Apara's powers and trains him to better

manage them. However, during this period, troops from the
Empire storm Imo in a bid to find him. They pressure the
Oloye Mefa into revealing the whereabouts of his uncle. The
troops locate Olugbodi's hideout and kill him, but not before
Apara escapes and continues his training with Babarimisa.

Apara unlocks more of his powers during his training period
with Babarimisa and can soon pick up far away sounds from
his loved ones. One day he hears the cries of his love interest,
Aina and abandons his training to go back to Imo against the
warnings of Babarimisa.

He returns to Imo determined more than ever to free his

people from the stronghold of the Empire.
Apara is a young man who refuses to be
bullied. He believes “everyone is equal and
no man is greater than another.” He is
stubborn, always doing the opposite of what
is expected of him. He believes no earthly
man has the power to steer his life. “I die
when I choose to” he would always say. He is
a skilled blacksmith when we meet him and
grows into a rebel determined to save his
people from oppression.
The Emperor

Fueled by his cruelty,

greed and insatiable quest
for power, the Emperor
leads the continuous
colonization of the Imo
people for his selfish gain.

Story World
Set in the 12th century, Awakening kickstarts in the small, slow,
subdued and underdeveloped Yoruba town of Imo at the wake of
the metal age. The fast growing production of bronze and iron arts,
pushes several of the town's male inhabitants into becoming black
smiths. The town is firmly guided by the iron hands of the revered
Oloye Mefa - the custodians of the cultures, traditions and history.
However, at the start of the film's second act, we are introduced to
the contrasting, fast-paced and awakened world of the Asari
Empire, the colonising force that lords over the people of Imo.
Joseph Omoniyi
Emy Josephs

Team Lead Structural


Ingrid-Mary Margareth
Okija Egbuchulam

World Character
Builder Designer
Can you outrun destiny?

Whether a man has a favourable or an unfortunate destiny, can he

supplicate, rectify, placate or confront it and the force
responsible for this ordeal? The outcome of this exercise is the
result of his actions and deeds.

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