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Formulae related to Number System

a 2−b2= ( a+b )(a−b)

2 2
a + b =¿

a + b =( a+b ) ( a +b −ab )=¿

3 3 2 2

a −b =( a−b ) ( a +b + ab ) =¿
3 3 2 2

4 4
a +b =¿

a 4−b4 =( a+b ) (a−b)¿

2 2
2(a + b )=¿

√ ab=√ a √ b

√ a √a
b √b

( √ a+ √ b )( √ a−√ b ) =a−b

( a+ √ b ) ( a− √b )=a2−b
2 2 2
( √ a+ √ b ) =( √ a ) +2 √ ab+ ( √b ) =a+2 √ ab+ b
p q p+q
a a =a
( a p ) =a pq
a p−q

a p b p=( ab ) p

Integer Properties : For any integers a and b,

Addition of integers is commutative a + b = b + a

Addition of integers is associative a + ( b + c ) = ( a + b) + c

0 is the identity element under addition a + 0 = 0 + a = a

Multiplication of integers is commutative. a x b = b x a

1 is the identity element under multiplication 1 x a = a x 1 = a

Area is the size of a two-dimensional surface. It is defined as the amount of two-
dimensional space occupied by an object. Area formulae have many practical applications
in building, farming, architecture, science. The area of a shape can be determined by placing
the shape over a grid and counting the number of squares that covers the entire space. For
example, the area of a square can be calculated using a 2 where a is the length of its side.

A Perimeter is the length of the boundary of a closed geometric figure.

Area and Perimeter Formulas
Shape  Area Perimeter Terms

Circle A = π × r2 Circumference = 2πr r = radius of the circle

b = base
h = height
Triangle A=½×b×h S=a+b+c
a, b and c are the sides of
the triangle

Square A = a2 P = 4a a = length of side

l = length
Rectangle  A=l×b P = 2 (l + b)
b = breadth

Rhombus A = a2 P = 4a a = length of side

a = side
Parallelogram A=b×h P = 2 (a+b) b=base
h=vertical height

a =base 1
b = base 2
Trapezoid A = ½ (a + b)h a+b+c+d h = vertical height
a, b, c, d being the sides of
the trapezoid

Here is the list of differences between area and perimeter:

Area Perimeter

Perimeter is total distance covered by the

Area is the region occupied by a shape
boundary of a shape

Area is measured in square units Perimeter is measured in units

(m2, cm2, in2, etc.) (m, cm, in, feet, etc.)

Example: Area of rectangular ground is Example: Perimeter of a rectangular ground is

equal to product of its length equal to sum of all its four
and breadth.  boundaries, i.e, 2(length + breadth).

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