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The knowledge, education, training, skills, and expertise of a firmʹs workers is known as:
A) physical capital.
B) managementʹs philosophy.
C) production capital.
D) human capital.
E) cultural diversity.

2. Key operational responsibilities are often handled by hr department staff members, which
of the following is an operational responsibility?

A) setting goals and objectives

B) interpreting human right laws
C) collecting metrics
D) analyzing metrics
E) interpreting health and safety legislation
3. To maintain a competitive advantage, a company’s plan for how it will balance its internal
strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats is know as

Strategic Plan

4. Ruanna is the hr manager of a textile company, she recently undertook research

A) environmental scanning.
B) an external market survey.
C) an employee engagement survey.
D) an envrionmental study.
E) an external opportunities/threats study.

5. As the HR consultant of a newly formed company, Arun has planned a

presentation for the line managers on organizational culture and the purpose it

serves.Which of the following points would Arun have included in his presentation?

A)increasing training levels

B)fostering employee loyalty and commitment

C)fostering employee loyalty and commitment and providing employees with a

sense of direction

D)succession planning

E)creating a more worldly atmosphere

6. Jay perry was hired by a manufacturing firm as a supervisor during his first few
weeks report to him expect a lot of direction and expect him to do all of the decision
making additional responsibilities and make decisions within a specific scope. Jay
perry is

Empowering his staff

7. The broad objective of varios hr associations across the country include

A) assisting in the provision of training in the field of HR.
B) providing opportunities for information exchange.
C) serving as a voice for HR practitioners.
D) skills updating.
E) all of the above.

8. Which of the following apply to employers and employees across Canada?

A) Employment equity legislation
B) Employment Insurance and employment legislation
C) Employment Insurance and Canada/Quebec Pension Plan
D) Employment Insurance and human rights legislation
E) the Canada Labour Code

9. Establishing minimum employee entitlements is most closely aligned with

employment/labour standards legislation.

10. If a company classifies male employees as administrators and female employees

doing the same
work as clerks and provides different wage rates based on the classifications, the
company is
violating the
A) collective agreement.
B) principle of equal pay for equal work.
C) Income Tax Act.
D) gender-based discrimination principle.
E) none of the above.

11. All jurisdictions in Canada prohibit discriminations on the grounds of :

Race, sexual orientation and marital status

12. Which is most difficult type of discrimination to detect and combar?

systemic discrimination.
13. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has a requir ement that guards be of the
same sex as prisoners being guarded. This is an exa mple of:
A) a violation of bona fide occupational requireme nt.
B) a bona fide occupational requirement.
C) systemic discrimination.
D) reasonable accommodation.
E) intentional and indirect discrimination.

14. The Supreme Court of Canada has made it clear that:

A) supervisors can be liable for failing to take action against harassment.
B) alleged harassers should be severely punished.
C) if harassment is occurring, supervisors can ignore it unless an employee reports
it to them
D) having a harassment policy is sufficient to prevent harassment claims.
E) it is an employeeʹs responsibility to prevent and report harassment.

15. The main goal of employment equity legislation is to:

A) remedy discrimination on the basis of gender, race, and disability.

B) bring the six traditionally disadvantaged groups into the mainstream of
Canada's labour force.
C) remove employment barriers and promote equality for the women, visible
minorities, aboriginal people and persons with disabilities.
D) request employers under provincial jurisdiction to have a better
representation of the designated groups at all levels within the organization.
E) request employers under federal and provincial jurisdiction to have a better
representation of the designated groups at all levels within the organization.

16. The personal information protection and electronic documents act governs
The collection, use and disclosure of personal information across Canada.

17. Needlecraft wines has installed video surveillance equipment throughout its
premises, including in the employee washrooms, in order to prevent theft of
company equipment and supplies. What would the likely result be if employees
a. Courts would uphold the right of ABC company to install video surveillance
equipment anywhere on its property.
b. Courts would deny the right of ABC company to install video surveillance
equipment since it is an invasion of employee privacy.
c. If the company could demonstrate evidence of widespread employee theft, the
surveillance system would be allowed.
d. Courts would refuse to rule because the case lacks merit.
e. Courts would ask if there is a less invasive way to monitor employees and order
the removal of the video surveillance in the washrooms.
18. Real digital XYZ is a technology company. In the lobby of its corporate office, it has
a large-screen television that profiles employees who work at XYZ, as well as other
company information. Employees are asked to supply their name, business title,
and their favourite hobby. The collection of employee information for this purpose
a. is a violation of PIPEDA and not allowed.
b. can be made a condition of continued employment at XYZ.
c. is allowed as long as the hobby listed doesn't contain any information that is
defamatory or would otherwise harm the image of the employer.
d. is allowed as long as everyone participates without discrimination based on age,
race, or sex.
e. is allowed if employees give their consent.

19. Juan Martinez is the director of hr for statsplas inc. he is working on a project to
organization has a top-down management approach with many levels of
management the company wants to move into a more decentralized management
approach with a

Bureaucratic; flat

20. In an office with one supervisor, one assistant, two clerks, and two data-entry operators,
there are:
A) four positions and six jobs.
B) four jobs and four positions.
C) four positions and four jobs.
D) four jobs and six positions.
E) six jobs and six positions.

21. Making jobs more rewarding or satisfying by adding more meaningful task is
primarly associated with:

A) job rotation.
B) industrial democracy.
C) job enrichment.
D) co-determination.
E) job enlargement.

22. When Collecting job analysis data in a larger organ ization usually involves:
A) the work of the HR specialist alone.
B) HR generalists who are not consultants.
C) a joint effort by a HR specialist, the incumben t, and the supervisor.
D) the work of the supervisor alone. E) a labour union.

23. Managers can determine if a performance gap exits by comparing the skills,
knowledge with those that are identified
A) establishing recruitment criteria.
B) union negotiations.
C) determining a job's pay range.
D) designing the job.
E) training and development

24. What should you consider doing during a job analysis process?
A) collecting data on identified jobs using job an alysis techniques.
B) pick representative positions & jobs to be analyzed.
C) reviewing the organization chart, process chart s and existing job descriptions.
D) reviewing information with job holders and imme diate supervisors.
E) all of the above

25. If a job requires mental efforts, which job analysis technique is meaningless?
A) a survey questionnaire
B) a position analysis questionnaire
C) a participant diary/log
D) direct observation
E) an individual interview

26. An individual preparing a job description for the first time would find it helpful to
refer to:
A) Standard Occupational Classification.
B) HRDC Job Classification Dictionary
C) National Occupational Classification.
D) Canadian Classification and Dictionary of Occupations.
E) Dictionary of Occupational Titles

27. Geraldo was recentrly hired as an hr assistant. As his first project his immediate su
A) job holder's name
B) duties and responsibilities
C) company name
D) summary of performance evaluations
E) work culture

28. Which of the following would not be included in the subsection of the job
description titled “working conditions”?

A) frequency of interruptions
B) amount of travel
C) noise level
D) equipment failure
E) hazardous conditions

29. Each of the following statements about hrp is true except that:
A) it can lead to significant costs if done poorly.
B) a critical HRP issue is what to do when the labour supply exceeds the
anticipated demand.
C) a fundamental HRP decision when demand exceeds supply is whether
projected positions
will be filled externally or internally.
D) it is a reactive process.
E) it is also known as employment planning.

30. External environmental factors that are most frequently monitored in HR and strategic
include all of the following EXCEPT:
A) economic conditions.
B) market and competitive trends.
C) new or revised laws.
D) demographic trends.
E) international trade patterns.

31. The CEO has asked you to assist her in forecasting future human resources needs
and to
first use a forecasting technique which would generate an exchange of ideas
among Directors of
each division. She is concerned that you use a technique which will lead to greater
acceptance of
results among Directors. Which technique do you use?
A) an informal expert forecast
B) nominal group technique
C) a formal expert forecast
D) regression analysis
E) the nominal group technique

32. Databases summarizing employees’ education, skills, experience, etc. which are
used to identify internal candidates eligible for transfer and or promotion are known
A) skills inventories.
B) Markov analyses.
C) replacement charts.
D) staffing tables.
E) job descriptions.

33. In general terms, the lower the rate of unemployment

A) the smaller the labour demand.
B) the larger the labour demand.
C) the easier it will be to recruit.
D) the larger the labour supply.
E) the smaller the labour supply.

34. Shabrica is an hr, generalist at a hospital, three of the five senior managers will be
retiring in the next 18 months, her hr director has asked to plan ahead for these
vacancies by reviewing their managerial inventory. What is the name of this
Succession planning

35. attrition is common in most organizations. drawbacks of this type of labour supply
strategy include that
the organization has no control over which employees leave and which employees

36. developing a reputation as an environmental leader and demonstrating corporate

social responsibility
a. is part of every organization's mission statement.
b. is not supported by shareholders in for-profit enterprises.
c. is only common in not-for-profit enterprises.
d. helps organizations to gain market share and retain employees.
e. is a key responsibility of the human resources leader.

37. Management can lose its authority and power by empowering its employees

38. Hr professionals are increasingl expected by their employers to be change agents

who lead the organizations and its employees through unpredictable and evolving

39. Which of the following is not a pipeda principle?

Public access

40. Employers are expected to accommodate to the point of undue bardship


41. Job evaluation systems that undervalue jobs traditionally held by women are an
example of systematic discriminations
42. Youth aged 17 to 24 are a designated group for employment equity due to the high

43. A company policy that limites employee use of the internet on company computers
is a violation of the privacy rights of employees

44. If an employee is unable to perform one or more of the essential duties of the job
due to a physical or mental disability, accommodation is not required.
45. Jobs have become more cognitively complex, more team based, and more time
pressured, which has led some organizations to focus on personal competencies
and skills in a job analysis, rather than specific duties and skills.

46. Job analysis is defined as the process of listing duties, responsibilities, reporting
relationships, and working conditions of a job.

47. Managerial judgement is central to qualitative forecasting, but is also a significant

factor in quantitative forecasting techniques.

48. A labour surplus exists when the internal supply of employees exceedsthe
organization’s demand, most employers respond initially by terminating

49. The process of reviewing human resources requirements to ensure that the
organizations has the required number of employees with the necessary skills to
meet their goals is known as

A) training and development.

B) selection
C) human resources planning
D) strategic planning
E) recruitment

50. Rianne recognizes that her colleagues are stressed about recent layoff in
the organization. She has a good relationship with her manager therefore
decides to inform her about

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