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1. In your English class you have been talking about self-employment.

Now, your English teacher

has asked you to write an essay. Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your
point of view.

Is it better to be self-employed or to work for somebody else?


Write about:

1. being independent

2. Job security

3.own ideea

Many people must choose between working for themselves and for someone else during their careers.
Although both options have advantages and disadvantages, I think working for yourself is a better

First of all, being self-employed promotes greater independence. Self-employed people are free to
create their own schedules and make their own decisions. They have more control over their career
path and the projects they work on. Additionally, self-employed people have the freedom to work from
any location, which can be a huge benefit for those who have other obligations or prefer a particular
way of life.

Second, self-employment provides job security in a different way from employment with an employer.
While traditional jobs might provide a consistent income, self-employed people have the chance to build
up multiple revenue streams. They are not reliant on a single employer or revenue source, which might
provide them a sense of security during periods of unstable economic conditions. Additionally, they
have the flexibility to modify their costs or the quality of their offerings to meet the shifting demands of
the market, which can help them maintain their viability.

Overall, while self-employment does come with its own challenges and risks, I believe that it offers
greater potential for independence and job security than working for someone else. It allows individuals
to take control of their career and work on their own terms, which can lead to greater job satisfaction
and success.
2. You see this notice in an English-language magazine:
Articles wanted
Being famous for something
If you could be famous for something, what would you like to be famous for? The best articles
will be printed next month.
Write your article

If I could be known for something, it would be for using my influence to encourage human change. Even
though obtaining fame for a talent or skill can be admirable, I think doing good actions with fame can
have a bigger and a wider impact on the world.

Parazitii, a Romanian hip-hop group known for their socially conscious lyrics, is one example of an artist
who uses their fame for good. In their song "Arma Secreta," they speak out against corruption in politics
and encourage listeners to stand up for their rights.

Bitza, a Romanian rapper, addresses the issue of mental illness in his song "Vorbeste Vinul," where he
talks about the value of getting treatment and removing obstacles to receiving mental health care.

Just like in Ombladon’s song "Toata lumea plange," where he addresses the issue of violence and
aggression in society, I would want to use my fame to raise awareness about important issues and
inspire others to take action towards creating a better future for all.

In my own creative pursuits, I would want to use my talents to shed light on important issues and
encourage others to take action. For example, in my writing, I would want to address the issue of
income inequality and the need for greater economic justice. Through my music, I would want to inspire
others to take action to address climate change and promote sustainability.

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