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Alan suggested phoning and having dinner the following day

2. . Susan said that her parents were travelling to hawaii on holiday the next summer

3. Peter commented that candy and he wanted to have a party to meet their old schoolmates.

4. Sally asked carl if she knew when the new tv programme started

5. The teacher advised Paul to study harder or he wouldn’t pass his exams

6. Mr Smith told Sam not to lie about his school marks

7. Alec wanted to know where mum had put the book he had borrowed from the library the previous
day before

8. The policeman ordered the children to keep off the grass and asked if they couldn t read.

9. Paula commented that her father was never satisfied with her school marks.

10. Mrs Jones asked sam if he would come late for dinner that night.

11. Mandy apologised for not being able to do the shopping after work that day.

12. Kate promised to text dan as soon as she arrived in London.

13 Mrs Jones told the children to finish their homework before watching tv.

14 Alice invited donals to go to Renoir’s exhibition wwith her the next saturday

15 . Dad wanted to know if mandy was revising for her maths exam.

16 Mum told mom to put the cds away and lay the table and she added that they were having dinner in
ten mins.

17. Sally’s parents remarked that they were going to talk to her teacher about her school performance,

18 Anne asked sam to post that letter for her

19. Our boss announced that there would be new cuts in our salaries the next year

20. Dave orderer mark to turn the tv down or he would switch it off.

21. John wanted to know how many people were coming to the party the following Friday.

22. I advised jane to exercise a bit to be fitter.

23. Sam told carol that they could go to the cinema the next Wednesday if there was a good film on at
the odeon

24. Diana offered to take Charles card to the garage.

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