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Clinical performance of and patient satisfaction with

conventional complete dentures with different occlusal
schemes: A systematic review of systematic reviews
Maria Helena Rossy Borges, DDS,a Luís Fernando Bandeira Miranda, DDS, MSc,b Caroline Dini, DDS, MSc,c
Guido Artemio Marañón-Vásquez, DDS, MSc,d Marcela Baraúna Magno, DDS, MSc, PhD,e
Lucianne Cople Maia, DDS, MSc, PhD,f and Valentim A. R. Barão, DDS, MSc, PhDg

Statement of problem. The complete denture occlusal scheme may influence clinical performance and patient satisfaction. However, a
consensus on which occlusal scheme should be used for complete denture users is lacking. As a result, many dentists choose the scheme
based on their preferences and clinical experience.
Purpose. The purpose of this review was to assess the methodological quality and summarize the scientific evidence from secondary studies
about the influence of occlusal schemes on the clinical performance of and patient satisfaction with complete dentures.
Material and methods. Ten sources were surveyed according to the patient, intervention, comparison, outcome (PICO) strategy. Systematic
reviews that evaluated the clinical performance and patient satisfaction (O) of rehabilitated edentulous patients with conventional complete
dentures (P) under different occlusal schemes (I/C) were included. Methodological quality was assessed by using A MeaSurement Tool to
Assess systematic Reviews (AMSTAR) 2 tool by 2 authors independently. The effect of each occlusal scheme in comparison with others
was summarized and classified as positive, neutral, negative, or inconclusive based on the conclusions of the systematic review
concerning clinical performance and patient satisfaction outcomes.
Results. The search led to the inclusion of 10 systematic reviews. Seven were classified as of critically low, 2 as low, and 1 as moderate
methodological quality. The following occlusal designs were included and analyzed: bilateral balanced occlusion, lingualized occlusion,
canine guidance, group function, and monoplane occlusion. Bilateral balanced occlusion and canine guidance obtained satisfactory results
for both outcomes. Lingualized occlusion showed a trend toward better results than other occlusal schemes for normal and resorbed
ridges. Group function presented mainly inconclusive results, and monoplane occlusion did not deliver satisfactory outcomes.
Conclusions. The present overview concluded that occlusal schemes might interfere with the clinical performance of and patient satisfaction
with complete dentures. Lingualized, bilateral balanced, and canine guidance are preferred compared with monoplane occlusion, but
lingualized occlusion tends to show better results in some reviews. However, the results should be carefully considered because of the
low quality of the systematic reviews included. (J Prosthet Dent 2021;-:---)

Supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (grant number: 2020/07087-8), the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
(finance code 001), and the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) (grant number: 304853/2018-6). The authors declare no conflict of
interest to disclose. Presented at the IADR Brazilian Division in an online meeting on September 10, 2021.
Masters’ degree student, Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas (UNICAMP) Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil.
PhD Candidate, Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas (UNICAMP) Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil.
PhD Candidate, Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas (UNICAMP) Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil.
PhD Candidate, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Professor, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Associate Professor, Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas (UNICAMP) Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil.


2 Volume - Issue -

schemes on the clinical performance of and patient

Clinical Implications satisfaction with complete dentures.
The choice of occlusal scheme influences the clinical
performance of and patient satisfaction with
complete dentures. Although bilateral balanced This overview was undertaken and reported following
occlusion has been traditionally used, lingualized the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and
occlusion tends to show better results for clinical Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Statement,28 and the protocol
performance and the satisfaction of complete was registered at the PROSPERO database
denture users with normal or resorbed ridges. (CRD42021225919). For this overview, self-named sys-
tematic reviews that included randomized or non-
randomized clinical trials (cross-over or parallel design)
The choice of the occlusal scheme influences the clinical and evaluated totally edentulous participants rehabili-
performance of and patient satisfaction with complete tated with bimaxillary conventional complete dentures
denture.1 Furthermore, an unfavorable occlusal scheme (P) with different occlusion schemes (I/C) on clinical
has been reported to impair the stomatognathic system performance and patient satisfaction (O) as either a pri-
and induce emotional disturbances and discomfort.2 In mary or secondary outcome were included.
addition, physiological conditions such as ridge shape A comprehensive literature search was conducted in
and height could influence the choice of occlusal electronic databases, the homepages of systematic review
scheme.3,4 Therefore, a suitable occlusal scheme is critical registers, and the non-peer-reviewed literature (Supple-
for successful complete dentures.5 mental File, available online). The search was carried out
Occlusal schemes that have been proposed for complete until April 1, 2021. The reference lists of all included sys-
dentures include bilateral balanced, lingualized, canine tematic reviews were also appraised to identify potential
guidance, group function, and monoplane. These occlusal reviews to be included in this overview. The search strat-
schemes differ from each other regarding the position of the egy was performed with the assistance of an expert
teeth in the arch, the cusp morphology (anatomic, semi- librarian and combined MeSH terms and synonyms
anatomic, or nonanatomic), and the tooth relationship (Supplemental Table 1, available online). Publication data
during mandibular movements.6-10 However, the superi- and language restrictions were not applied to the searches.
ority of one occlusal scheme over others is still unclear.11-13 Duplicates records were removed, and reviews were
As a result, many dentists choose the occlusal scheme selected for inclusion by title and abstract screening by 2
based on their preferences and clinical experience. independent reviewers (M.H.R.B., L.F.B.M.). Selected
The clinical performance and patient satisfaction of reviews were appraised for full-text reading. Divergences
complete denture users with different occlusal schemes were solved by a third reviewer (V.A.R.B.). After full-text
have been investigated.2,14-16 In addition, systematic re- reading, all reviews meeting the eligibility criteria were
views have compiled study results and provided data to included in this overview, and data were extracted and
support evidence-based clinical procedures.6,7,11,17-23 An assessed for quality. Data extraction was performed by
overview (systematic review of systematic reviews) can be the same 2 reviewers (M.H.R.B., L.F.B.M.) by using a
conducted to summarize information from individual designed data extraction form (Supplemental File, avail-
systematic reviews and assess their methodological able online), and a third reviewer (V.A.R.B.) was con-
quality.24,25 Generally, overviews have evaluated the sulted to resolve any differences.
evidence from several systematic reviews to assess the The clinical performance outcomes in the included
effectiveness of multiple interventions to interpret or studies, either evaluated by examiners or reported by the
treat a particular clinical condition.26 In addition, over- participants, were considered as objective (colorimetric
views also appraise the risk of bias of the included sys- beads method, electromyogram, kinesiograph, maximum
tematic reviews and, hence, evaluate the methodological occlusal force, sirognathograph, sieve method, number
quality of these reviews.27 and time of mastication) or subjective (independent
A consensus on the ideal occlusal scheme for com- questionnaires, oral health impact profile questionnaires,
plete dentures regarding clinical performance and patient oral health-related quality of life questionnaire, and vi-
satisfaction is lacking. Furthermore, the authors are un- sual analog scale). For patient satisfaction, the included
aware of a previous study that has evaluated the meth- reviews used independent questionnaires, oral health
odological quality of the systematic reviews on this impact profile questionnaires, oral health-related quality
subject. Therefore, this overview aimed to assess the of life questionnaire, or visual analog scale. In addition,
methodological quality and summarize the scientific ev- ridge conditions, types of occlusal schemes, and tools for
idence to discuss the results obtained from available outcome assessment were considered through the pri-
systematic reviews about the influence of occlusal mary studies for data extraction.


- 2021 3

Identification of studies via databases Identification of studies via registers and other methods

Records identified from: Records identified from:


Database (n=325) PROSPERO (n=5)

Cochrane (n=4) Records identified before Open science framework (n=0)
Embase (n=53) screening: Systematic reviews (n=0)
LILACS (n=7) Duplicate records (n=166) Google scholar (n=1)
PubMed (n=108)
Scopus (n=72)
Web of science (n=81)

Records screened Records excluded

(n=159) (n=148)

Reports sought for Reports sought for Reports not retrieved

retrieval (n=11) retrieval (n=2) (n=1)

Reports excluded:
Reports assessed for Reports assessed for
Wrong population (n=1)
elegibility (n=11) elegibility (n=1)
Commentary article (n=1)

Studies included in the

review (n=9)

Total studies included in

the review (n=10)

Figure 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses flowchart of study selection process.

The quality assessment of the included reviews was conducted in this overview because of the high het-
undertaken independently by 2 reviewers (M.H.R.B., erogeneity of reviews.
L.F.B.M.). The quality of the reviews was assessed by a
MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews
(AMSTAR 2) approach.29 All reviewers discussed the
AMSTAR 2 criteria before quality assessment. Differences A total of 325 studies were recovered from the electronic
between reviewers (M.H.R.B., L.F.B.M.) regarding the databases. After the removal of duplicates, 159 titles and
AMSTAR 2 criteria were resolved by a discussion with all abstracts were screened, and 11 studies were assessed for
reviewers. AMSTAR 2 included a 16-item checklist full-text reading (Fig. 1). From the 11 studies, 2 were
covering all the steps taken during systematic review and excluded: 1 study evaluated the effect of occlusal schemes
meta-analysis elaboration. in dentate participants with existing occlusion or experi-
The effect of each occlusal scheme was compared mentally altered occlusion,30 and 1 was a commentary
and classified by 2 reviewers (M.H.R.B., L.F.B.M.) as article of a systematic review included in this overview31
positive, neutral, negative, or inconclusive based on the (Fig. 1). In addition, 1 potentially relevant systematic re-
systematic review conclusion concerning clinical per- view protocol was identified on PROSPERO; however, it
formance and patient satisfaction outcomes. When the was not completed and was not included in the present
occlusal schemes were compared, the best was cate- study.32 One other study was identified from the non-
gorized as “positive”; when similar results were peer-reviewed literature and was included.19 A total of 10
observed for the occlusal schemes, the outcome was systematic reviews were included in this overview (Fig. 1).
classified as “neutral”; and when the occlusal scheme All the included reviews were published in English, except
presented inferior results, it was categorized as for one in Chinese.23 The overall characteristics of the
“negative.” The occlusal scheme outcome was catego- included reviews are summarized in Table 1.
rized as “inconclusive” when the systematic review did All systematic reviews6,7,11,17-23 included randomized
not reach a conclusion about the scheme. As objective clinical trials, and 5 reviews also included prospective
and subjective analyses can assess clinical performance, studies.18,20-23 In addition to clinical studies, 2 reviews
data on this outcome were plotted separately. Infor- included other systematic reviews,11,20 1 included an
mation on the reabsorbed and normal ridge were in vitro study,22 and 2 reviews included clinical studies in
grouped separately. Meta-analyses could not be which participants were rehabilitated with partial


4 Volume - Issue -

Table 1. Description of included systematic reviews

Authors, Written-
Year Oriented Registered Search
(Country) Checklist Database PICO Searches Restrictions
Abduo, NR NR P: Complete denture users PubMed, reference lists of included English
201318 I/C: Occlusal schemes - BBO, CG, MO - studies, and manual search in journals
(Australia) and tooth morphology
O: Comfort, retention, stability,
mastication, speech, esthetics, number
of denture adjustments required,
maximum occlusal force, mandibular
movements, and objective mastication
Ahmed et al, Yes (PRISMA) NR P: Complete denture users PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane No
202119 I: CG Collaboration, Science Direct, Europe
(Malaysia) C: BBO PMC, and reference lists of included
O: Patient satisfaction, quality of life, studies
mastication, stability, retention, esthetics,
phonetics, and muscle activity
Bhambhani Yes (PRISMA) NR P: Complete denture users PubMed, Science Direct, Google Scholar, English
et al, 202017 I/C: BBO, LO, CG, GF Cochrane Central Register of Controlled
(India) O: Masticatory efficiency, quality of life, Trials, EBSCOhost, reference lists of
satisfaction, adjustment time, included studies, and manual search in
postoperative problems, and long-term journals
Klineberg NR NR P: Complete denture users Cochrane Database of Systematic No
et al, 200720 I/C: BBO, LO, CG, GF Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of
(Australia) O: Patient satisfaction, speech, Controlled Trials, Database of Abstracts
mastication, appearance, comfort of Reviews of Effectiveness, ACP Journal
Club, Ovid PreMedline, Ovid Medline,
Embase, and Australasian Medical Index
Lemos et al, Yes (PRISMA) Yes P: Complete denture users Pubmed, Scopus, Cochrane Library, and English
201821 (Brazil) I: BBO manual search in journals
O: Quality of life, patient satisfaction,
masticatory performance, and muscle
Maddula et al, NR NR P: Complete denture users PubMed, Cochrane Library, Google English
201822 (India) I/C: BBO, LO, and CG search, manual search in journals, and
O: Masticatory ability, denture retention, reference lists of reviews.
and stability
Patel et al, Yes (PRISMA) NR P: Complete denture users PubMed, EBSCOHost, Cochrane Library, English
201811 I:BBO CENTRAL database, Google Scholar, and
(United C: CG reference lists of included studies.
Kingdom) O: Functional ability and quality of life
Sutton et al, Yes (Cochrane) Yes P: Complete denture users Cochrane Oral Health Group Trials No
20056 (United I/C: Occlusal schemes with anatomic Register, Cochrane Central Register of
Kingdom) teeth, nonanatomic teeth, zero-degree Controlled Trials, PubMed, OLDMEDLINE,
teeth EMBASE, ZETOC, SIGLE, SCI, reference
O: Patient satisfaction, comfort, lists and personal contact via e-mail.
masticatory function, masticatory
efficiency, adverse effects, and cost
Zhang et al, NR NR P: Complete denture users Library of controlled clinical trials, English and
201423 (China) I: LO Cochrane Library, PubMed, EMBASE, Chinese
C: BBO CNKI, Wanfang, CBM, and manual search
O: Patient satisfaction, masticatory in journals.
ability, retention, stability, esthetic,
masticatory efficiency, number of
Zhao et al, NR NR P: Complete denture users PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, English and
20137 (China) I/C: AO, BBO, CG, LO, and MO CBM, CNKI, previous reviews on the topic Chinese
O: Patient satisfaction, masticatory and their reference list, and manual
ability, retention, and stability search in journals

BBO, bilateral balanced occlusion; CASP, Critical Appraisal Skills Program; CEBM, Centers for Evidence-Based Medicine; CG, canine guidance; GF, group function; GRADE, Grading of
Recommendations Assessment; LO, lingualized occlusion; MO, monoplane occlusion; NP, not performed; NR, not reported; PICO, Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome; PRISMA,
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses Statement; PROSPERO, International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews Database; RCT, randomized clinical trial;
ROB, Risk-of-bias Tool for Randomized Trials; ROB 2, Risk-of-bias Tool for Randomized Trials 2. *Represents information collected after contacting authors by email.

removable denture or implants.19,20 However, as the re- or meta-analysis or evaluated the certainty of evidence
views met the inclusion criteria, and the results of interest with the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment,
for this overview were reported separately, to allow data Development, and Evaluations (GRADE) tool. Searches
extraction, none of these were excluded. None of the in the included reviews were conducted in electronic
included systematic reviews presented statistical analysis databases (including register platforms in some of the


- 2021 5

Table 1. (Continued) Description of included systematic reviews

Number and
Design of Included Quality of Included Meta-
Search Period Studies Risk of Bias Primary Studies analysis GRADE Conclusion by the Authors
Up to January 11 studies (9 cross- NP NP NP NP BBO, LO, and CG are preferable
2012 over, 2 prospective) to flat teeth arranged in MO. LO
is beneficial for patients with
resorbed ridges.

Up to May 2020 18 studies (11 Cochrane Low = 9 NP NP CG is better than BBO, LO, and
crossover, 4 RCTs, 3 Handbook* Moderate = 8 MO.
clinical trials) Newcastle- High = 1

Up to 17 studies (RCTs) RoB 2 Low = 16 NP NP BBO, LO, and CG present similar

September NR = 1 results. LO can be helpful in
2019 resorbed ridges.

Up to 15 studies (1 RCT, 2 NP NP NP NP LO is better than other occlusal

September systematic reviews, schemes.
2006 11 N-RCTs)

Up to October 17 studies (11 RCTs, RoB and Low = 11 NP NP BBO and CG present satisfactory
2017 6 Newcastle- Moderate = 2 results. However, LO can be
Prospective) Ottawa High = 4 considered a predictable
occlusal scheme for complete

NR 5 studies (3 RCTs, 1 NP NR NP NP LO had better results with

cross-over, 1 complete dentures when
in vitro) compared with BBO and CGO.

NR 6 studies (2 CASP, CEBM, Moderate = 2 NP NP BBO and CG present similar and

uncontrolled study, RoB High* = 4 satisfactory results.
4 crossover, 1 Unknown = 1
systematic review)
Up to 1 study (RCT) Cochrane Tool High = 1 NP NP LO is better than MO occlusal
November 2004 scheme.

Up to October 5 studies (4 RCTs, 1 Jadad scale Low = 4 NP NP BBO and LO present similar
2013 prospective) High = 1 positive results; however, LO is
beneficial for patients with
resorbed ridges.

Up to April 2012 7 studies (RCTs) Independent NR NP NP BBO, LO, and CG are preferable
Tool to MO occlusal scheme.

reviews), reference lists of included studies, and a manual requirements and were classified as of low11,21 or criti-
search in journals. cally low quality.7,17-20,22,23 From the 10 included sys-
The AMSTAR 2 results are detailed in Figure 2. One tematic reviews, only 2 had a written review protocol.6,21
review fulfilled AMSTAR 2 criteria (except the meta- Most of the reviews did not conduct a comprehensive
analysis items) and was classified as of moderate qual- search7,11,17,18,20,22,23 and failed to explain the design of
ity.6 The other 9 reviews did not meet most of the the included studies.11,17-23 Study selection and data


6 Volume - Issue -

Bhambhani et al., 2020

Klineberg et al., 2007

Maddula et al., 2018

Ahmed et al., 2021

Sutton et al., 2005

Lemos et al., 2018

Zhang et al., 2014

Zhao et al., 2013

Patel et al., 2018
Abduo, 2013
Item 1: Research questions and inclusion criteria included PICO

Item 2: Protocol registered prior to the conduct of the review

Item 3: Explanation of the selection of study designs for inclusion

Item 4: Adequacy of the literature search

Item 5: Study selection performed in duplicate

Item 6: Data extraction performed in duplicate

Item 7: List and justification for excluding studies

Item 8: Studies included described in adequate detail

Item 9: ROB from individual studies being included in the review

Item 10: Reporting sources of funding for studies included in the review

Item 11: Appropriate statistical analyses for meta-analysis

Item 12: Assessment of potential impact of ROB on meta-analysis results

Item 13: Consideration of ROB when interpreting the results of the review

Item 14: Heterogeneity satisfactorily explained and discussed

Item 15: Assessment of presence and impact of publication bias

Item 16: Reporting of potential conflicts of interest and review funding

Critically low

Critically low

Critically low

Critically low

Critically low

Critically low

Critically low

Confidence in the results of the review

Yes Partial yes No No meta-analysis Only RCTs

Figure 2. AMSTAR 2 methodological evaluation of included systematic reviews. Bubbles filled with 2 different colors represent different answers for
subitems of question 9. * Represents information collected after contacting authors by email. AMSTAR, A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic

extraction were not conducted (or not reported to have The summary indicated that the occlusal scheme may
been conducted) in duplicate in 417,18,20,22 and 7 re- influence the clinical performance (both objective and
views,11,17-22 respectively. Six reviews did not provide a subjective) of and patient satisfaction with conventional
list of potentially eligible studies that were excluded and complete dentures (Fig. 3). Some systematic reviews
the reasons for exclusion,11,17-20,22 5 reviews did not showed that bilateral balanced occlusion obtained satis-
describe the included studies in adequate or partially factory results in clinical performance7 and patient
adequate details,11,17,18,20,23 and 9 reviews did not pro- satisfaction,7,17 as well as canine guidance.19 However,
vide information on sources of funding of the primary lingualized occlusion can have a positive effect when
studies.7,11,17-23 Although 7 reviews assessed the risk of compared with the other occlusal schemes when evalu-
bias of individual primary studies,6,7,11,17,19,21,23 only 2 ated by objective methods,17,18,20-22 especially for pa-
reviews used appropriate tools for the assessment of all tients with resorbed ridges. In addition, lingualized
included studies.6,7 Two reviews considered the risk of occlusion can also improve subjective clinical perfor-
bias of individual studies when discussing the review mance7,21,22 and patient satisfaction.6,7,21,22 Conversely,
results,6,11 and 4 provided a satisfactory explanation of monoplane occlusion had a negative effect on both
the heterogeneity of primary studies.6,7,19,21 Seven re- clinical performance7,18 and patient satisfaction.6,7,18,21
views reported sources of funding or declared no po- Group function presented mainly inconclusive
tential conflict of interest.6,17,18,21-23 results.7,11,17,18,22


- 2021 7

Objective Evaluation of Clinical Performance Subjective Evaluation of Clinical Performance

5 5
6 10 2
Positive 10 3* 1* 2 Positive 10
6 2

2 1 4 10 1
2 1
3* 3* Neutral 9* 5
9 9 3 7 5
2 5
5 4 1
1* 3* 5 3*
Neutral 1* 3* 1*
9* 1 9 3 10 3
1* 4 1
9 7 7 6 10 1
Negative 6

Negative 6 7
10 6 9 4


























Patient Satisfaction Systematic reviews included:

1. Abduo, 2013 7. Patel et al, 2018
Positive 3 8 2 2
10 2. Ahmed et al, 2021 8. Sutton et al, 2005
7 9 2 5
3. Bhambhani et al, 2020 9. Zhang et al, 2014
5 1*
4 4. Klineberg et al, 2007 10. Zhao et al, 2013
Neutral 9* 2 1 3 1 3
9 9* 1*
1 3 10 7 5. Lemos et al, 2018 * Resorbed ridges

8 6. Maddula et al, 2018
Negative 6 6 1

Inconclusive 3* 7 3* 4
1* 7 9
3* 1 6


















Amstar overall confidence:
Moderate Low Critically low

Figure 3. Summary of quantitative data. Bubble plot shows classification of included systematic review results for each occlusal scheme when
compared with others. A, For objective evaluation of clinical performance. B, For subjective evaluation of clinical performance. C, For patient
satisfaction. Systematic reviews classified as “positive” indicates superiority of occlusal scheme compared with others in evaluated outcomes; “neutral”
indicates similar results between occlusal schemes; “negative” indicates inferiority of occlusal scheme compared with others; “inconclusive” indicates
systematic review that included primary studies evaluating such occlusal scheme but did not reach a final conclusion about this scheme. Each bubble’s
diameter correlates with number of randomized clinical trial and nonrandomized clinical trial primary studies included in each systematic review.
Bubble’s color represents their AMSTAR 2 results. * Indicates systematic reviews that considered ridge condition in their results. AMSTAR, A
MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews; BBO, bilateral balanced occlusion; CG, canine guidance; GF, group function; LO, lingualized occlusion;
MO, monoplane occlusion.

DISCUSSION carefully considered because of the low quality of the

included systematic reviews.
This overview showed that the occlusal scheme for Patient satisfaction and ability to use the dentures are
conventional complete dentures may influence clinical necessary for treatment success. The tooth arrangement
performance and patient satisfaction. Lingualized occlu- and the relationship between antagonistic teeth should
sion schemes tended to deliver more positive outcomes provide occlusal harmony and influence patient accep-
than other occlusal schemes for clinical performance and tance.8 Concerning patient satisfaction, previous re-
patient satisfaction. However, the results should be views6,7,21,22 reported the superiority of lingualized


8 Volume - Issue -

occlusion because of its minor denture dislocation and for patients with severe ridge resorption than the other
greater penetration of bolus during mastication, schemes.17,18,20 Lingualized occlusion probably reduces
improving denture stability.14 These advantages could be lateral forces, centralizes the vertical force on residual
attributed to the lingualized occlusal force and, hence, a mandibular ridges, distributes the masticatory force, and
lingualized occlusion mechanical property.13 Similarly, promotes denture stability.9,10,18 Nonetheless, the re-
bilateral balanced occlusion also demonstrated benefits views included studies with different classifications and
related to the stability and comfort of the dentures, which degrees of resorbed ridges.14,17,18,20,23 Not standardizing
may be associated with the bilateral balancing contacts the ridge form can be considered a limitation because
during eccentric movements.7,17 In contrast, the mono- the width, height, and condition of the ridge interfere in
plane occlusion scheme showed lower rates of patient the clinical performance and play an essential role in the
satisfaction than the other schemes.6,7,18,21 Patients with treatment outcome.
flat cusps reported dissatisfaction with mastication, pre- Some studies reported no difference among the
senting higher masticatory effort to penetrate food and occlusal schemes for both clinical performance and pa-
needing more chairside corrections.16,21 This occlusal tient satisfaction.7,11,17,18,20,21,23 Differences in the eval-
scheme also provided impaired esthetics and, therefore, uation method, patient age, ridge condition,
lower patient satisfaction.7 Bilateral balanced occlusion, maxillomandibular relationship, follow-up period, and
canine guidance, and lingualized occlusion were adaptation of patients to dentures may have confounded
considered esthetic by the patients because of the natural the results.4,23 The comparison between different occlusal
appearance of the anatomic and semi-anatomical pos- schemes in primary studies and the way comparison
terior teeth.19,22 groups were established may have benefited one occlusal
Bilateral balanced occlusion has been reported to be scheme over the other.
the ideal occlusal scheme as it promotes better mastica- The critically low methodological quality observed in
tory efficiency owing to its simultaneous occlusal contacts most of the included reviews demonstrated the presence
during excursion movements.14 Nonetheless, in most of of methodological issues, which may have affected out-
the included studies, bilateral balanced occlusion did not comes. The main problem identified was the absence of
improve clinical performance in relation to other meta-analysis, which downgraded the methodological
schemes.6,11,17,18,20,23 Lingualized occlusion dentures quality. In addition, the AMSTAR 2 tool also addresses
obtained better objective and subjective clinical perfor- whether the review authors discussed the relationship
mance, being more straightforward to achieve than between the risk of bias and the results obtained and
bilateral balanced occlusion.7,21,22 Lingualized occlusion explains how the heterogeneity of the data interfered
results in less mastication effort because of the contact with the results. Unfortunately, few of the review authors
between the cusps of opposing teeth and, consequently, carried out this discussion and, therefore, received a
less masticatory muscle activation and mastication time negative assessment by AMSTAR 2 on this issue.
than the other designs, assuming that lingualized oc- Furthermore, the information requested by AMSTAR 2,
clusion dentures are more stable.22 including inclusion criteria based on the study design,
Canine guidance also facilitates fabrication and provides restriction justification for inclusion of studies, and
mastication efficiency. According to the summary of results, statement of the funding sources, was not reported in
canine guidance presented mainly neutral (similar) out- most of the included reviews. Thus, even though the
comes comparable with bilateral balanced. Canine guid- AMSTAR 2 tool has been widely used, some authors are
ance is indicated for patients without excessive bone unaware that the absence of specific data disclosure in-
resorption and allows for modification and occlusal fluences the methodological quality of the systematic
adjustment when required.19 Unfortunately, it was impos- review and the reproducibility and reliability of the results
sible to compare group function with the other schemes as obtained.
most of the included reviews presented inconclusive results The results from systematic reviews on the influ-
for this scheme without discussing outcomes.7,11,17,18,22 In ence of occlusal schemes on the clinical performance
addition, the data from group function were analyzed with of and patient satisfaction with complete dentures
canine guidance in some of the reviews,18,22 impairing were critically and methodologically appraised. How-
further conclusions on this occlusal scheme. ever, the low methodological quality, the nonassess-
Although studies have reported that the stability and ment of certainty of the evidence, and the presence of
success of the dentures can be affected by the conditions methodological heterogeneity are limitations for the
of the mandibular ridge,3,12 only 4 included systematic present overview. These limitations did not allow
reviews evaluated the relationship between ridge statistical analysis or the establishment of an accurate
resorption and selection of the occlusal scheme.17,18,20,23 and reliable conclusion. Therefore, to perform quan-
According to objective evaluation methods, lingualized titative analysis, provide reproducible results, and
occlusion showed better results in masticatory efficiency establish the best treatment option for the patient, it


- 2021 9

is essential to standardize the evaluation methods and 5. Peck CC. Biomechanics of occlusion-implications for oral rehabilitation.
J Oral Rehabil 2016;43:205-14.
conduct well-designed clinical trials with well- 6. Sutton AF, Glenny AM, McCord JF. Interventions for replacing missing teeth:
established inclusion criteria, to have similar ridge denture chewing surface designs in edentulous people. Cochrane Database
Syst Rev 2005;25:CD004941.
resorption across participants, adequate sample size, 7. Zhao K, Mai QQ, Wang XD, Yang W, Zhao L. Occlusal designs on masti-
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10 Volume - Issue -

Corresponding author: CRediT authorship contribution statement

Dr Valentim A. R. Barão Maria Helena Rossy Borges: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation,
Department of Prosthodontics and Periodontology Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing e original draft, Project administration.
University of Campinas (UNICAMP) Luís Fernando Bandeira Miranda: Methodology, Validation, Formal analysis,
Piracicaba Dental School Investigation, Writing e original draft, Project administration. Caroline Dini:
Av Limeira, 901, Piracicaba Formal analysis, Writing e review & editing, Visualization. Guido Artemio
Sao Paulo 13414-903 Marañón-Vásquez: Methodology, Writing e review & editing. Marcela Bar-
BRAZIL aúna Magno: Methodology, Writing e review & editing. Lucianne Cople
Email: Maia: Methodology, Writing e review & editing, Supervision. Valentim A.R.
Barão: Conceptualization, Writing e review & editing, Supervision, Funding
Acknowledgments acquisition.
The authors thank Heloisa Maria Ceccotti, librarian, for her support in the search
strategy construction. The authors also thank the correspondent authors Drs
Cleidiel A. A. Lemos, Jaafar Abduo, Jaymit Patel, and Naseer Ahmed who kindly Copyright © 2021 by the Editorial Council for The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
provided information from their studies.


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