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100 irregular verbs along with their past tense forms:

1. Arise - Arose 2. Awake - Awoke 3. Be - Was/were 4. Bear - Bore 5. Beat

- Beat 6. Become - Became 7. Begin - Began 8. Bend - Bent 9. Bet - Bet 10.
Bid - Bid 11. Bind - Bound 12. Bite - Bit 13. Bleed - Bled 14. Blow - Blew
15. Break - Broke 16. Bring - Brought 17. Build - Built 18. Buy - Bought 19.
Cast - Cast 20. Catch - Caught 21. Choose - Chose 22. Cling - Clung 23.
Come - Came 24. Cost - Cost 25. Creep - Crept 26. Cut - Cut 27. Deal - Dealt
28. Dig - Dug 29. Do - Did 30. Draw - Drew 31. Dream - Dreamt 32. Drink -
Drank 33. Drive - Drove 34. Eat - Ate 35. Fall - Fell 36. Feed - Fed 37. Feel -
Felt 38. Fight - Fought 39. Find - Found 40. Flee - Fled 41. Fly - Flew 42.
Forbid - Forbade 43. Forget - Forgot 44. Forgive - Forgave 45. Freeze - Froze
46. Get - Got 47. Give - Gave 48. Go - Went 49. Grind - Ground 50. Grow -
Grew 51. Hang - Hung 52. Have - Had 53. Hear - Heard 54. Hide - Hid 55.
Hit - Hit 56. Hold - Held 57. Hurt - Hurt 58. Keep - Kept 59. Know - Knew
60. Lay - Laid 61. Lead - Led 62. Learn - Learnt 63. Leave - Left 64. Lend -
Lent 65. Let - Let 66. Lie - Lay 67. Light - Lit 68. Lose - Lost 69. Make -
Made 70. Mean - Meant 71. Meet - Met 72. Pay - Paid 73. Put - Put 74. Read
- Read 75. Ride - Rode 76. Ring - Rang 77. Rise - Rose 78. Run - Ran 79.
Say - Said 80. See - Saw 81. Seek - Sought 82. Sell - Sold 83. Send - Sent 84.
Set - Set 85. Shake - Shook 86. Shine - Shone 87. Shoot - Shot 88. Show -
Showed 89. Shrink - Shrank 90. Shut - Shut 91. Sing - Sang 92. Sink - Sank
93. Sit - Sat 94. Sleep - Slept 95. Slide - Slid 96. Speak - Spoke 97. Spend -
Spent 98. Stand - Stood 99. Steal - Stole 100. Swim - Swam

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