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Improving English Speaking

Skills through Intuitive

Learning Methodology

Galih Razzaq P
This research study aims to investigate the effectiveness of interactive learning strategies
in improving English speaking proficiency among non-native English speakers. The focus of
the study is to address the challenges faced by English learners in expressing themselves
fluently and confidently in spoken English within an academic and professional context. The
research methodology includes a case study approach, combining qualitative and
quantitative data collection techniques. The study involves a group of non-native English
speakers attending an English language course, where interactive learning strategies such
as role plays, debates and group discussions are implemented. Pre- and post-tests,
interviews, and participant observations are used to measure the participants' speaking
proficiency and gain insights into their learning experiences. The findings of this research
study will contribute to the field of language education by providing evidence-based
strategies to enhance English speaking skills and enable learners to effectively
communicate in international academic and professional settings.
The ability to communicate effectively in spoken English is crucial for
individuals seeking to excel in international academic and professional
environments. However, non-native English speakers often face
challenges in expressing themselves fluently and confidently, impeding
their academic and professional growth. To address this issue, this
research study aims to explore the efficacy of interactive learning
strategies in enhancing English speaking proficiency.

By employing interactive activities such as role plays, debates, and

group discussions, learners can engage actively in the language
learning process and develop their speaking skills in a supportive
and collaborative environment. This research study seeks to provide
valuable insights into the effectiveness of these strategies and their
impact on non-native English speakers’ ability to communicate
effectively in academic and professional contexts.
This research study utilizes a case study
approach, focusing on a group of non-native Additionally, interviews will be conducted
English speakers attending an English to gather subjective feedback from the
language course. The study incorporates participants regarding their perceptions of
qualitative and quantitative data collection the effectiveness of the interactive learning
techniques to gather comprehensive and in- strategies. Participant observations will also
depth insights into the participants' speaking be carried out to better understand how
proficiency and experiences with interactive the strategies are implemented and their
learning strategies. The participants will impact on the participants' engagement
undergo pre-and post-tests to assess their and motivation.
speaking skills' improvement over the course
Results and Discussion:
The research study aims to analyze the data collected from the pre-and post-tests,
interviews, and participant observations. The results will be presented and
discussed, highlighting the participants' improvement in English speaking proficiency
after the implementation of interactive learning strategies. The qualitative data from
interviews and participant observations will provide valuable insights into the
participants' perceptions of the strategies' effectiveness, engagement levels, and
experiences with the interactive activities. The findings will be discussed in the
context of existing literature on language learning and pedagogy, emphasizing the
significance of interactive learning strategies in enhancing speaking skills and
fostering effective communication in international academic and professional
This research study aims to contribute to the field of language education by providing
evidence-based strategies to enhance English speaking proficiency among non-native
English speakers. By exploring the effectiveness of interactive learning strategies, the
study seeks to offer insights into how these strategies can be incorporated into language
teaching methodologies to facilitate effective communication in academic and professional
contexts. The findings of this research study have the potential to inform language
educators and curriculum developers, enabling them to design and implement more
engaging and effective language programs that cater to the specific needs of non-native
English speakers striving to improve their speaking skills.

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