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Surviving the Desert

Dyan Manwel R. Macatanong


1. Water – First of all we need water. Water is the most important thing on the list
because I am in the desert, and without water, I will be easily exhausted because
of the heat.
2. Compass – The compass is a great tool to use in the desert. It can be used as a
guide to locate where am I.
3. Jackknife – A jackknife can be a great tool for cutting and hunting animals in the
desert. We all know that cacti can be a source of water and with a jackknife, I can
cut it and get a good amount of water to drink.
4. Book on Edible Desert Animals – This book is really helpful for me especially,
when I hunt animals and to know what kind of animals are poisonous or not.
5. Flashlight with four batteries – A flashlight can be used while hunting, fixing
something at night, and a reading book about edible desert animals. It is also useful
to give a sign that I am in the desert and maybe someone notices that there’s a
random light in the desert.
6. Overcoat – An overcoat can protect me from cold wind and maybe from the heat
too. It can also protect me from the harsh sunlight that can damage my skin.
7. Red and white parachute – Lastly, this parachute can be a good sign of SOS.
Because of the red and white color, it can easily saw above and far.

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