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Activity 1

In the essay the author argues for the use of the school uniforms by speaking about simplicity in
a life, about equality and responsibility. However, he could not convince me that wearing those
stressful uniforms at school are essential for making students responsible or equal. I feel really
bad for those kids who go to schools where they have to wear uniforms. I'm lucky I didn't go to a
uniform school, because I think that they limit self-expression. You can't really express yourself
with school uniforms, and in some schools, even if you modify a teeny-tiny bit of your uniform,
the teachers will yell at you for not "dressing properly". Also, I heard some schools only limit
their students to wearing three colors only. That just sucks because there are people who like to
express themselves, and at the same time there are people who cannot afford that amount of
money to pay that much attention to their uniforms. Hence, I believe that school uniforms are
pointless and limit self-expression.
Activity 2
Thesis statement – Physical education classes should be required for the all-public schools in all
Topic sentences…
A) Paragraph 2 (pro argument 1)
1. Exercise has maximum benefit is done regularly
2. It's a preventive measure against disease.
3. Should learn the importance of physical fitness at an early age
B) Paragraph 3 (pro argument 2)
1. Teamwork benefits
2. Healthy competition benefits
3. Keeps students away from drugs
C) Paragraph 4 – Topic sentence
Physical education teachers instruct students in a variety of physical activities relevant to curriculum
D)  Physical fitness should be compulsory in schools as it provides students with
opportunities to be healthy and active.

Activity 3
2. Unintentional shootings can be self-inflicted or inflicted by someone else and can happen
to all ages of people.
3. Stemming the flow of illegal guns into communities of color is vital to reducing
community gun violence. There are no federally licensed firearms dealers in many
communities most impacted by gun violence, yet there is often an abundance of
4. Anger may contribute to the development of a host of unhealthy patterns in relationships.
If allowed to continue unchecked, angry outbursts and threatening behaviors tend to
escalate, so even the loved ones would be the victims of those guns.
5. 6. Guns took more than 36,000 U.S. lives in 2015, and this and other alarming statistics
have led many to ask whether our nation would be better off with firearms in fewer

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