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Ans-1=The term "Foreigner" is used in a sense of a person who is not an Indian.

the medieval period it was applied to any stranger who appeared, say in a village
someone was not part
of that society or culture.In this sense a forest-dweller was an foreigner for a
city-dweller.But two peasants living in a same village were not foreigner to each
other. Even though they
may have had different religious or cast backgrounds.

Ans-2=The technological changes associated with this period are:-

*Persian wheel in irrigation.
*Spinning wheel.
*Fire-arms in combat.

Ans-3=Some of the significant religious developments occured in Hinduism.The

worship of new deities,the construction of temples by royalty and growing
importance of Brahmanas,the priests
as the dominants groups in the society were the new changes. Brahmanas importance
grew due to their knowledge of sanskrit language they are patronized by the
emperors. The idea of Bhakti
emerged among the people. The merchants and migrants brought with them the
teachings of Quaran the holy book of Muslims.

Ans-4=The meaning of term "Hindustan" has changed over the years in the following
1.In the thirteenth century Minhaj-i-siraj used the term "Hindustan". He meant the
areas of Punjab and Haryana and lands between the Ganga and Yamuna. He used this
term in a term in a
political sense that were the part of dominions of the Delhi Sultanate. This term
never included South India.
2.In the sixteenth century poet Babur used the term "Hindustan" to describe The
geography the fauna and culture of the inhabitants of the Subcontinent.
3.In the fourteenth century poet Amir khusaro used the term "Hind" in a same sense
as the babur did in the sixteenth century.
4."Hindustan" did not carry the national and political meanings as the Indian does

Ans-5=The affairs of Jatis were regulated in the following ways:-

1.Jatis formed their own rules and regulations.
2.There was an assembly of elders called Jati panchayat.
3.It enforced the rules and regulations.
4.Jatis also were directed to follow the rules of villages.
4.Several villages were goverened 0by a chieftain.

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