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As part of this quest, I chose to organize a virtual gathering with my two sisters, Jenni and Stephanie,
catching up on the latest gossip. We decided to have a video call and spent a couple of hours talking about
our lives and sharing stories. During the call, we laughed a lot and enjoyed each other's company. It was a
great way to connect and bond, even though we were not physically together. I felt happy and grateful for
the opportunity to spend time with my sisters, and it reminded me of how important social connections are
for our well-being.
b. The first concept I would like to discuss is PERMA, which stands for positive emotions, engagement,
relationships, meaning, and accomplishment. This concept relates to my quest as it highlights the
importance of positive relationships and engagement in our lives. By catching up with my sisters, I was able
to foster positive emotions and engagement in our conversation, strengthening our relationships and
finding meaning in our connection.
The second concept I would like to discuss is flow, which is a state of complete immersion in an activity,
often resulting in a feeling of energized focus and enjoyment. This concept relates to my quest as it
emphasizes the importance of being present in the moment and fully engaging in the activity. During our
virtual gathering, I was fully immersed in our conversation, and I felt a sense of enjoyment and connection
that made me feel more positive and energized.
c. Completing this quest has had a significant impact on my well-being. Connecting with my sisters, even
virtually, has reminded me of the importance of social connections for my emotional and mental health. The
act of catching up and gossiping helped me to relieve stress and enjoy some light-hearted moments with
people I care about. It also helped me to feel more connected and supported, which is important for my
overall well-being. Additionally, organizing this virtual gathering helped me to feel more confident and
empowered, as I took the initiative to reach out and plan the activity. Overall, completing this quest has
left me feeling more positive, connected, and fulfilled.
- Our Virtual Gathers -

Melanie MacNaughtan
Psychology of Play
Ques#1t week 2-
Get Connected
1. Introduction
2. About us
3. Virtual Gather

Contents 4. Conclusions
Introduction this week with the quest i have
choosen to part take in the "Get
Connected" quest. I have done
Virtual gathering with my sister
Jenni. She located with my other
sister in Las Vegas NV.This is how we
have had to gathered for the last 2-
3 years. social connection is a must
to have a heathly balance i feel. i
have to have talks with my sisters of
all that goes on!
About Us
About Us

Middle Sister
My Oldest Sister The Baby Sister
Once apon 3 Sisters....A Little About Us!
Two shining Lights of influential
guidance’s are my loving sisters. Even
being ten and twelve years older than
me, I've learned from them while
always striving to become amazing
mothers, friends, and best sisters.
Even though we are 421 miles apart, we
keep the social connection
inseparable. Social connection that I
hold with my sisters guided me through
my hard times and led me through the
most joyous mileposts side by side in
life so far.

We highly appreciate and enjoy limited

amount of time we rarely get when it’s all
three of us together. To keep our
connection we endow ourselves in the
virtual world of connection. Enjoying the
amounts of data usage between our
facetime phone calls filled with laughter
and at times some deep heartbreak, we
are always a strong triple threat that will
face anything. We all three as sisters
know come wind rain or shine, we stand by
each other to protect ignite and love each
other through any circumstance. Having a
social connection is whats built that with
Keeping in The virtual gathering went very well. it was nice to have some time seeing and talking with them.
After our review of weekly routines in our households. Followed by what’s been life
hurdles lately, then settling in some needed chuckles and giggles. I started to discuss

touch,,, some of the suggested questions that were part of the get-connected quest this week. I
noticed that our being sisters and I’m sure having the same upbringing made our answers
relatively the same. With answers being the same it made it remotely easy to carry
conversations openly to the subject at hand of discussion. We all share the same input
with the question “Who’s death do you fear most in the family?” All agreed was
subsequently said without any hesitation in conversating is our mother. When discussing
that question the social connection at that time felt heavy. Feelings of love and happy
admiration were felt when they answer questions about what they hold high gratitude for
and that’s family.

With all this talk I did also find some interesting personal facts about Jenni and Steph I did not know.
Jenni’s dream has always been to travel, though she feels she’s held back from it due to her fear of
traveling alone. I’d love to have that another conversation next time due to her being a travel nurse. I
think she’d be used to traveling due to her constant travel through work. I enjoyed Steph’s answer to
“What would be your perfect day?” She starts off with the normalized answer “Oh I love for the
weather to be nice and warm….” I and Jenni are pretty sure the rest at that point. She then finished,
“no kids fighting!” Steph has more kids out of the three of us. So it’s always fun and exciting to here
all whats happening in the craziness!

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