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1 The Paper Format

Once you have gathered your claims and supported them with evidence, you need to organize
them into a paper format with which readers of scientific research papers will be familiar. I
will describe the parts of most research papers in the order in which they typically appear in
a technical research paper.

1. Title

Procedures or Methods used to implement Artificial intelligence in Applications.

2. Abstract

Recommendation systems have become prevalent in recent years as they deal with the
information overload problem by suggesting to users the most relevant products from a
massive amount of data. For media products, online collaborative movie recommendations
make attempts to assist users to access their preferred movies by capturing precisely similar
neighbors among users or movies from their historical common ratings. However, due
to the data sparsely, neighbor selection is getting more difficult with the fast increase of
movies and users. In this paper, we will discuss some of the methods that the platforms use
to win over customers and give users a better experience.

3. Introduction

Here we are going to understand the uses of AI in applications such as Netflix, Amazon
Prime, Hulu and so on which are collectively called OTT.
OTT (over-the-top) is a means of providing television and film content over the internet at
the request and to suit the requirements of the individual consumer. In recent times there
has been an increase in popularity among the OTT Platform content and entertainment.
It is the work of these platforms to provide a seamless experience and a better service
compared to other platforms such as YouTube. To achieve this, they use AI in many ways to
help themselves and the customer for a better experience with the platform.

In this paper, we are going to discuss 2 very important methods where we use AI in these
OTT Platforms.

1. Recommendation
2. Content Availability


It refers to the algorithm which recommends the user/ consumer with suggestions based on
the choices they made earlier or throughout the event, where an event may be making an
account with the platform. As you are familiar with OTT platforms like Netflix, Amazon, and
others; the streaming features of these platforms acquire a large number of customers with
high rates of user trust and retention. The goal for these platforms will be to keep the
customers engaged on the platform which will intern make them more money. This is
important because these platforms also produce their shows where knowing what the user
prefers will save them a lot of money and reduce the risk factor of producing these shows.

Content Availability:

Most of the users on these platforms prefer the content to not buffer despite the popularity
of the show, so the platforms have to use AI to figure out how to reduce these buffer times
with the users so that they can enjoy the content better. This is also an important factor
because if the content takes time to load the user might prefer other sites where the content
is quick and fast. So, these platforms run the AI models to decide which content to put on the
servers in each country and what content should be placed in each server in this way the
customer will be able to get less buffer on the content and quick access to this content which
will give an edge against its competitors.

4. Solution


Both Netflix and Amazon have implemented AI and ML into their applications that examine
the customer’s decision based on age, gender, location, and preferences. The technology
based on the customer’s choices then suggests the most popular alternatives in their watch
playlist or that individuals with similar tastes have watched.

Giving users insight into what they would require next has turned out to be the secret of the
success of some of the top brands in the world – Amazon, Flipkart, and Netflix, amongst
others, have been using Artificial Intelligence backed power for a very long time now. This is
an amazingly popular technology for streaming services and is currently being executed in
numerous other applications.

Sites like Netflix and Amazon pay specific users or rather testers to write the tags for the
content that they put on their platforms so that it is rather easy for the AI to generate a
model-based number of tags and give recommendations based on these that's such as the
content that has the similar or same tags as the existing or the consumed content. here we
can take two different approaches

1. In this approach we recommend the new content based on the user’s experience with
the content for example if a user has Watch Harry Potter a few months ago the
recommended suggestions would be magic-based or fantasy fiction etc.
2. In this approach we take the user’s choices of movies and content and match them
with the other’s choice of content so a possible outcome could be calculated based on
the choices of the other users

Content Switching:

In content switching the OTP platforms like Netflix and Amazon prime pay near the internet
ISP providers where they can get their content quickly compared to other platforms, they pay
a royalty or service charge to this is to provide us to put their content on the service to the

nearest hub so that the users can get the content quickly and without buffer. But this is also a
costly choice because the subscription for the service charge for the ISP providers is high so
they have to find the correct content that the users require in that particular area near the
So based on the location such as States countries etc. In these countries, they will put the
content that is popular in that particular Area on the servers and quickly change the content
based on the trends in the entertainment world. And based on the local predictions these
models can predict which content to put in a particular location so that the users will not
have a traffic or buffer for content.
Many movies and shows are geo-locked which means they are only available in some
countries and not in all countries despite the account and the subscription in this way the
platform owners can make more money if a user from a different country request the content
of another country and they have to make this choice carefully and not to anger the users or
lose subscribers for their OTP platform

5. About the Question

These applications are web content streaming platforms across the world where they stream
content from all over the world and make it available for everyone, they use various services
across the countries to get the content quicker and at high quality. These platforms are
probably made using react or JavaScript or Python and Django so that these can be easily
melted so that the data can be easily collected and put in the database for the ai models to run
and predict better outcomes.

6. Discussion and Future Work

Model-based CF uses user article reviews to learn a model, which is then used to generate
online predictions. Clustering and dimension reduction techniques are commonly used in
model-based approaches to solving the data reduction problem. Scarcity issues arise due to
insufficient data to assess user history and worsen with the dramatic growth in the number
of users and articles.

Additionally, high-dimensional rating data can make it difficult to extract interesting common
users from the similarity calculation, leading to poor recommendations. In the literature,
there are many recommender systems based on models developed by clustering algorithms,
such as K-Means and self-organizing maps (SOM). The purpose of clustering is to divide users
into different groups to form "like-minded people". (nearest) neighbors instead of searching
the entire user space, which can greatly improve system scalability. Cluster-based
recommender systems have been shown to outperform simple CF-based systems in
prediction efficiency and quality.

The k-means algorithm is one of the most commonly used clustering approaches due to its
simplicity, flexibility, and computation efficiency especially considering large amounts of
data. K-means iteratively computes k cluster centers to assign objects to the nearest cluster
based on a distance measure. When center points have no more change, the clustering
algorithm comes to convergence

7. Conclusion

In this modern data world companies and platforms are using everyday data and choices
we make on their websites to predict the outcomes or trends and recommend new movies,
shows and content based on various choices using AI Data model predictions. These moves
made by platforms will help both the users and the companies by recommending better
content and for companies by getting the correct or close approximation of what type of
content is in trend and which type of content needs to be produced.

8. References

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