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What have you done for this day?

(What have you done for this day?  What have you done, done. What have you done for this
day, what have you done for this day)
What have you done for the day your body is laid onto a bed of dirt, mud and clay, in a hole
that is cold, dark and grey 6 feet deep only to be locked away. As your family gathers outside to
pray. They say their goodbyes and cry until they can no longer stay, you hear their footsteps
slowly fade .Until you come to realize.  That you are now all alone in your grave. The silence
sinks in until you are suddenly faced, by two angels who sit you up in your place. Asking, who is
your Lord, who is your Prophet and what is your faith? What will you say? 
(What have you done for this day When you take your last breath and now you’re down in
your Grave Angels asking questions are you prepared for what you say What have you done
for this day What have you done for this day )
On the day the trumpet is blown and our bodies are raised out of our graves and onto the
plains under the sun without any shade, barefoot and naked with nothing to cover our shame.
On the day we stand sweaty and scared from terrors of which no one is spared. Terrors so
frightening that even a child is left grey-haired¹   I mean what have you prepared?   For the day
a mother abandons her young² a father will flee from his son, and everyone will panic and
run As though they are drunk but they are not drunk  ‫ولكن عذاب هللا شديد‬     . Rather the
punishment of Allah is severe 
(What have you done for this day?)
  On the day the scales are brought? And our works are weighed The books are dispersed And
our deeds are displayed Every major every minor Every action that was made And Even if it was
an atom It will be written in a page³   On the day all is revealed And all secrets are leaked Our
lips will be sealed And our limbs will speak From our hands to our feet⁴ Bearing witness of all
we used to reap. On the day the Fire’s exposed for all to see⁵ Causing all of mankind to drop to
its knees⁶ trembling and weak, begging God Please, If you just take us back we’d be of those
who believe⁷  
(What have you done for this day?)
 For the day Paradise is brought near⁸ towards the pious and towards the sincere for them is no
sadness for them is no fear for them is a life of everlasting happiness and cheer so will you be of
those in Al- Jannah or those in Al-Sa’eer (The Blaze)
What have u done…what have u done for this day..
  (What have you done for this day?  What have you done, done, what have you done what
have you done foe this day)
 On a day we take the Siraat over the Blaze, and tread on a path, thinner than a hair yet
sharper than a blade. Will you be of those who fall or those who are saved?    ‫يوم يعض الظالم على‬
‫يديه‬   On a day an oppressor will bite on his hands scream out and say “How I wish I had taken
with the Messenger a way⁹ How I wish I never took such a friend For he led me astray How I
wish I was of those who obeyed¹¹   What have you done for this day?   AKA the Day of
Judgement, the Day of Regret. The Day of Resurrection also known as the Day of
Recompense So if you hear these words, I urge you to stop and reflect. Take a moment to pause
and repent. Make an intention to make some amends, and ponder this question again and
again until you reach the very end.  
 (What have I done for this day? What have you done, done, what have you for this day,
what have you done for this day)

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