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BRADDOM - Acceleration/deceleration = shearing injury to brain

tissue, disruption of blood vessels, and retinal bleeding

- alteration in brain function/evidence of brain - Blast plus: < 1 one type of injury at a time
pathology caused by an external force
- open/closed Pathophysiology
- suspected/indicated 1. Primary injury
 significant blow to the head and/or alteration or loss of  Conjunction c mechanical forces that cause disruption
consciousness at the time of injury to the brain issue
- head injury  Contact forces: head is prevented from moving after it
 blow to the head/laceration that may occur s causing is struck
injury to the brain  Inertial forces: head is set into motion and results in
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)  C angular acceleration = DAI
- gold standard  Angular acceleration- brain’s
- levels center of gravity moves over a
 mild= 13-15 center of angulation, or fulcrum,
 moderate= 9-12 located in the lower to middle
 severe= 3-8 cervical region
- Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale (PGCS)  DAI
o Corpus callosum often
Posttraumatic Amnesia affected
- Loss of memory for events surrounding the injury, o Associated c loss of
disorientation, confusion, and significant cognitive consciousness and coma
impairment  C translation acceleration= contusion
 Cortical contusion
Violence o often occur in gyral crests
- Firearm use: leading cause of death from TBI (frontal & anterior
Child abuse temporal lobes)
- Shaken baby syndrome and inflicted childhood
 Contusion  Intracellular calcium influx and release
o Coup: under the impact site of Ca++  cellular death
o Countercoup: remote from the injury site and Concomitant injury
opposite of the impact
Military Blast Injury
o Primary: direct effects of overpressure blast
o DAI and focal contusions = neuronal disconnection or o Secondary: penetrating trauma
diaschisis o Tertiary: effects of structural collapse and person being
o Hematomas thrown by the blast wind
o Epidural hematoma (EDHs) o Quaternary: asphyxia, and exposure to toxic inhalants
 Local impact and subsequent laceration
of underlying dural veins and arteries Mild TBI
 Meningeal artery (common source) - At least once of the ff:
o Subdural hematomas (SDHs)  Confusion
 Inertial forces and tearing of bridging  Disorientation
veins  Loss of consciousness < 30 mins
o Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)  PTA < 24hr or other transient focal
 Angular acceleration shears vessels neurologic abnormalities
located in subarachnoid space  GCS: 13-15 after 30 mins or
presentation to a health care facility
2. Secondary injury - Cantu Colorado concussion scales
o Disruption of cerebral blood flow and
metabolism, massive release of Acute Medical Management of Moderate to Severe TBI
neurochemicals, cerebral edema, and - Elevated ICP= 20-25mmHg
disruption of ion homeostasis - Maneuvers to ICP: elevating the head of the bed 30
o Brain swelling =  ICP and CPP degrees, tx of hyperthermia, mannitol, sedation, and
o After TBI, excess EAAs present in extracellular brief hyperventilation
microdialysate and CSF -
 Trigger influx of sodium and chloride 
acute neuronal and astrocytic swelling

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