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Group 4:

1. Yulia Aptri Samsul

2. Indah Dwi
3. Novia Rahmah
4. Savitri Sulistyaningsih

Critical Approaches Final Paper

Corpus: Disney’s Cruella 2021
About Corpus: Set in 1970s London in the midst of the punk rock revolution, a young con
artist named Estella, a smart and creative girl determined to make it through her fashion
designs. She becomes friends with two young thieves who admire her love of trouble, and
together they build their own lives on the streets of London. One day, Estella's talent catches
the eye of Baroness von Hellman, an elegant and classy fashion legend. However, their
meeting sets off a chain of events and surprises that will see Estella come to terms with her
bad side and become the ruthless, fashionable and vengeful Cruella.
Previous Research:
Theory: Psychological Science Analysis
Issues: Do genetic inheritance traits really have more influence than parenting on children's
character development?
Thesis Statement: The effect of inheriting genetic traits on children's traits is greater than the
effect of parenting in the movie Cruella.

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