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Nickname: Moose
Age: 17
Family: N/A
Gender: Male
Faith: Irreligious
Ethnicity: Jamaican
Alignment: Lawful Good

Height: 5’11
Weight: 182 lbs
Race: Human
Physical Description: A toned body with tribal pattern tattoos lining
his right side, dreadlocks and goatee

Occupation: N/A
Like/Dislike: Likes freedom and music, dislikes tyrants and thieves
Ingredient preferences:
Likes Meat, Potatoes, Beans
Dislikes Olives, Canned Food, Tea
Personality Description
Moose has a strong sense of justice, believing that those who are
victimized should be saved by those with the strength to do so.
Despite this, he is a pirate. Not for the search of money or fame
like others, but in order to become strong and gain his most
personal freedom.
He is an overall chill person, being a mix of boisterous and soft
spoken as he can be serious when he wants, however mostly
being lax and uncaring even when danger is right in his face.
Fighting Style(S):
Fighting Styles
Moon Style; Using the crescent like sickle attached to
his massive gunbai, Moose switches between quick
slashes and slow moving blunt attacks with the Gunbai
in order to disorient opponents

A gunbai attached to a sickle by a chain named Tsukugiri Sensu.
Devil Fruit:
Fierce Whirlwind
Incredibly quick witted and light on his feet
Not much actual durability
Wako Moose was born in Ashuraif, his family being merchants who had
come to the island to settle down after having their entire life savings
robbed by a crew of pirates. Their life was miserable, being harassed and
robbed while Wako himself saw the people of the island having almost no
freedom at all. It sickened him, and even though his parents wanted him
to become smart and prosper for them, Wako Moose had determined his
His fate was to become a powerful pirate, so that he would be able to rule
over all of the islands and stop people from losing their freedom. With
that, he set off on a small dinghy and began to fight whoever he could,
constantly telling himself he did it for his family and the people of the
island. Throughout his journeys, he pilfered his iconic Tsukugiri Sensu
from a lone pirate.
Wako Moose’s journey has only started, now he’s intent on finishing the
job he should have started a long while ago.

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