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Parents and teachers need to work together in harmony, we all have the same goal: to
help make our kids’ lives better. Today, we’re conducting theking and Queen of
hearts coronation day. Without further ado, this is Kristine Joy T. Raguirag, Grades 1
& 2 class Adviser greeting you a blessed and a wonderful afternoon to each and every
one of us. So to start with, may we all rise and be one in mind, body and spirit as we
praise and thank our Almighty God for all his graces and blessings through a
prayer. (Prayer )
Father God in Heaven, we thank you for this day that you had given us to
celebrate the king and queen of hearts 2023 and for our School Parent-Teacher
Association’s General meeting. Thank you for the fair weather and for the presence of
everyone. We pray and commit unto you O God this first program to become a
success. We ask for your blessings and guidance Lord and wisdom for everyone May
it be dear Lord that whatever part of this program we have today and every agenda,
we can tackle orderly and successfully. Give us a cooperative heart and understanding
O God for the benefit of our school, every pupil and the community as well.

Be with us all trough out Lord, keep us safe and asking forgiveness in the our
Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


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