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Mark John D.


10 Activity 1
Complete the diagram of a DSS for an airline industry using the given information below. Provide an
explanation below your diagram.


Business Models Flight Trend


Airline Market
DSS Flight Promos

Organizational Impact Sales and Revenue

Assessment Targets

Flight Pricing Proposals


A decision support system (DSS) is a computer-based information system that assists decision-makers in
the resolution of semi-structured and unstructured situations. A DSS can be used to support a wide range
of decisions in the airline sector, including business model development. A DSS can be used to collect and
evaluate data on market trends, competition, and customer behavior. This data can then be utilized to
create and improve business models. A DSS can be used to monitor market trends, competitiveness, and
customer behavior in the airline industry. This data can then be used to make smart pricing, marketing,
and operations decisions. Assessment of organizational impact: A DSS can be used to evaluate the possible
impact of changes to an airline's business model or operations. This data can then be used to make sound
strategic and resource allocation decisions. Monitoring flight trends: A DSS can be used to track passenger
demand, revenue potential, and cost considerations. This data can then be utilized to discover
opportunities for increasing profitability. Flight promotions: A DSS can be used to develop, assess, and
track the success of flight promotions. Targets for sales and revenue: A DSS can be used to forecast sales
and revenue as well as identify possibilities for improvement. A DSS can be used to establish pricing plans
that maximize revenue and profitability for flights. A DSS can assist airlines in making better decisions
about their business models, operations, and pricing by offering data, analysis, and modeling capabilities.
Here are some more advantages of adopting a DSS in the airline industry: Better decision-making: A DSS
can assist airlines in making better decisions by offering access to data, analysis, and modeling capabilities.
This can result in increased efficiency, profitability, and customer satisfaction. Increased agility A DSS can
assist airlines in responding to market developments more quickly. This can assist them in staying ahead
of the competition and capitalizing on fresh chances. Cost savings: A DSS can help airlines save money by
automating processes. This can free up resources that can be put to better use elsewhere in the firm.
Overall, a DSS may be an extremely useful tool for airlines of all sizes. A DSS can help airlines make better
decisions, enhance agility, and cut costs by providing data, analysis, and modeling capabilities.

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